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Colares,Brazil & Operation Prato(Saucer)

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posted on May, 29 2005 @ 08:47 PM
Operation Prato was conduted by the Brazilian Millitary from Aug. 1977-Dec. 1977 to investigate the strange occurances near Colares,Brazil.

Colares is located near the mouth of the Amazon. In 1977 some strange things were happening all over the area, not only in Colares. The local population was in a state of near panic, and the Millitary began to investigate. By the time the flap was finally over, the aftermath of the events would become a very well documented and strange case in UFology.
The descriptions of the sightings and the details of the bizzare burns and blood taking are truly strange!(Pics in links)

Stange events terrify locals near the mouth of the Amazon.

More on the events and the Operation Prato conducted by Brazilian Millitary. (An easy way to get a transation is serch this site w/Yahoo then click the Translate this page link next to it)
Also there is a link at the bottom of this page to read the Report/ratio of Operation Prato.

Another link...

Taken from the Report/Ratio


1ST REGIONAL AIR COMMAND(OPERATION PLATE)II - INFORMATIVE PARTWhile arriving on spot (SANTO ANTONIO C TAUÁ), we were informed that Sr MANOEL JOAQUIM OF FREITAS MARKS (contact) did not live in the city, that it came from time to time with S. ANT°. C TAUÁ, having its domicíle in the town of BELÉM.

Kept contact with a local advisor (Sr ANTONIO), who made an account succint facts which occurred with the locality of Santo Antonio C Tauá, accompanied by the elements of the Team and the people directements implied in the subject.

- Heard the following people:

MANOEL ESPÍRITO SANTO, age 29 years, primary education.

DATE/TIME Of EVENT - August 12 77 to 23:30 hours.

It met just opposite its residence of friends (JÚLIO, PAULA, DECA and CARLITO), when it perceived a yellowish Light disappearing in direction E/O (ascendant/descendant), decreasing speed and practically stopping to approximately 20 m of the group; it says to have perceived that the "light" was controlled by two elements of human appearance, the "homme" occupying the left side and the woman being with the right-hand side of the "appareil", both bearing of the glasses (of different format) and an intercom equipment; the element with the right-hand side raised them but to the "glasses" as if it more attentively observed the group of people; at the same moment the other, catching an existing tube on the with dimensions one, directed a fixed light of red color in direction of the group; being reached directly, it felt a violent shock (like an electric shock) of the feet to the head; sobreveio entâo has paralizacão (immobility of the lower limbs and higher) and semi-unconsciousness (sic). The apparatus then started to move away while gradually increasing its speed, MANOEL starting again to be driven and finding its feelings, and like engourdi during a few minutes.

DATE - Nov. 01 77
18:00/24:00P 19:00P - Passage of a Flying Object Not Identified (UFO). Present on the spot: T Concealment AV CAMILLO, lS MT FLÁVIO and of civil (Esquina C Cemiterio). In another place (airfield), two (2) other components of the A2 Team: 2S VOR ALMEIDA and /3S ES PINTO, as well as the members of the team: T Concealment AV CONÇALVES, Ten AV KUSTER and SGt' S ROBERTO and DOURARO.

19:10P - Takeoff of UH-1-H, vóo local (test of ka population).

19:15P - civil (ANTONIO ACÁCIO), informs us of his observation, a "light" accompanying the helicopter.

The Report and the accounts of Locals are amazing!
Appearantly accourding to Hollanda(in charge of Operation Prato) at least 8 women and 2 men were paralized and subsqently burned by some type of LASER!
He goes on to state that the UFO's were aware of their presence(Operation Prato) and they were at times followed by the UFO's.

Wellaide Cecim, a physician working in the 70s at a health care unit in Village of Colares, Pará, Brazil, admits she was forced by military to lie about how serious the "suck-suck phenomena" was.

Question — Under all this pressure from the military, what did you do?
Wellaide — I refused to do this. I always told them I wouldn't obey. I disagree to them when they say I was afraid of being considered a fool. I really don't mind. I gave interviews to several TVs from Brazil, EUA and Europe, even under the risk of being fired. Besides being a skeptic, I'm totally sure of what I saw. I don't know what it is, but I know its real.

Question — Did you, as did the captain Uyrangê Hollanda, the investigation commander, see beings from space?
Wellaide — Yes I did. It was 5 pm in the afternoon at Colares. There was a ship at 50 meters of altitude, above the city’s main street. Inside of this ship there was a being, 1.20 or 1.30 meter high. This happened when I was driving to help a child with broken clavicle, I was going to immobilize her. They were flying so low that I was completely unable to react. I could see the UFOs bright metal and it wasn't a dish-like object, but much more like a cone or a cylinder. Its course was elliptical. 5 o'clock in the afternoon your eyes can't play tricks on you. You may have visions, hallucinate, but, like me, many others would have to.

Another Link

This case is also of interest as the Brazilian Millitary is releasing newly de-classified documents and info as of 5/20/05.

Brazil recently declassified security files pertaining to Operation Saucer, a top-secret investigation by the Fuerza Aerea Brasileira (FAB or Brazilian Air Force--J.T.) into the 1977 UFO flap in the northern state of Para.

[edit on 29-5-2005 by lost_shaman]

[edit on 29-5-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 04:27 PM
Great find

I am a little lost though, and maybe it's because of the translation. Is this supposedly some type of robot or entity that landed and "attacked" these people, or was it from a ship? Also, what's the "suck-suck" phenomena refer to?

Again, excellent work!

You have voted lost_shaman for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 04:46 PM
[Quote] Also, what's the "suck-suck" phenomena refer to?

I believe the Chupa-Chupa thing came out of that the locals thought these rays "sucked" out some of thier blood.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by MCory1
Great find

I am a little lost though, and maybe it's because of the translation. Is this supposedly some type of robot or entity that landed and "attacked" these people, or was it from a ship? Also, what's the "suck-suck" phenomena refer to?

Again, excellent work!


From what I understand there were larger ships with entities all the way down to UFO's the size of just 2cm!

Claudomira Paixão claims that an entity with a type of ray gun took blood from her.
Many others claim that smaller UFO's , what I would call probes, were attacking and taking blood from locals.

Actually, so many more people reported being attacked by beams of light from small UFOs in this area that only few of them are mentionned here.

I believe it was these smaller UFO's that the locals dubbed "Chupa-chupas",roughly translated to "Sucker-suckers".

Yahoo Translation

Yahoo Translation

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 03:58 AM
A.J. Gevaerd , one the Ufologists from Brazil, Founding member of the (CBU), has anounced tonight on Coast to Coast Am with Goerge Noory , that the files on Operation Saucer(Prato) is one of the files that the Brazilian Air Force has released.

[edit on 7-6-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 03:54 PM
As I mentioned one of the victims of the "chupas" , Claudomira Paixãoe , I have found some pics of her wounds .

Claudomira Paixão (below)

Claudomira Paixão shortly after the incident receiving treatment.

Close up on the wound.

Excerpts from

Many had hurt themselves when trying to escape one of the strange objects. In many cases, the marks left by the rays on the victims skin were marks that could have up to eight small holes. In these occurrences, the Chupa-Chupa term was proven right as many of them had lost up to approximately 300 ml of blood, from these wounds.

This was the case of Claudomira, resident in the Island of Colares. She claims that her family already did not sleep right with fear of the devices. "In one of these days, after midnight, I woke up because of a strong flash, a sort of focussed bright green light ray that came down from the top roof to my left chest. I tried to shout, but my voice did not function. I felt an esquisite heat... Later, that beam of light diminished and I saw that I was burnt". Claudomira told that she sighted a strange object, much similar to an umbrella, from which a being of clear skin, oriental eyes and great ears. According to her, the creature was dressed in tight green clothes and had a sort of pistol in the hand, which emitted the luminous beam. At this moment, Claudomira felt perforated as by needles on her breast. "After this, I felt migraine and a great weakness, that left me collapsed for several days." In the next day to the event, she had been directed to the Sanitary Unit of the town, where she was taken care of by Doctor Wellaide Cecim Carvalho, who sent her to the Medical Institute Renato Chaves, in Belém, for backup examinations. Her ill-being and the constant migraines lasted many days, followed by fatigue and weakness. Years later, Claudomira still did not feel cured. "My health never came back to be the same since that night." She is not the only one to have passed for such situation. Some estimate that thousands of people, also men, had suffered the attacks of the Chupa-Chupa in the years between 1970 and 1980, and they still occur today, though less frequently.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 04:45 PM
Wow, what a good read. Thanks alot .

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by sound2
Wow, what a good read. Thanks alot .

Thank you , and your welcome!

I did spend a good amount of time researching , translating , and reading for this thread.

[edit on 17-6-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Jun, 20 2005 @ 08:32 PM
Here a few interesting notes from A. J. Geveard .

From Strange days ..Indeed interview.

He says that " Operation Prato" began very slow, not much was happening in the first weeks of the Operation.

However , after about three weeks , Hollanda and his Team began to observe , film , and Photograph unknown objects.

Mr. Geveard says that the Operation documented over 500 Photos, 16 hours of Video, and over 2000 individual sightings , and attacks.

According to Mr. Geveard , Hollanda and his Teams of investigators, were approached by these objects , more closely over time , until one day on a river bank , a large object was seen , and landed vertically on the opposite side of the river.

He states that an unknown creature , exited the Vehicle, and approached , and made contact with Hollanda.

The " Operation Prato" was shortly thereafter canceled, after Hollanda reported this to his Superiors.

This is from taken from an interview with Col. Hollanda.

Besides having witnessed and registered the intrépidos movements
of small objects, had for it as "ufológicas sounding leads", the
colonel also evidenced, astonishhed, the presence of gigantic aircraft
- according to it, with all certainty, not-terrestrial - executing
incredible maneuvers to its front, as it was itself a show of
particular exhibition! Two agents of the National Service of
Informação (SNI) of the Dictatorship had had the chance to
witness most splendid of these manifestations being involved giant

Together of the colonel and its subordinate, the federal agents had
been able to glimpse the most incredible luminous maneuvers, folloied
for true show of one exhibition espaçonave with the format of a
ball of American soccer, however, in foot, "of the height of a
building of 30 floors", as she affirmed the colonel to its
interviewers. The colonel could photograph and film diverse types of
light, of the most diverse dimensions. Nuances chromatic varied had
been observed in these objects; or being emanated of them. One assumed
that such colors in accordance with varied the type of function or
maneuver that that "device" practised at the moment that it are

Incredible histories had been told by marginal inhabitants, some to
it, involving beings left inside strange objects, carrying strange
being able "luminous" in the hands. They were lights that
arrebatavam people as if it had some type of physical constitution.
Others of these lights immobilized, wounded and sucked the blood of
the victims. E is said: in the majority of the episodes of this nature
it had the presence of one or more witnesses for close. The colonel
said to have also observed, surely for more than a time, the launching
and collect of searching sounding leads, through ship-mother.

[edit on 20-6-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 02:44 PM
A. J. Gevaerd has written a Book due out this September about the Events surrounding Operation Prato.

The Book will be printed in English also.

400+ Pages and it will have Photo's!!!

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 07:02 PM
An amazing story. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. A great job and keep up the good work
You've got me very interested in this story and I'm going to spend some time on this case now.

posted on Jul, 31 2005 @ 01:39 AM


Its really a case worthy of attention! Notice that " Debunkers" are absent on this thread.

And with good reason , the Brazilian Air Force opened the files.

While we don't know everything in those files yet as it was a cursory examination of the files, they do have the files , and they have been seen by civilian Ufologists!

And 200+ pages of those 2,000+ page files are on-line for download, interesting stuff!

A. J. Gevaerds Book is going to be so good too! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy !

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 10:10 PM
Operation Saucer Re-Opened By Brazilian UFO

Sept. 6, 05

After a few days visiting the areas affected by the phenomena
called 'chupa-chupa' (suck-suck) in the Amazon, Brazilian
UFO Magazine has decided to re-open all files and procedures
involved in the military program "Operation Saucer", conducted
by the Brazilian Air Force in the Amazon and recently made

It is largely known that the Brazilian Air Force conducted
military, official investigations of the 'chupa-chupa' in the
Amazon, that were kept secret until a few years ago, when info
was published by Brazilian UFO Magazine. Some of the info of
what was called 'Operation Saucer' was used in the magazine's
campaign 'UFOs =96 Freedom of Information Now', which resulted in
a partial opening of secret files in Brazil. Operation Saucer is
the only known, and documented, military program officially
designed to investigate UFOs in the world.

This will be really interesting to see what new information we will learn.

And I'm glad this is being put out in English too!

[edit on 6-9-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 12:15 PM
New scientific breakthrough shows that "chupa-chupas" use of light beams to draw blood from their victims would not be physically impossible.

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 08:00 AM
Bob Pratt's updated Operation Prato page.

Bob Pratt has the best on-line English Operation Prato link and Info. He has himself been to Brazil and investigated. His updated link includes some of the report/ratio and other leaked Operation Prato documents.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 05:14 PM
A. J. Gevaerd has released an English version of a Brazilian Television broadcast about Operation Prato.

The link to the translated Version is here...

299 Mb

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 03:36 AM
I know oneliners are frowned upon, thus I write this sentence to transform my post into a twoliner:

Very well done, lost_shaman.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

Mr. Geveard says that the Operation documented over 500 Photos, 16 hours of Video, and over 2000 individual sightings , and attacks.

I've read about this case before, but where's the video proof,
do you have the links to the 500 photo's and the 16 hours of video plz.


posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 05:54 AM
Lost_shaman - you just changed the path of my day... Im gonna watch film now

Thanks a bunch...

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 06:28 AM
This is a very important event, thanks lost_shaman for the thread. One more proof of the reality of ufos.
I never read in detail about this event. But with all the informations released recently, i'm gonna look at it more deeply.

I am saddened that people were frightened and injured. I am saddened that some ufos looked to be hostile. I said "looked to be", because in fact we don't really know what is the real purpose behind this. Maybe it is the same purpose for the abductions. Maybe some biological studies on humans.

[edit on 13/10/2005 by Musclor]

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