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Think I Saw Either a UFO or a Secret Military Aircraft Last Night

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posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:04 AM
So I'm walking home from dinner around 9pm last night. I live in west Los Angeles, near the Bundy & Santa Monica intersection. I'm walking down hill on a suburb street that goes between Wilshire near the top of the hill and Santa Monica near the bottom of the hill.

Since I was walking down hill heading South I'm naturally looking up at the sky just checking things out. My gaze is sorta fixed right around 45 degrees elevation looking up at the stars when suddenly a perfect triangle with pale baby blue lights on each corner and a dull grey middle that's blocking out the sky behind it, zooms from behind me over my right shoulder, passes over head heading south, south east, (going from my right to my left) and then banks about 45 degrees to it's right and turns out over the ocean heading south west and disappears over the horizon This thing crossed the entire sky in under two seconds. Was about the size of a nickel held out at arms length and was absolutely dead silent. I mean dead silent. No contrail. No nothing. It also didn't appear to be that high up. Lower than commercial aircraft but much higher than say a helicopter or a RC plane.

I thought to my self this thing sorta moves like an RC plane but it was too big. way too high and much too fast. And also dead quiet. If it was an RC plane it would have to have been a few hundred feet over head and making noise with the size it was. Also the lights it had seemed to be going behind a few low wispy clouds here and there that were in the sky at the time. So I'm pretty sure it was not a RC craft. I also don't really think it was a govt craft either. Over LA? Flying along the cost and then heading back out to sea?

Whatever it was it was very fast and very quiet. And there was a smoothness to how it flew. It seemed to be coming down the coast from Malibu/ Topanga area towards Long Beach but turned just before it reached LAX and then headed out to sea. One of the strangest things I've seen in a long time. Stopped me dead in my tracks and made me wonder who to tell. Opted to pass on going directly to ATS as it was getting late and I was tired. Crappy excuse I know. So I call my best friend. He instantly laughs at me for not getting any pictures. But to be honest it was traveling too fast for me to get my phone out and snap a picture and I was dumbfounded for the first half second watching it until I realized the strangeness of what I was seeing then elation hits along with adrenalin. But getting a photo was the last thing I thought about at the time.

I know what I saw was not an aircraft or an RC plane (been around plenty of those.) And it just didn't seem like it was govt for some reason. (Just a gut feeling.) Although maybe they are getting brazen enough to fly something over a city like LA. But this would have required a major, major break through in propulsion to account for its speed and stealthyness. I guarantee nobody would hear this thing flying around if it were a govt plane. And it moved so fast you would have to be lucky to even glance up and see it as it went by. I know if I had looked elsewhere for those two seconds or less I would have never seen it fly by. There was even a couple getting something out of their car a few feet away down the sidewalk and they never even noticed it too. It was that fast.

Anyone else in the southern california area see something similar last night or ever? Trying to figure out WTH I saw last night.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:08 AM
I might try and draw a picture or two and upload it later this evening when I get back from work depicting what I saw. I'm not that savvy on the computer and my drawing skills suck. But I might do that to show what I saw. Since I don't feel like I described the object adequately enough.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:08 AM

Wish I could help but I cannot!

Sadly though, get ready for "Pics or didn't happen" by others.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

Provide pictures and video please
Until then I say it was a balloon strapped to a RC plane decorated as a sun flare in the surroundings of swamp gas

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Spacespider

Yeah it was probably one of those Chinese lanterns tied in a triangle that can travel faster than sound and not leave a sonic boom.

Sadly no photos. Happened way too fast.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:22 AM
I have theeee most creepay true pic ever taken of an alien (sadly by Ipad but that should work if someone wants to check it out for hoaxes/photshop?) I can't recall any other serious paranormal pics ive taken at least NOTHING like this.
This was by pure coinicidende btw! And i really need a hand how to get it online here safe and sound. Dont want to uplode it from my computer

Bacground story: The documentary about orson wells was running on the tv, great docu btw! Was practicing with my ipad for some pics of my new home and furnishing... When i later checkd it out there is this lil gray alien down below the screen while a broadcasting radio of orson wells is beeing shown on the tv...

Please respond what i should do! the pic blows my mind... just need to get enough posts so i can start a thread.. is it 20 that are needed still?

edit on 24-4-2014 by threepwood because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2014 by threepwood because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

After reading through it and visualizing I'm guessing it was maybe a government vehicle. The reason I say that is because that is the most logical explanation. Think about it, if its top secret aircraft then chances of us seeing one is extremely low because it's exactly secret.

In your case you probably saw one. If there are 314 million people in America, and only a handful actually witness seeing one, They're doing a pretty damn good job. Makes you wonder.....Just my 2 cents S&F just because its cool either way. I have never seen anything crazy before, can't wait till I do. It'll probably be the alphabet boys then too.

edit on 24-4-2014 by Thisbseth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: threepwood

Well you should not sidetrack this thread to talk about your own..
secondly you should just press the arrow pointing down at top and press upload..

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:26 AM
Ok thanks, totally new to posting, just been a reader for a few ages, gonna get working on it then. Bit hecktick atm but in a week or 2. Now back to OPS story

edit on 24-4-2014 by threepwood because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:32 AM
Did you get a feeling if it was backengineered or not? Almost 0% to none reports over here after the 50s or so... so I have no experience with sightings
And for the record I dont care that much about pics or it didnt happen, you seem to be telling a true story

edit on 24-4-2014 by threepwood because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2014 by threepwood because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2014 by threepwood because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:42 AM
Hhmm never mind read the entire post now, uploading a few sketches would be awesome

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: BASSPLYR
Well I saw one about 15 minutes ago while walking the dog. Beautiful blue sky here in NYC. Dog is doing his thing, sniffing around and I'm just looking up at the nice blue sky when this orb-like object comes "drifting" across the sky. I say drifting because it was dead silent while the usual aircraft alining for approach to Kennedy and La Guardia were all flying above. This was higher than the planes on approach. It was highly reflective and appeared to be tumbling. It was oblong with no real defined shape that I could discern. I'd say it was a balloon, but the planes gave me perspective, so I could gage it was higher and father from me than the planes, which would make it rather large from my perspective.

No pics as it came and left suddenly. Well that's all I have

edit on 69845Thursdayk22 by Bilk22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:47 AM
Must be kind of terrifying but interesting over there, wish we had a few sightings here at least...

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Thisbseth

It could have been. And if it was you are right. Somebody out there is doing a really, really good job designing aircraft. This would have needed a breakthrough in propulsion. It travelled an estimated distance of 6 miles (Topanga area to just short of LAX. Figuring 6 miles.) Did it in just under two seconds. Dead quiet about it.

It was that perfect triangle shape. I could see this things silhouette. It was not perceived to be a "triangle" because I was seeing the shape of the running lights on a plane. This thing was indeed a perfect triangle.

For some reason it didn't feel like it was one of ours. But what do I know in reality about black aircraft. So it could have been. But this thing was amazing in its speed and smoothness of flight, and it's silence. If it were a govt. plane then why over Los Angeles. This thing seemed like it was trying to be sly or sneaky in how low it was going, how fast it was and the fact it was trying to pull off this stunt (and succeeded ) over a city like LA.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:49 AM
You should report your sighting to NUFORC or MUFON. You can take a look on those sites to see if anyone else in the LA area had the same sighting.

Thanks for sharing!

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:50 AM
Seeem super scary what the black budget are doing to you guys over there :/ I feel your you all!

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: Spacespider

Yeah it was probably one of those Chinese lanterns tied in a triangle that can travel faster than sound and not leave a sonic boom.

Sadly no photos. Happened way too fast.

How did you determine its supersonic speed?
edit on 24-4-2014 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: BASSPLYR
Well I saw one about 15 minutes ago while walking the dog. Beautiful blue sky here in NYC. Dog is doing his thing, sniffing around and I'm just looking up at the nice blue sky when this orb-like object comes "drifting" across the sky. I say drifting because it was dead silent while the usual aircraft alining for approach to Kennedy and La Guardia were all flying above. This was higher than the planes on approach. It was highly reflective and appeared to be tumbling. It was oblong with no real defined shape that I could discern. I'd say it was a balloon, but the planes gave me perspective, so I could gage it was higher and father from me than the planes, which would make it rather large from my perspective.

No pics as it came and left suddenly. Well that's all I have

Ah I did get it. Took about 20 pics with my iphone and didn't think I captured it until I enlarged one. It's only in one though as it was traveling at a pretty good clip.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Bilk22

Sounds pretty interesting. It could have been a Mylar balloon that got caught high up in a updraft. You said it was gone in a matter of seconds. I know that one. Did it travel clear across the sky like mine did or did it sorta just dissolve and fade out?

Either way something it was doing made you think it was not some conventional explanation. What do you think it was that you saw. Some sort of orb or probe? Military or ET? Just curious. I've talked to a few people who saw similar Silvery orbs that seem like bubbles sorta changing shape. Maybe weather balloon? The thing is how fast it was travelling? That will cut out most of the conventional theories if it was moving fast.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: draknoir2

It travelled several miles from what I could tell in under two seconds. It went from horizon to horizon above low clouds in under two seconds. That's pretty fast.

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