posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 11:25 PM
as much as i've been playing the ditzy sorority girl this week in chat, I do have some serious things to say about this particular debate.
After joining ats I took the time to read all the posts in this one, and all that was related to it.
From my perspective: to the ATS community Dragon probably won... BUT, to anyone who doesn't take reptile men and spaceships pulled by electricity as
second nature, or as apparent reality, Dreams was clearly stronger. This is simply because all of the things Dragon referred to, as proof of his
argument, were conspiracies in and of themselves. That is, Dragon's argument for the reality of alien visitation to earth rested, itself, on other
conspiracies related to aliens. Dreams brought in mainstream media to the argument, while Dragon based everything he said off of sites like ATS.
Also, U of arizona has a big aerospace community. I talked to a few guys about the sites Dreams listed, and the sites Dragon did. They all agreed
that and are legitimnate sites, so i believe their debunking of that UFO photo from Phobos. Besides supporting docs,
though, I thought Dreams also made a more intellectual argument, whereas Dragon based his on scifi cliches that he knew the ATS community would
Also, I thought it was unfair that Dragon just recycled his argument from the last debate. In a way, it seemed like he was hoping that, as you voted
for his win last time, that you would automatically vote for him this time.
Dreams made a mistake, though, in spending too much time responding to that photo, as that discussion just turned into one that rested on resources
(though, in this case, Dreams' resources were more legitimate, like I said above, than drags). Instead of talking about composite pictures for so
long, dreams should have discussed his points about culture and mythology more. He fell, I think, for Dragon's red hearing.
Now, I cast my vote based on what I just said, but, I think it should bve noted, that Dreams went into this match after there was conflict on this
site about Dragon's invincibility... and how he was an expert on alien issues. So, though this history from outside the debate didn't affect my
vote, I think it should be noted that dreams was fighting uphill from the start (especially since he had to re-fight Illmatic's battle).
Also, looking at old posts, I see that Dreams believes he saw an alien once. Kudos to him for taking the position that he did.
I've played up the part of the ditzy sorority girl, here, but i hop that doesn't make you think anything less of wehat I've just said. To repat
myself: Dreams, if all things are even, won... but Dragon probably won in context of what people on this site believe to be true... I voted for
Dreams, as he seemed to have the best objective argument.
PS I don't mean to put-down dragon at all, though, as, like Dreams said in one of his last posts, I respect the courgae that it took to offer up a
UFO pic as being real in a debate.
[Edited on 15-7-2003 by FunGirl]