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Shadow Lizard

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posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 02:01 PM
A while back, less than a year ago, I have seen some strange black lizzard
on my closet. It was about 5 AM and my mom turned on the lights in the kithcen so my room was dim. However, I noticed that on the closet that is right in front of my, there was a pitch-black, medium sized, 2-dimensional lizard. I was still very tired so I rubbed my eyes in case my eyes were playing tricks on me. I started looking around the room to see if there was anything that could be making a shadow like that but i seen nothing. So while I continued staring at the thing, it moved! It turned around so its head was facing down, and it started slithering (like a snake) down until I coulnt see it because the rim of my bed got in the way. I was trying to decide if I was dreaming, but I definately was not. After the thing disapeared, I went back to sleep and I put more thought into it when I got up for school. Also, I have no pet reptiles and (excluding snakes) there are none around my area. Also, since when do lizzards, move like snakes? If anyone has seen something like this or can explain it, please tell me.

[edit on 707/4/0505 by Acekwak]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 02:20 PM
How big was this reptile. It could have been one of the reptile people that supposedly live underground & pop out every now & again. Another question is wouldnt you be freaked out. I know I would be, even if it was a small lizard on the floor of my room.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 02:35 PM
Well I've heard somewhere that snakes are an evolved form of lizards so maybe this lizard is sort of a missing link type lizard that looks like a lizard yet slithers like a snake. Just a thought.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 02:36 PM
Looks like youve got a Shadow creature there. I personally dont beleive in them my self, but if you have seen one and you beleive it, lets get on with it!!

Heres another thread you may be interested in about 'Shadow Animals'

Shadow Animal Thread

I really dont have much to say on the subject except that I have seen something weird crawl along my wall, a kinda rat thing. But I like to beleive that its just my mind freaking out after a long session on Xbox Live!!

So, good luck trying to get to the bottom of it!

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 04:34 PM
if it looked like a salamander and acted like a salamander, then it may very well have been a salamander:

[edit on 4-7-2005 by checkers]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 04:36 PM
Just to let you know checkers, that is a dead link

[edit on 4-7-2005 by 9890]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by jonSUN
How big was this reptile. It could have been one of the reptile people that supposedly live underground & pop out every now & again. Another question is wouldnt you be freaked out. I know I would be, even if it was a small lizard on the floor of my room.

It was about one foot long. It did freak me out, but I was so tired that I didn't panic, though my heart was pounding.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 05:01 PM
Just to let some of you know, this thing had legs that were facing in different directions and it slithered in a somewhat fast pace. Also, it looked as if it might have been two-dimensional.
Oh, and as for the salemander theory, it looked exactley like the salamander in the picture! Similer tail, shape, and size, but the thing was completely black. Also, I could not make out any details of it such as eyes, scale, nothing.

[edit on 707/4/0505 by Acekwak]

[edit on 707/4/0505 by Acekwak]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Zanzibar
Looks like youve got a Shadow creature there. I personally dont beleive in them my self, but if you have seen one and you beleive it, lets get on with it!!

Heres another thread you may be interested in about 'Shadow Animals'

Shadow Animal Thread

I really dont have much to say on the subject except that I have seen something weird crawl along my wall, a kinda rat thing. But I like to beleive that its just my mind freaking out after a long session on Xbox Live!!

So, good luck trying to get to the bottom of it!

Ya know, the person that started that thread did say that he seen the animals at dusk, so perhaps there's a conection? mmmm...

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 02:17 PM
Does anyone else have a similar story!?
I've had a few people on this site talk about shadow creatures such as the one I saw and one person who told me about a sighting through U2U and even though many people probably seen a shadow something, no one is continueing this thread!
In addition to seeing a shadow salamander, I recently seen a (for a split-second) black/shadow bird fly right under my ceiling when I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Or at least I think it was night, I had window shades low so I couldn't tell. The small bird flew fast and apparently disapeared without ever making a sound. Yarocofin (ATS member) had a similar incident except he seen a black moth that flew into a room and was no where to be found. I suspect that many others have expiriences such as these but don't want to talk about it for fear that people are going to think that they're crazy (I don't have that problem because people already think I'm crazy, lol). So, come on people, if you see something strange that looks like a black ghost, then post it here!

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 01:40 PM
I don't know why I didn't post this earlier, but a few months ago I seen another creature. I was having a rough night and I woke up a few times. One time in particular, as soon as I opened my eyes, I seen (or so I think) a small bird fly just under the ceiling and flew towards my direction. When I turned around, it was gone. This all happened in a second. Lastly, I seen not long ago a tall shadow fly down my coridor twice in the same hour. I was typing on this site and I noticed something flash by from the corner of my eye. It looked kinda like a grim. After a while, I decided to researh that and I found this:

This doesn't have to do with shadow animals, but it still fits under the "living shadow" catogory.


posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 04:39 PM
ok the bird you sure it wasnt a bird flying by outside that passed by just the minimun amount of light and at a certain angle?

now if you said it was flying inside your room then just flew trough the cieling then i would be curious because ive had tons of brids late at night for no reason fly by my window and theres a street light not very far but it shines very bright but not super bright just enough no to disturb peopel sleeping anyways the first tiem this happened to me it scared me then one ngiht i notice a bird flying out my window then i looked at the wall and the shadows were coming from birds outside so yeah nothing to worry about Ace ........................................I hope

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 08:30 PM
I doubt that it was the shadow of a bird outside. It was night. I don't know what time it was but I'm guessing that it was between 12 and 4 AM. The sun wasn't out yet. This bird along with the other three things I saw were pitch black. It looked like a regular bird (the kind that are smaller than robins, don't know what they are called) only it was completely black instead of brown with black spots. It just flew a few inches under the ceiling towards me. When I turned around, it was gone and it didn't make any noise either. I might have been imagining it because that night in particular I was thinking about shadow creatures. In case you're all wondering, no I did not have my window open and I can assure you all that I closed the cage to my parakeets, lol.
In case this makes a difference, I windows are directly above my head when I sleep.

posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 05:22 AM
i think what you seen was a sorta halucination thing, lots of people have them, it come from when you only partially awake.
the fact you feel asleep quickly with out paniking or anything shows it sorta.


posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Acekwak
I doubt that it was the shadow of a bird outside. It was night. I don't know what time it was but I'm guessing that it was between 12 and 4 AM. The sun wasn't out yet. This bird along with the other three things I saw were pitch black. It looked like a regular bird (the kind that are smaller than robins, don't know what they are called) only it was completely black instead of brown with black spots. It just flew a few inches under the ceiling towards me. When I turned around, it was gone and it didn't make any noise either. I might have been imagining it because that night in particular I was thinking about shadow creatures. In case you're all wondering, no I did not have my window open and I can assure you all that I closed the cage to my parakeets, lol.
In case this makes a difference, I windows are directly above my head when I sleep.

no no your crazy lol jks there are some rebel birds that stay out late at ngiht cause they think their cool hanging out with the wrong crowd or...... lol it could be a bat or....... you could be projecting a visual though of the enar future maybe you got some hidden powers that you may want to explore

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:23 PM
i've seen something almost exactly like that. i was in my room when i was about 8, looked down the hall, and saw this shadow looking thing just slithering down the hallway. it kind of moved like a wavy noodle. (lol thats the only way i can describe it). it went behind this toy chest thing i had and just disappeared. never saw it again. it was either black or dark green and didn't have any features. i was actually looking for some other story that's like mine, glad i found one!

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 07:55 PM
ok well i have seen something very similar but it was not a lizard i woke up and saw a spider on my cieling ... and it was not me freaking out because i just woke up i was lying there for almost 2 minutes looking at it and i knew something was up other than the fact that this spider was the size of a tarantula and it was pitch black no color at all besides black and there is nothing like that were i live and then i jumped up and grabbed a book to throw at it to kill it and when i looked back it was gone ... and that was the part i ran out of my room ...
i don't like spiders

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Anonymous ATS

Sounds really close to what I seen. I thought it was a ferret because of the way it moved . I'm thinking more lizard now . fast . Snake like movement it shook a plant then ran under a chair and was gone

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: Anonymous ATS
Sounds really close to what I seen. I thought it was a ferret because of the way it moved . I'm thinking more lizard now . fast . Snake like movement it shook a plant then ran under a chair and was gone

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:32 AM
What you're describing sounds to me like a persistent hallucination that started when you were waking and went on into full wakefulness. I sometimes wake up and see large spiders crawling on the wall. And I mean LARGE. The hallucination will persist even after I seemfully awake, but I can still feel like a part of me isn't quite all there yet.

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