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Must Read: UFO Fuel & Moon Bases - Breakthrough

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posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 12:35 AM
*Keep in mind, all the facts here are backed up: its real.

Neil Armstrong came forward and so did many other astronauts who landed on the moon saying that there were spacecraft that followed, landed near and spied on all their activities around the moon. They also talked of large and small structures on the moon, for example a semi-transparent pyramid that had electric fields of purple and blue swirling around it on the surface of the moon. On open radio, Armstrong said “mission control be advised, there is a Santa Clause” after coming around the darkside of the moon (Santa clause was the code name for UFO). NASA says the space program was shutdown due to lack of funds. But is the real reason that there will be no more lunar missions? Some people think that we basically got warned to stay off the moon because of the large amount of UFO sightings around the moon. Now I cut to the point, this is where the post will get interesting.

I think I have figured something out here. The moon’s surface is rich in a cretin isotope called [3He] which is not found on our planet.
[He3] (Helium-3) is the cleanest fuel of choice for potential 21st century fusion reactors, because its reaction is efficient and produces low residual radioactivity. A small amount of it has enough power for all of North America for something like a month and a half. Now, think about why we are not taking shuttle load after shuttle load of this stuff back to earth and using the HUGE amount of funds it would raise to get the space program back working and America out of national debt! How can NASA turn down this idea; we now have maps of where it is richest on the moon. Check this page out for background info on this and on the lunar h3 maps!

Lets put things together now: what were the aliens doing on the moon, why so much activity and so many structures that are being censored off the close-up satellite images of the moon? They must be harvesting this isotope and using it as a fuel.

More: In the recent VHS tape released of a supposedly smuggled tape of an alien interrogation taking place at groom lake (an area15 like facility) which has not been debunked yet, a physicist claims that he got to examine an engine from a saucer and said that it was completely efficient, noiseless and capable of hyper speed travel (for info on this tape click here: Pix from VHS or ATS4.0: ). He would not help the government with figuring out how it would run because they were hiding the secret of this technology from the public. It would be the end of oil crisis if it worked. Maybe it runs on H3? What thoughts do you have on this matter or anything else to break down, post it!

(PS to moderators: hyplinks are free public info, just helping out)

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 12:47 AM
Hmmm Interesting info. I havent heard a lot about this Helium-3 Fuel.

And where did you get the info that these austronauts actually came forward about the fact that there were structures on the moon?

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 12:56 AM
Heres a link to the recorded comms they had with mission control which were cencored because some were live broadcasts at the time.

the H3 stuff is very real, and very powerful. who would agree with some of this stuff together.

[edit on 29-7-2005 by drakefist]

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 12:59 AM
The only thing I will agree on is that helium 3 is a good potential source of energy.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 01:02 AM
Its certainly possible that Aliens might want 3He.

Lets assume that if they make craft to travel in , and computers , and other things , that they too would need to get these resourses from somewhere.

One thing you should note , that NASA can't just send the Shuttle over to the Moon and start filling up the cargo bay with moon dirt .

The Shuttle can't even go to the Moon.

But no doubt that we will be taking advantage of any resourses on the Moon in the near future.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 01:19 AM
I just typed that out and wasn’t thinking... but we have taken a large amount of moon rocks back and for sure, we could tailor a craft specifically for the purpose of hauling this isotope back to earth and even set up un manned harvesters to suck it out 24/7 so that we would have pure tanks of it ready to be transported. It would be insanely lucrative; if only privet companies had the ability to get their craft into space we’d be rich.

Ah, and Here is the link to the site about Neil which has the real photos from that moon trip with UFOs and odd stuff.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 01:39 AM
I just read what u said about taking adv of h3 in the future on the moon. Think about this, will the aliens (supposing they already are harvesting it) allow us to leech some? Why was there always activity around our landings on the moon if it would not be a problem?

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by drakefist
Think about this, will the aliens (supposing they already are harvesting it) allow us to leech some?

Why would they stop us? Its our Moon!

Why was there always activity around our landings on the moon if it would not be a problem?

I think it most likely had nothing to do with 3He. It would seem "They " like to watch what we are doing , no matter if its on Earth in Space or on the Moon!

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by drakefist
Think about this, will the aliens (supposing they already are harvesting it) allow us to leech some?

Why would they stop us? Its our Moon!

Why was there always activity around our landings on the moon if it would not be a problem?

I think it most likely had nothing to do with 3He. It would seem "They " like to watch what we are doing , no matter if its on Earth in Space or on the Moon!
Well, lol lets hope THEY agree with you that its our moon. What if they were here before us?

btw good answer, they do always seem to watch anything we do, especially important things. Take for example the wars, very often during wars pilots saw glowing orbs zooming around their planes, almost as if they were making a documentary film for the grays back home of our folly down here in the planet atmosphere.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 02:45 AM
Um... 7 year old news hardly can be considered a "breakthrough"...

First off, this story is about 7 years old, all of it. So I don't quite understand how this is feesible. Read this article from a real news source not some cut and paste geocities crud.

"Energy calculations suggest that the energy gained from Helium-3 mined on the Moon and shipped back to Earth would be 250 times that used to obtain it. " - At least this is promising... no developments in 7 years, mind you.

Not to mention about 14 MILLION tons of lunar "dirt" would have to processed PER DAY for one year to get one year's worth of energy. It just isn't gonna happen.

And how do we use this stuff anyway?

[edit on 7/29/2005 by BigWyrm]

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 03:25 AM
This is something that might explain my one and only sighting, of what I thought was a UFO. In the early 80'S I was out camping in lower Alberta. It was a clear night and the moon was full and well above me. I was laying back and admiring the millions of stars that you can see when not under the city lights. I then noticed one of the stars near the moon was moving away from it. I thought at first maybe a plane at high altitude but you can usually see their strobing lights. So my next thought was that it was a satellite making its orbit. When I first noticed this light it was (if you put your hand out at arms lenght) about the width of a thumb out. It wasn't moving extremely fast and it moved directly to what I thought was a star and stopped. After about 30 seconds the moving light heads back toward the moon. I lost sight of it once it reached the outer glow of the moon and waited to see if it would reappear from the other side of it but after 5 minutes it never showed up again. Unfortunately I was alone and without any means to record this strange sight. But I swear on everything I believe in, that I saw this happen.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 03:26 AM
Ok, this is interesting. Just a comment on economics first. He3 may turn into a significant source of energy but the cost for transport from the Moon would be quite large. Actually large does not even begin to cover it. It might be worth it eventually, but the cost of generating the material here on Earth may be much more efficient.

The NASA transmissions are a puzzle. I am always careful when anyone says 'well obviously they are speaking in code'. Maybe it is what is suspected, maybe it is just talk intended to make conversations easier, remember there was a time delay to deal with. Military people love to talk in code, it is in their blood.

Also, things like 'I cannot believe a camera would burn out' are just silly. The more important an event is, the more likely that exactly this sort of thing will indeed happen. We call it Murphy's Law, but it is a fact of life. The author may indeed be correct, the camera story may be a cover, but that sort of reasoning is just flawed.

Ok, with that out of the way lets get to the interesting part.

What I am most interested in is the section that supposedly was heard by a large number of Ham radio operators. If true one has to wonder why it did not come out at the time. Ham Radio people talk, to each other mostly, but that is the very core of their hobby. Sure you can always silence one or two people, but once you get beyond that the dangers of surpression become huge.

This part of the information probably is worth looking into a little more. But here is another caution, this happened quite a while ago. People have been researching UFOs and related topics for quite some time so I have to wonder what else is already been done with the subject.

You have not been here very long Drakefist, but just so you know: I have no doubts that we have been visited, more than once. But I have also learned that the vast majority of the stories and information that is out there is indeed false, or at least leads nowhere.

I can believe that all this happened. But there really are logical reasons why we stopped going to the Moon as much as some people do not like to hear it. What we learned, or could learn, did not justifiy the cost in the minds of so many people that the funding was just not available. In truth the only reason we really went was because JFK said we would. America had to fulfill the challenge he left us, we owed him that.

Please do not take any of this as negative Drakefist, I am totally on your side. But I have a lot of experience here, and many in this Forum have more than I. When you have chased down as many things as I have only to have them turn out to be nothing you get cautious.

Something you will experience here is you show up with something that really seems exciting, only to have someone whom you have learned to respect and trust say 'Sorry, been there, and here is why it is not true'. Painful, but here we are all in this together with the same goal, to find the truth.


posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 03:28 AM
First of all, the breakthrough is the UFO fuel. That energy calc is talking about the energy it takes to break our gravity into space, boost to the moon and back, PLUS the energy it would take to extract from the soil PLUS the energy to sort the dirt from this isotope. What I’m saying about the Lunar harvester might work, and in any case its something we would be doing in the future so we could get far more efficient methods of doing all of these things and store pure h3 in canisters to be shipped back pure in a massive load. And you can tow a load of any size in space

Check this viewpoint out: why is there h3 on the moon but not on earth if the moon is a chunk of the earth. it would be alot like the 2001 movie where the moon is almost a stepping stone made for us in our exploration of our solar system: "Later colonies may move down onto the older lunar plains and set up strip-mining factories to extract helium-3 as well as hydrogen which can be used as a rocket fuel. " -bbc news

Originally posted by BigWyrm
Um... 7 year old news hardly can be considered a "breakthrough"...

First off, this story is about 7 years old, all of it. So I don't quite understand how this is feesible. Read this article from a real news source not some cut and paste geocities crud.

"Energy calculations suggest that the energy gained from Helium-3 mined on the Moon and shipped back to Earth would be 250 times that used to obtain it. " - At least this is promising... no developments in 7 years, mind you.

Not to mention about 14 MILLION tons of lunar "dirt" would have to processed PER DAY for one year to get one year's worth of energy. It just isn't gonna happen.

And how do we use this stuff anyway?

[edit on 7/29/2005 by BigWyrm]

[edit on 29-7-2005 by drakefist]

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by drakefist

*Keep in mind, all the facts here are backed up: its real.

On open radio, Armstrong said “mission control be advised, there is a Santa Clause” after coming around the darkside of the moon (Santa clause was the code name for UFO).

This quote is not attributed to Neil Armstrong, it was Jim Lovell who made the famous Santa Clause quote after the ill fated Apollo 13 mission had perfomed its sling shot around the moon.

It was not a reference to UFOs but an expression of relief that the stricken vessel was back in radio communication range with mission control at Houston - there is no radio contact whilst a vessel traverses the opposite side of the moon as the Moon itself blocks all transmissions.

[edit on 29-7-2005 by Expositor]

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 04:05 AM
But there is Helium-3 on earth, man.

And you can't just "tow" a spaceship though the atmosphere.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 06:30 AM
Man has never even set foot on the moon! NASA lied because the US had to be the winners of the Space Race that was going on between The US and Russia.

Do you seriously believe that they knew how to land a manned rocket on the moon AND blast it back to the Earth?! IN THE 60's??!! They can't even do that now!! Do you also think there would be any survivors in a pod burning through the Earth's atmosphere at devistating speed?! Dude it would be a million degrees in there!!!

As for these so called radio broadcasts, can you confirm their legitimacy?

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by RemusUK
Man has never even set foot on the moon! NASA lied because the US had to be the winners of the Space Race that was going on between The US and Russia.

May I ask why you are bothering to post on this thread then?

Did we go to the moon?

There are plenty of threads debunking the landings, and plenty debunking the debunkers, just do a search.

This thread assumes the Moon landings took place and can therefore base additional theories on that thereafter.

[edit on 29-7-2005 by Koka]

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by Koka

May I ask why you are bothering to post on this thread then?

Because if we never went to the moon, none of this information is credible.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 12:04 PM
The reason we cant go to the moon, or take shuttles there, is (point 1) too much cosmic radiation, and (point 2) The shuttle exausts all its feul just getting to orbit, getting it to the moon would require a refueling at the iss, then to the moon, then somehow getting it into space again, then coming back would be very difficult

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Its easier to extract He3 from Jupiter, simply due to the scale of the place. If Aliens can travel light years between planets then its easy to mine Jupiter!

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