Sorry, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with the analysis.
I've been doing reverse speech on these damn things since the Berg video, dispite the fact that they are totally sickening to work with.
They are
ALL false-flag operations. Unfortunately the hoax stops there. I'm sorry to say both this and the Berg video clearly involve murder.
Reversals from
Robert Jacob's murder will probably go in the Reverse Speech history books. They are horrifying.
I downloaded a copy of the video from
This site
There are only eight seconds of usable audio, before the rapid fire shots (after the first) make audio useless. I did a time-stretch (makes it
slower) to 183%, giving almost fifteen seconds of sound.
First as the assailants approach Jacobs, one of them speaks twice, two syllables each time. I cannot make out the "forward speech" but the second
instance, when reversed, sounds a lot like "Damn It!" If I didn't have another English reversal from them I wouldn't mention it. My guess is
that Jacobs is not in the spot they want him to be - ie. he is outside or beyond the predetermined camera view.
At normal speed it is hard to make out anything from the audio. Slowed, you get a much better understanding. As the attackers run at Jacobs, he
realizes he is being attacked but does not yet realize the true danger. He yells very loudly "I don't wanta fight!" He is startled and angry, and
the reversal is clear:
"You Mother!"
The attackers are in close now, one of them jabbering something but Jacobs drowns him out. Again at the top of his lungs he yells, "Police! Hey!".
In this moment, though, I believe he has seen the gun, because his clear reversal is
"They want to kill you!"
Immediately following this, one of the attackers shouts something that sounds like "press it". Whether this is English, Arabic, German or French, I
have no idea. But I know one thing for sure. Reversed, he says
"kill him!"
As far as we understand the unconscious process that generates reversed speech through the brain's right hemisphere, this command is directed at
himself or his companion and necessarily means that at least one of them is a native English speaker. At times a person will speak in one language
but reverse in the language of the person(s) to whom a strong message is directed. If this reversal had been something like "stand still", then it
might have been directed at Jacobs and I could not draw this particular conclusion.
Jacobs then shouts "No! No!". In this case the reversal, Oh No! is probably a speech artifact (a constant) that always reverses that way.
Instantly, the first shot sounds and Jacobs falls to the ground. There is about one second (stretched) before the other shots are fired, and in that
brief instant you can here Jacobs, gasping in a much smaller voice, "My God!"
In this last second of life, the reversal is
"get up!" as he vainly tries to save himself.
Actors? Oh, No. This is absolutely REAL. Speech reversals are an unconcious process, and no actor on earth is capable of producing an unconscious
script. In fact if it WAS an actor, the reversals would be more like "move right", "fall down", "say it", and so on.
As I said, all of these are false-flag operations.
The hoax lies in who is doing the killing, and who is producing the video. Have no doubts,
these are real murders by real killers, and they say more about what is
really happening than anything you will see on the nightly news.