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Well there are plenty of lies from the Bush administration which should concern everyone. For example, the Bush administration suppressed data from its own Department of Health and Human Services which showed that the cost of the new Prescription Drug Benefit would be much larger than the administration claimed. This lie was critical to passage of the Bush drug benefit bill. Similarly, Bush's characterization of his immigration proposal as not granting "amnesty" to illegal aliens is quite misleading; although the Bush proposal does not formally grant amnesty, the net result is the same as widespread amnesty.
The one significant Bush administration lie exposed in the film involves the so-called Patriot Act; as Fahrenheit accurately claims, at least some of the material in the Patriot Act had nothing to do with 9/11, and instead involved long-sought items on the FBI agenda which had previously been unable to pass Congress, but which were enacted by Congress under Bush administration assurances that they were essential to fighting terrorism
As we go through the long list of lies and tricks in Fahrenheit 9/11, keep in mind that Michael Moore has assembled a �war room� of political operatives and lawyers in order to respond to criticism of Fahrenheit 9/11 and to file defamation suits. (Jack Shafer, �Libel Suit 9/11. Michael Moore�s hysterical, empty threats,�, June 12, 2004.) One of Moore's "war room" officials is Chris Lehane; Lehane, as an employee of Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark (who was also supported by Moore), apparently spread rumors to the press about John Kerry's alleged extra-marital affair.
Conversely, because Moore has a paid expert staff which is monitoring criticism of the movie, it is reasonable to assume that�unless I have specifically retracted some item in this report�Moore and his staff have not offered a persuasive rebuttal.
Fahrenheit shows Moore calling out to Delaware Republican Michael Castle, who is talking on a cell phone and waves Moore off. Castle is presented one of the Congressmen who would not sacrifice his children. What the film omits is that Rep. Castle does not have any children.
Originally posted by curme
A writer for The National Review, he also wrote a piece about �Bowling for Columbine.� (his favorite subject is guns) he may not be the most objective person to write about Moore. I was reading the article, checking the sources when he used them, they seem to be either sympathetic or twisted to his point of view.
Here's a list of some of his sources. Not the most un-biased places to find information
Originally posted by Ghost111797
"The premature calls probably cost Bush thousands of votes from the conservative panhandle, as discouraged last-minute voters heard that their state had already been decided, and many voters who were waiting in line left the polling place."
i couldn't even get past the first "deceit" without realizing the author is a joke,
Originally posted by Illmatic67
Someone needs to write a "Fifty Nine Deceits in 'Fifty Nine Decedits in F-911'"
The article is bull#.
Originally posted by Phoenix
Originally posted by Ghost111797
"The premature calls probably cost Bush thousands of votes from the conservative panhandle, as discouraged last-minute voters heard that their state had already been decided, and many voters who were waiting in line left the polling place."
i couldn't even get past the first "deceit" without realizing the author is a joke,
Sorry you feel that way about an incident that really did happen during the 2000 election - its common knowledge
Originally posted by Phoenix
Curme, understand your point but in this case one has to ask is there anyone who can write anything of substance about this film without bias. What I found interesting was the apparent lack of refutation from the MM camp on Kopels information.
�Michael Moore shows a clip of CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin saying that if ballots had been recounted in Florida after the 2000 presidential vote, �under every scenario Gore won the election.�
What Moore doesn�t show is that a six-month study in 2001 by news organizations including The New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN found just the opposite. Even if the Supreme Court had not stopped a statewide recount, or if a more limited recount of four heavily Democratic counties had taken place, Bush still would have won Florida and the election.
Originally posted by Indy
The "Fifty Nine" article was pretty much tripe. I haven't seen the movie myself to know what was BS and what was true but the article wasn't well written or back up by much solid evidence. It got pretty boring a few minutes into the article.
Originally posted by Phoenix
My take from reading his article was that F 911 is more entertainment than documentary.
Originally posted by Illmatic67
Someone needs to write a "Fifty Nine Deceits in 'Fifty Nine Decedits in F-911'"
The article is bull#.
Originally posted by letxa2000
Of course Fahrenheit 9/11 is bunk. Did you expect something else from someone who started his marketing campaign with political rhetoric during his acceptance speech at the Academy Awards last year? He has an agenda which he has not been shy to admit, and his movie is propaganda, not a documentary.
Moore is a documented liar. I'm FROM Littleton Colorado, the city in which the Columbine shootings took place. I never went to see Bowling for Columbine in the movies because it simply didn't interest me, but I saw it on cable thereafter. I had never heard of Moore and didn't have an opinion of him at that point, but watching his "take" on the events from someone that is FROM Littleton made it painfully clear that he was a yellow journalist at best, and an outright liar at worst. Ever since then my opinion of Moore has been somewhere below pond scum.
So now he comes up with this propaganda piece in an election year and we're surprised because it's filled with half-truths, twisted truth, and outright lies? There's no surprise there at all. What's surprising is 1) People will pay to see this BS. 2) There are gullible people that actually believe Moore is honest and is telling the truth simply because they agree with him politically.
Moore is a dishonest liar--that was established before this movie came out. This movie just follows in the footsteps of his previous lie-filled movies. F9/11 is not a documentary, it's a political advertisement, and a dishonest one at that. Moore should be ashamed, but more ashamed should be the people that actually believe and defend him. Wake up!