posted on Jan, 20 2003 @ 04:51 PM
This is the story of Frederick Valentich, 20, who disappeared Oct. 21, 1978, while piloting a single-engine Cessna 182 aircraft between Victoria,
Australia, and King Island (across the Bass Strait). Following are the pertinent details of the case, which features a sighting, engine malfunction,
and radio failure.
Just after 7 p.m. Valentich radioed Melbourne Air Flight Service (MAFS):
Valentich: �Is there any known traffic in my area below 5,000 feet?�
MAFS: �Negative. No known traffic.�
Valentich: �Seems to be a large aircraft below 5,000 feet.�
MAFS: �What type of aircraft?�
Valentich: I cannot confirm. It has four bright lights that appear to be landing lights...aircraft has just passed over me about 1,000 feet above.�
MAFS: �Is large aircraft confirmed?�
Valentich: �Affirmative; at the speed it is traveling are there any RAAF [Royal Australian Air Force] aircraft in the vicinity?�
MAFS: �Negative. What is your altitude?�
Valentich: �4,500 feet.�
MAFS: �Conirm you cannot identify aircraft?�
Valentich: �Affirmative.�
Three minutes later, Valentich again contacts MAFS:
Valentich: �Aircraft...It�s not an aircraft. It�s� [break in transmission.]
MAFS: �Can you describe aircraft?�
Valentich: �It�s flying past. It has a long shape. Cannot identify more than that...coming for me right now. It seems to be stationary. I�m orbiting,
and the thing is orbiting on top of me. It has a green light and sort of metallic light on the outside.�
He then reported that the object had vanished.
MAFS: �Confirm it has vanished?�
Valentich: �Affirmative. Do you know what sort of aircraft I�ve got? Is it military?�
MAFS: �No military traffic in the area.�
At 7:12 p.m. Valentich reported, �Engine is rough idling and coughing.�
MAFS: �What are your intentions?�
Valentich: �Proceeding King Island. Unknown aircraft now hovering on top of me.�
MAFS: �Acknowledge.�
Valentich: �Delta Sierra Juliet [Valentich�s call sign] Melbourne...�
This final transmission was followed by 17 seconds of a loud metallic sound. An extensive search of Bass Strait failed to turn up any trace of
Vallenich or the aircraft. There were a number of UFO sightings reported on that date, at least 15 of which have remained unexplained. There had also
been several reports earlier in the year.
In 1944 a Beufort bomber crew reported a �dark shadow� flying within 100 feet of their plane for 18 to 20 minutes, causing radio and ADF malfunction
before zooming away at three times the speed of the bomber.
And this is the wierd part guys....He was found alive and well...
"Perhaps even more alarming is a case investigated by Spanish researcher Manuel Carballal. According to the testimony of a number of witnesses, a
young man who identified himself as Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot who disappeared mysteriously in 1978, was alive and well in 1990 at
Plaza del Charco, a seaport square on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
Displaying an Australian passport to prove his claim, Valentich told those with whom he spoke on several occasions that he now belonged to a group of
humans who had been �recruited� by extraterrestrials. It is also worth noting that the supposed Valentich showed no signs of aging, and resembled the
photos circulated around the time of his disappearance at the age of 20."
Quote courtesy of MUFON...
Your thoughts on this guys would be appreciated.