posted on Mar, 16 2006 @ 12:32 AM
I will skip the intro, and dig right into the fat. We are all aliens. We have human bodies, but our souls are alien souls. We have lived countless
lives before, but yet have had our minds erased and implanted with rediculous garbage to make our next life miserable. UFO's are real and visit all
the time, even though according to the planetary confederation's ("the evil space police state") rule (and despite numerous signs all over our
system saying "stay out!") it is illegal to visit earth. Our entire planet is a prison planet. The reason for us being here is because of
overpopulation, rebelling against a space police state, revolutionaries, criminals, perverts, etc. Ever wonder why so many people are messedup? Now
you know. There is no hell, there is no heaven... just eternal existance. We are becoming a police state, and then after that NWO. Verichips are
the mark of the beast in the bible. "The antichrist(s)" are already alive now. "end of times" will be within the next 15 years... but it won't
be as bad as in the bible... expect nuclear weapons if the good guys lose though.
You must seek spiritual enlightenment... it is your only chance for eternity. I will not be specific... but go towards a new buddhism... and you will
be more powerful than the Pleidians and they will look up to YOU.