Hi all,
Interesting Topic
If anyone has read the Book Of Barnabas, it says in there that because Judas betrayed Jesus(pbuh), God instead of Jesus(pbuh) dieing on the Corss, God
Made Judas Look like Jesus(pbuh), so in actuall fact the person on the cross was not Jesus(pbuh) according to Barnabas.
If you ask for my personal opinion, i think Judas is rotting in hell, just because Jesus(pbuh) chose him, doesnt mean that Judas was a form of
Jesus(pbuh) probly couldnt reveal everything that was going to happen, so Judas did it out of his own selfishness and it was his choice to betray
Jesus(pbuh) and so he must pay for it!
Anyway here is the passage from the book of Barnabas:
you can make your own mind up about this.
Chapter 216
Judas entered impetuously before all into the chamber whence Jesus had been taken up. And the disciples were sleeping. Whereupon the wonderful God
acted wonderfully, insomuch that Judas was so changed in speech and in face to be like Jesus that we believed him to be Jesus. And he, having awakened
us, was seeking where the Master was. Whereupon we marvelled, and answered: 'You, Lord, are our master; have you now forgotten us?'
And he, smiling, said: 'Now are you foolish, that know not me to be Judas Iscariot!' And as he was saying this the soldiery entered, and laid their
hands upon Judas, because he was in every way like to Jesus. We having heard Judas' saying, and seeing the multitude of soldiers, fled as beside
ourselves. And John, who was wrapped in a linen cloth, awoke and fled, and when a soldier seized him by the linen cloth he left the linen cloth and
fled naked. For God heard the prayer of Jesus, and saved the eleven from evil.
Chapter 217
The soldiers took Judas ;and bound him, not without derision. For he truthfully denied that he was Jesus; and the soldiers, mocking him, said: 'Sir,
fear not, for we are come to make you king of Israel, and we have bound you because we know that you do refuse the kingdom.' Judas answered: 'Now
have you lost your senses! You are come to take Jesus of Nazareth;, with arms and lanterns as [against] a robber; and you have bound me that have
guided you, to make me king!'
Then the soldiers lost their patience, and with blows and kicks they began to flout Judas, and they led him with fury into Jerusalem. John ;and Peter
;followed the soldiers afar off; and they affirmed to him who writes that they saw all the examination that was made of Judas by the high priest, and
by the council of the Pharisees, who were assembled to put Jesus to death. Whereupon Judas spoke many words of madness, insomuch that every one was
filled with laughter, believing that he was really Jesus, and that for fear of death he was feigning madness. Whereupon the scribes bound his eyes
with a bandage, and mocking him said: 'Jesus, prophet of the Nazarenes ;(for so they called them who believed in Jesus), 'tell us, who was it that
smote you?' And they buffeted him and spat in his face.