posted on Sep, 7 2003 @ 05:43 AM
k...OIMD...I'll give you, and other members a brief run-down of this whole Ignore thing...
Members can 'Ignore' any other members posts, by simply clicking on the Ignore button on that respective members Mini-Profile. This was a feature we
added so people can be a bit more selective in what they choose to read, who they choose to read etc. We Mods/Admins are of course unable to ignore much as we'd sometimes like to...there is still a 'need' to monitor what people are posting, even if its mindless we
don't get any Ignore Feature.
A feature Admin/Mods can use. Basically this was instituted to temporarily make someone 'invisible' until an appropriate status Admin/Mod arrived on
site to ban said member or deal with the issue that might have required them temporary invisibility. Some examples were members who basically just
came on and spammed the hell out of the boards, troll posted, made accounts to just be disruptive and attack, or just had a bad day, erupted and
posted things they otherwise wouldn't have - so a temporary 'invisibility' meant we could basically help them 'save face' and chat with them, see
what was up and hopefully sort it out for them instead of just pull the plug on their account or issue them a 3 day 'stand-down' by way of the '5
Warns' system.
What you are likely referring to in your post here. This would probably be better addressed by William. However, this is my understanding of it:
Recently there has been occasion where certain members have seemed to do little more than have at eachothers throats all over the Forums. Threads get
hijacked by these members as their grievances seem to spill into other threads, their own threads descend into tit for tat 'flame wars' and general
discontent. Approaches to each party are made by Admins and Mods alike, asking each party to please stop their little war. Sometimes this
works...sometimes it doesn't, and the parties persist.
When attempts by Admin/Mods to chill things down aren't working, we were previously faced with one option: Banning. Banning of one OR both feuding
parties. Banning is not always a viable option, as there are times when the parties are otherwise good contributors, and we would hate to see either they can't keep themselves separated, then along comes an Admin and 'separates' them temporarily by making them effectively invisible
to eachother. When they have chilled out, when they can finally agree to put differences aside and play nice in the sand-pit, that temporary ignore is
I can understand people would have issues with that...such as how dare anyone dictate who they can and can't dare anyone treat me like a which I'd reply "Would banning be better?" and "simply don't act like one".