posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 06:38 PM
We have a lot of new members lately, so I decided to bring this old thread that describes the Way Above Top Secret Award back into public
awareness. If you see an excellent post by someone, do not forget to give them one of your three votes for the Way Above award.
Don't hit that "vote" button until you know what it does!
Every member now has three votes per month to cast toward the newly reinstated "Way Above Top Secret" award! So now every member can have a say in
who is Way Above, so make your three votes count.
Winners of the "Way Above Top Secret" award will receive permanent special recognician in their profile specifying the month in which they won. They
will also receive additional recognician for one month following their win. Also, they will get a coveted e-mail account.
You can't vote for yourself.
You can't vote for staff.
And you can't vote for the same person more than once.
This is a brand new feature, so there may be one or two bugs. If you find one, let me know.
The ignore feature works the same as previously advertised.
[Edited on 27-6-2003 by William]
[Edited on 17-11-2003 by William]