posted on Oct, 22 2002 @ 02:36 PM
"God created the world."
I have no problem with that.
"The world sinned and god brung in a saviour."
First, just by saying that I can see that you don't understand that text...
"the saviour is jesus who worked miracled aand who the prophets before him
prophecied to come to earth. "
In my opinion, Jesus was not a saviour but a master... He did say, according to the bible that we will do things equal or better than him...
"jesus set up a church."
Nope, he did not set up any church, that was done centuries after...
"You don't have to believe but im telling plain as day you will know this
is true when you die, god will then reveal it to you if you still don't believe."
Yeah whatever... You have no idea what I believe...
P.s: I was raised catholic...