posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 07:11 AM
I just found this article concerning "lasers" being tested and to be outfitted on the US F-16's.
This is basically "downsizing" the one that is currently being tested on the 747 and placing it on the F-16. One can imagine that if it is being
made to "fit" the F-16, then it is most likely being made as a module/pod that can be easily made to fit on any aircraft.
The implications of this will be that it will make some to many missiles obselete, per se.' Laser usage on fighters will try to replace WVR (within
visual range) missiles. The one being planned and tested with the F-16 has a range of 10 miles.....and that puts it within the WVR and mid-BVR
(beyond visual range) area's.
Currently, the laser has been tested on low grade simulators. A new system is being loaded onto a couple of "real" F-16 simulators in Arizona for
pilots to test out of the usefullness and how the plane will handle with such a mod/pod.
Time of inception is 2010-2012. To cause any damage, the laser will need to have a minimum of 2 seconds of contact....
The laser will most likely be a secondary weapons system because obviously, it will be hindered and downgraded in clouds, etc. IN light of this, it
is expected that a F-16 on CAP will still boast 2 AIM-9x's and 2 AIM-120's and a laser mod/pod. Not much has been eluded to on the targeting system
to be untilized, but guess's are that it will likely operate with an HMS and radar.....unlike a cannon, just letting it "lock on" and "fire" the
aircrafts laser.
[Edited on 26-7-2003 by Seekerof]