Originally posted by maus80
When you feel passionately about a topic, how do you keep from losing your desire to inform people? If people constantly respond with "I'm just fine
and I....", "People have been doing that for years...", etc, how do you keep from getting completely cynical and thinking that people deserve
whatever they get?
For me, I DO sometimes get completely cynical and think people deserve what they get. There is sometimes the occasional person who will come back and
say "boy, you were right about this or that" and instead of gloating, I just try to keep the conversation going and point them to a place for more
info, once that spark has been lit. Accepting that many just will not get it comes with the territory. I guess you have to in many ways not give a
damn what others think of you also, which has never been a problem for me.
Originally posted by maus80
When I try to bring up anything I've learned to people in RW/RT, from fluoride to Monsanto to NWO, they look at me like I'm a complete nutcase and
I'm suggesting something incredibly foul and stupid.
How can you combat the notions that ignorance is bliss, go with the flow, etc? I was raised on things like School House Rock, G.I. Joe, etc. Knowledge
is power, knowing is half the battle, right? Why does it seem like it's such a losing battle?
People ARE waking up. Every day when more and more people see the results of these "foul and stupid" things right in front of their faces, it
becomes hard to deny. Will those people educate themselves? Is it too late? That is where things get weird. People spend huge amounts of money to go
to college and end up dumber than if they hadn't gone at all in some cases Some-not all!). That was an active decision. Will they make an active
decision to research topics that they see coming to fruition? Many do not and that astounds me. ATS has helped me to DIGEST much of the information I
do research and that is the tricky part.
Trust me, as time goes on, you will look less and less "crazy"
My family specifically always thought I was "out there", a "foily" is what
they called me. Not any more. I think you might be surprised how many people do think about some of these things but just have no way of expressing
their thoughts due to repression, stigma etc...they don't want to be labeled as a "foily" so they keep quiet.
Originally posted by maus80
Is it possible to move from sheep to shepherd while denying the desire to become neutral, and therefore a wolf by default?
I think it definitely is possible, but what matters is already in your heart. I think you really have to care for humanity as a whole, not just select
family and friends. If you are going to get into "global" conspiracies, suffering and problems that affect every single person on the planet,
whether they are aware of them or not, you've got to have a "global" empathy for humankind.
To answer the question in your title, I keep my faith with lot's of prayer. I admit, there have been many days lately when I don't even know where
to start and the feelings of doom do affect me, but I continue the next day, and the next, and the next. Not only do I pray for others, but for my own
perceptions, discernment and protection, in hopes that I do not become the wolf that you speak of. I dislike bringing religious beliefs into any
discussion on here, because it seems such a personal thing, but you asked
Is it a constant struggle with negativity and thinking I may have been better off not knowing some things? Do I often kick myself for being a truth
seeker? YOU BET! Absolutely! I sometimes look at sheeple and think "it must be so nice to not be aware" but that is just SO not me. Never was. I
have to follow who I am and continue to learn and try to understand all the craziness, all the while knowing I never will. That's the part that
drives me nuts. No resolution.
[edit on 10/27/2008 by shockedonlooker]