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100's of Muslims protest Muhammad cartoons in London…But how many protest terror?

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posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 01:35 PM
Priorities I guess.

Imagine: Radical Muslim suicide bombers ravage London last year and less than 50 Muslims demonstrated against the attack in the March Against Terror last year. But today non Muslim newspapers run a cartoon depicting Muhammad and London Muslims protest by the hundreds in the streets.

I wonder when they are planning the demonstrations against Osama or Omar Bakri? Maybe they didn’t get the memo that stated mass terror and murder is more offensive than cartoons?

I mean if cartoons get moderate Muslims riled up enough to protest in the streets throughout the world, wouldnt the savage murder of thousands of civilians by demented extremists do the same? After all, plenty of Muslims died in the Twin Towers on 9/11 as well.

I simply don’t understand the logic. Actually, I don’t know if logic is involved at all…


And the controversial cartoons here:

[edit on 3-2-2006 by skippytjc]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 01:52 PM
Some of those cartoons are actually pretty funny. Maybe not to Muslims, but they can't really start a protest about it. They probably have identical cartoons in their newspapers that could be deemed 'offensive' to Christianity.

Pathetic if you ask me :down:

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 01:55 PM
I guess all muslims are evil and should be rounded up and shot.

[/sarcasm off]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 01:56 PM

What can you say? The reactions of the Muslems is completely out of porportion to the insult of the cartoons. In another thread I pointed out that Muslems are screaming for the bombing and destruction of Denmark. There are over 5,000,000 people in Denmark. How can a sane person justify such a thing as destruction of 5 million people for a few cartoons?
The sad truth is a sane person cannot and that is the root of the problem.
Well I guess Denmark has now been added to the list of countries that Muslem want to wipe off the face of the earth. Danes, look at it like this,
you are in good company....USA, Israel, etc. etc. and the beat goes on.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:40 PM
As usual Muslims riot at the drop-of-a-hat.

They look for any excuse to destroy property THATS NOT THEIRS and threaten people....Maybe we outta think about launching airstrikes against these protestors who get violent.


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:41 PM
I just love the way certain non-Muslims think they are qualified to gauge how much of an insult Muslims feel over this incident.

It's quite obvious the 'hurt' is deep genuine and widely felt.
On UK's Channel 4 news tonight certain aspects of those 'cartoon's were explained, there are religious symbols and significant - to muslims - elements contained within which cause great offence.......and they are elements that required more than a superficial knowledge of Islam so that one might conclude the offence was intended and maximised with intent.

I am old enough to remember the outrage and genuine anger in the UK from Mary Whitehouse and her group when they had people convicted for blasphemy here (it was the last successful prosecution in the UK).
In that instance they were deeply angry and upset at how Christian 'icons' were portrayed.

That's the thing, Muslims are not alone in feeling hurt or insult when people are either deliberately or unconsciously hurtful about their faith.

Unfortunately we now sit between 2 equally nasty and revolting groups.

On the one hand racist elements are making as much out of all this as they can.

They unwittingly 'partner' the Muslim extremists who also wish to 'profit' from this incident.

Neither are going to do any good for any of us and both should be exposed and laughed at and marginalised for the stupid, ludicrous and weak minority they are, IMO.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:42 PM
Let's say tomorrow, in a French news paper, a cartoon depicting Jesus as an abortion clinic bomber is printed.

How do you expect the christian majority in America to react?

Bill O'Reilly will re-energise his ban on anything French, and you know Pat Robertson would be issusing a fatwa or two. The christian extremists would be up in arms.

Let's face facts here people. When you mock someone else's religious figure, you should expect some sort of backlash.

You'd have to be ignorant or naive to expect otherwise.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by negativenihil]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:42 PM
"The Muslems"? Every Muslim I've met did not advocate and even condemned calls for the destruction of the US, Israel, and even Denmark. You are referencing the radical ones, not "the muslims."

Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, we don't say "the Christians."

Do you want to know why Muslims don't generally protest bombings in other countries? How many tears did you shed for the Boxing Day Tsunami?

That's why.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:44 PM
Perhaps therein lies some of the fundamental differences between the Judeo-Christian philosophy, and that of the world of Islam.

Despite what all the apologists would have you believe, the vast majority (but not all) of the world's Muslims have been indoctrinated to believe that it is morally unacceptable to coexist with those who do not share their belief system. A simple, cursory examination of the origins of Islam, including it's founding members, show that the basic belief system is founded on principles of intolerance, judgement, and violence. This is in direct contrast to the Judeo-Christian system, which is based on a belief system of forgiveness, dignity, and peace. It is probably our own system of beliefs that causes fanatical Muslims to judge us as morally weak and unworthy.

How can a world-wide protest and widespread outrage be generated in the Muslim world by a single cartoon drawing - especially one that appears in a newspaper in a distant land, known for its western ways, where Islam is not strongly represented? Its a drawing, for crying out loud! Is your system of belief so fragile, so undefendable, so fallacious, so transparent...that it cannot withstand even the mildest of criticism or questioning? Could you imagine what this world would be like today if say....the Roman Catholics....reacted in the same manner every time their religion, God, Saviour and pope was mocked, questioned, or satirized?

I believe that most of these people are simply disenfranchised and uneducated, and they are venting their hate and frustration in the wrong direction.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
I just love the way certain non-Muslims think they are qualified to gauge how much of an insult Muslims feel over this incident.

Get off your soap-box Sminkey!

Its getting really, really old...the fact that you defend these rioting Muslims says alot about your charactor...maybe you outta think about converting to Islam if you Love them so much.

Heres a pic of the rioters for your viewing pleasure:


posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
Priorities I guess.

Imagine: Radical Muslim suicide bombers ravage London last year and less than 50 Muslims demonstrated against the attack in the March Against Terror last year. But today non Muslim newspapers run a cartoon depicting Muhammad and London Muslims protest by the hundreds in the streets.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by skippytjc]

Skippy for once i think i agree with you here, i just saw the pictures on sky news of the masses in London with "kill the kaffurs" slogons and other similar stuff, while i normally will support the muslims in Iraq/afghanistan as i feel they have been victimized, these people here are just causing trouble for no good reason, i live in the UK and could be mistaken for a muslim and with the trouble they are causing it wouldnt suprise me if the people in the UK start attacking them back...

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by PyrosThis is in direct contrast to the Judeo-Christian system, which is based on a belief system of forgiveness, dignity, and peace. It is probably our own system of beliefs that causes fanatical Muslims to judge us as morally weak and unworthy.

You do realize that Islam is just an extension of Christianity? Muslims recognize the Bible as the word of God and say Prophet Jesus Peace Be Upon Him. And a lot of the Q'uran is a rehash of the Bible.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Jamuhn]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus
Its getting really, really old.

- Wow, another quality post there Max.

This one ranks with your ridiculous "urine stain" one.

What's up Max, annoyed at some restrained and thinking responses as opposed to your reflex aggressive sectarianism and racism?

..the fact that you defend these rioting Muslims says alot about your charactor.

- Then feel free to point out where I ever defended a "rioting Muslim".

I spoke about people's clear and obvious hurt, I never once talked about anyone rioting about this, in fact I made my views on Muslim extremists quite plain.....but not for you, naturally.

..maybe you outta think about converting to Islam if you Love them so much.

- Pathetic and risible.
You know there was a time when people like you just had the guts to come out and call someone a "n" lover straight out. Kind of ironic for someone always on about "balls" and that weird macho version of masculinity you are always spouting about.

Heres a pic of the rioters for your viewing pleasure:

- .....and why would I get the slightest pleasure out that?

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:57 PM
When Pat Robertson called for the assasination of Chavez, most Christian leaders and TV people denounced him.

When the muslim world calls for the death and destruction of infadels and their countries, islamic leaders and press support that called for violence

When there is something that Christianity considers anti-christian, they and their leaders (see the Roberston exception above) do not call for the death and destruciton of the offenders civilization. Christians call for a boycott or other peaceful event to show their displeasure.

When there is something that islam considers anti-prophet, they and their leaders call for the death and destruction of the offenders civilization. muslims call for a holy war to show their displeasure.

If you believe that it is right for any religion to show their displeasure by violence, you are then accepting the violence of islam as their right.

The statement that all muslims do not call for the destruction of the US and Israel is correct. The radical muslims tend to support and tolerate other beliefs. The funamentalist muslims are the ones that adhere to the tenants of islam and wish to destroy the infadel.

Fundamentalist Christians support the peaceful spread of Christianity. Radical Christians are the ones that support violence in order to eliminate those they disagree with.

That is an important difference.

As such, that difference must translate to: In Christianity, the word of Jesus has been intrepreted by man to do violence on his fellow man. In islam, the word of allah itself, is evil.

Peace to all. And let the Flaming begin

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:06 PM
The fact that the Muslims in Europe are using the very same 'freedom of speech' that they are now protesting against, shows that they have an absolute lack of understanding of the most basic of freedoms that the West is founded upon.

Shouting "Jihad" and "Death to Denmark" in the middle of London also shows the mentality of our Muslim friends, and the tolerance of the good people of England in their capital city.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn

Originally posted by PyrosThis is in direct contrast to the Judeo-Christian system, which is based on a belief system of forgiveness, dignity, and peace. It is probably our own system of beliefs that causes fanatical Muslims to judge us as morally weak and unworthy.

You do realize that Islam is just an extension of Christianity? Muslims recognize the Bible as the word of God and say Prophet Jesus Peace Be Upon Him. And a lot of the Q'uran is a rehash of the Bible.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by Jamuhn]

I've seen your previous posts making this same claim before, and as far as I am concerned, that alot of bunkum. However, this is neither the appropriate time nor place (thread) for that arguement. The point under discussion is the apparent hypocritical stance that many muslims take regarding what they do and do not consider "outrageous" per their belief system, and why that is..

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by nathraq
Shouting "Jihad" and "Death to Denmark" in the middle of London also shows the mentality of our Muslim friends, and the tolerance of the good people of England in their capital city.

I think the participants of a riot like that should be deported to whatever "Hellhole" they or their parents crawled up from.

A foreign immigrant thats lucky enough to live in England should understand that living in England is not a "right"...its a priviledge.

The only good thing I see about this lousey situation is that Europeans are WAKING UP and seeing what Isalm is all about.

Sminkey....better luck next time.



posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:18 PM

100's of Muslims protest Muhammad cartoons in London…But how many protest terror?

The editor of the Jordan Shihan Weekly magazine protested the Jordan hotel terror bombings, reprinted 12 of the cartoons, and called for muslims to "behave rationally".

Of course he was fired immediatly.

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:23 PM
Good post Skippy
It highlights hypocrisy and irrational thinking.

If a cartoon is offensive, then condemn it. However to demand the destruction of an entire nation over it is uncivilized and well, stupid.
I shudder to think we should go back to the days of when religion ruled supreme over our laws.

Now of course these people want to have the right to protest and demonstrate in a foreign country, but they don't want that country to have freedom of press and speech?

What angered me yesterday is that CNN bailed out and censored the images.

However I can say that FOX News did not :up

Read my signature and support Denmark.

EDIT: I forgot this...

You have voted skippytjc for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Pyros

Originally posted by JamuhnYou do realize that Islam is just an extension of Christianity?

I've seen your previous posts making this same claim before, and as far as I am concerned, that alot of bunkum.

Maybe before you start making wild claims about their religion, you should do some research then.

Muslims believe that God (or, in Arabic, Allāh; also in Aramaic Alaha) revealed his direct word for mankind to Muhammad(c. 570–632) and other prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Six articles of belief

3. Belief in the books (kutub) sent by God:

The Suhuf-i-Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham)
The Tawrat sent to Musa (Moses)
The Zabur sent to Daud (David)
The Injil sent to Isa (Jesus)
The Qur'an sent to Muhammad

But, I agree, these protestors are hypocritical. This is more of a protest against attacks upon their culture, the cartoons were merely a catalyst for what already existed. So, in that sense, the protest is more than just about a couple cartoons.

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