posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:46 PM
Is the U.S. supporting or encouraging the bloody coup that is sweeping Haiti. If the reports that are just now being to surface prove to be true it
will be another in a series of historical blunders where the U.S. has helped to instigate a rebellion that could allow the next Saddam Hussein to
seize power.
The US lawyer representing the government of Haiti charged today that the US government is directly involved in a military coup attempt against the
country's democratically elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Ira Kurzban, the Miami-based attorney who has served as General Counsel to the
Haitian government since 1991, said that the paramilitaries fighting to overthrow Aristide are being backed by Washington.
"I believe that this is a group that is armed by, trained by, and employed by the intelligence services of the United States," Kurzban told the
national radio and TV program Democracy Now!. "This is clearly a military operation, and it's a military coup."
Foolish, ill conceived, plans to overthrow unfriendly governments have been the bane and disgrace of U.S. foreign policy for decades. The biggest
problem with these covert operations has been the people that our government has chosen to deal with. The leaders of the present coup are ruthless
killers who have shown their quality in the past conflicts. If the government has gotten into bed with these whackos you can be sure there will be
hell to pay for it in the future. Unfortunately the down payment on hell will be made by the Haitians themselves long before we have to send in our
overt military presence to fix the mess that our covert efforts have made. Never forget it was U.S. backing that helped bring Saddam to power along
with a string of other Sadistic tyrants in recent history. I sincerely hope that these allegations prove unfounded but will not be surprised if next
weeks headlines don?t feature this latest in CIA buffoonery.
[Edited on 29-2-2004 by Kano]