posted on Nov, 15 2002 @ 12:59 AM
Ugh anyone who thinks we DIDN'T GO TO THE MOON RAISE YOUR HAND!
Ok all those with their hands up...are IDIOTS!
Now here's a site that disproves the "moonhoax" theorists with good ol' REALITY and how the UNIVERSE WORKS.
And it does it with a bit of Charm too...and a bit of humor.
That particular part goes to why you can't see stars on the moon blah blah.
I hope you enjoy, this guy also critiques stupid mistakes in astronomy in movies...such as SIGNS, and STAR WARS, and such heh.
And Lost Prophet, it would have been harder to fake the moon landings at ANY time during their occurance, than to actually go to the moon...our
"movie magic" industry wasn't up to par.
And we still can't create a vaccum large enough to house a movie studio, so the way the sand acted on the rovers and as it was kicked up is proof
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