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The Nightmare Power

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posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:28 PM
Robert Young Pelton (the man who did the TV show "the worlds most dangerous places"), went to Afghanistan in the heat of the war and claimed that Al-Quida was a myth there as well, there were only a tiny tiny group that was disabandoned when the northan allience started advancing (Most of Pelton's show was footage of him hanging out with the imfamous Northan Allience war lord generals during battles).

Ive allways felt that Al-quida was blown completley out of proportion (primarily as a scare tatic). I mean, half of the people being killed in Iraq at one stage were all being labled as "High ranging Al-Quida leaders". Its just bullsh*t.

I dont believe they are a well connected viable terrorist network anymore, or ever were.

Thats assuming they ever existed, im still not abandoning the chance that they were created by the powers that be inorder to push foward an adjenda through fear. Who knows, it would be wrong to cancel anything out just yet when evidence may suggest it.

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:30 PM
By the way, does anyone here have a capture card they could record it with? and maybe torrent it out?

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:32 PM
Don't listen to the comments about "cells" not existing because they do. They are simply not hollywood painted, like the name 'cell' implies, or like the Richard Marcinko book fantasies of Red Cell and the like.

They are simply people put in place living lives like you and will simply act when told to act. Their loyalty remains either militarily or to a cause but there will always be 'moderators' who insure (by any means necessary)these invividuals or groups will carry out their instructions. Enough said I doubt there is anyone here who will actually know what the hell I'm talking about anyway besides an opinion on the matter. I apologize for interrupting your thread. Back to nightmares.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 01:51 AM
Excellent posts guys. In regards to Alqeada being a non-entity, I would add that the president of Syria stated several years ago that Alqeada was a 'myth'. Also would add that Israel was stone cold busted setting up a fake alqeada cell in the west bank. I posted a copy of that article on ATS in a previous post, it's pretty easy to find on the net though so I won't go digging for it unless somebody wants me to repost it. It's an age old tactic, creating an enemy to gain power, in short, it's called order from chaos. For those of you who don't think our government would stoop so low as to commit domestic terrorism in the interests of war, I hate it for you. Do your homework, and thank god for the FOIA.

posted on Oct, 16 2004 @ 02:02 AM
I feel the game is almost up for the neocons who killed over 3,000 Americans three years ago. These facts have to go mainstream. There have been no more attacks in America because the social threshold will not withstand them. If there are more attacks, people will get to the bottom of them. Without attacks, it's only a matter of time before the neocon debauchery is ripped open. I'm positive this will come to pass. If Bush is re-elected the case will open because he and his buddies remain in the public eye. If he goes out, which I think he will, it probably will open much later.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:00 AM
The sad thing is, you have alotta folks in places like Afghanistan and Iraq who have been so abused by war itself, they became outraged by it. (Kinda hard not to if your whole family, children included, has been blown to hell by errant missiles or by some other means.) You have people who were innocent and get hit by the violence and snap. They can't and won't take it anymore. They want to seek vengeance out of anger and out of the need to restore their honor. THis is only creates more terror. The cycle is never-ending.

Then you have a lot of their young men and (some) women who buy into the whole thing just like so many of us have. They truly think there's this big crusade (NeoCon loons aside) against them and they want to join the jihad and fight it. They truly want to die martyrs for their nation or cause b/c they see so much pain and suffering. There's no difference between them and those who join the ranks of our forces to avenge 9-11, for example. Both sides buy into it.

The irony is, the cretins that plan this shyte out and profit from it, have usually never even carried a weapon into battle themselves. (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearl, Feith, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Rice, Libby etc etc..) But they sure are good at getting us into it.

Be sure, the various intelligence services are constantly working their black magic, creating new enemies. That's why we should not be near so quick to believe in the crap they feed us. Like someone else mentioned in an earlier post, just look at those Israelis awhile back who were busted by the Palestinian Authority for recruiting Palestinians into "al Qaeda." I think al Qaeda is nothing but bees buzzing around in Dubya's brain.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:42 AM
EastCoastKid. If you really want to know why none of the "neo-cons" (you say it like a four letter word) responded to you, I have a feeling all you have to do is look at the first page of this thread. You and a few others spent an entire page over the fact that they didn�t respond, and by the 10th time you did that, it was probably pretty clear that you weren�t interested in a conversation, just so long as you and your buddies could keep on the fact that no one wanted to talk to you. Hope you do feel a little better about yourself, though. Good start on this topic, it just went to crap the moment you forgot the site motto

[edit on 20-10-2004 by cavscout]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:54 AM
Well, then why don't you add something to the conversation? In your post just now, you slammed your fellow ATS posters b/c you didn't like their comments. What say you with regard to the subject of the thread? Neo Cons are welcome.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:33 AM
Yes, good point. Other then to vent about your pompous self-declared victory over conservative society, I didn�t really contribute at all, did I?

I agree that there is more there then we will probably ever know, and that certain world powers (ahem!) either had more to do with it then many choose to accept or that they let it happen. I am not certain which one is true, and it doesn�t matter, I hate them anyways. The fact is, however that Kerry had either just as much to do with it or just as much knowledge. To blatantly deny that would be doing exactly what you spent half of this thread accusing "them" of doing.

What sicken me about this whole thing is how much energy people put into arguing how much they had to with it and how little energy they spend trying to change things. Another thing that sickens me is that liberals (there, I used my own little four letter word) see what they think is a tyrannical dictatorship forming just like dozens of others in the last hundred years belief that we need to be a society that relies on the police state and military for protection, instead of abolishing useless firearms laws. How you can see tyranny and not cry a call to arms is beyond me.

Talk about forgetting the past. Don�t forget Stalin�s 20 million, or Pol Pot's, or Mao's, or Hitler�s 6 (?) million. It is happening all over again, and we are going to be caught off guard like tens of millions of others in the last hundred years. That is what makes me sick.

What are you doing about it?

I got to leave for work without spell checking this, sorry. I will more at you later

Edit for spelling

[edit on 18-10-2004 by cavscout]

[edit on 20-10-2004 by asala]

[edit on 20-10-2004 by cavscout]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by cavscout

I agree that there is more there then we will probably ever know, and that certain world powers (ahem!) either had more to do with it then many choose to accept or that they let it happen. I am not certain which one is true, and it dosnt matter, I hate them anyways.

Who do you hate?

The fact is, however that Kerry had either just as much to do with it or just as much knowledge.

Not so. Kerry is not a part of this Neo Conservative cabal that spends all their time blowing smoke up GW's butt.

To baltently deny that would be doing exactly what you spent half of this thred accusing "them" of doing.

Explain to us how Kerry is involved w/them. Do you think they're all busy down in the bowels of the Skull & Bones lair devising world imperialist strategery?

What sickens me about this whole thing is how much energy people put into arguing how much they had to with it and how little energy they spend trying to change things.

I was a soldier. I now write for a mainstream news organization. What more shall I do? Writing analysis is every bit as important as carrying a weapon, no?

Another thing that sickens me is that liberals (there, I used my own little four letter wrd) see what they think is a tyranical dictatorship forming just like dozens of others in the l;ast hundred years belief that we need to be a society that relies on the police state and military for protection, instead of abolishing useless firearms laws. How you can see tyranny and not cry a call to arms is beyond me.

First of all, just because I disagree with Bush's policies, does not make me a liberal. Actually there's nothing wrong with being liberal or conservative, as long as you keep an open mind. I saw tryrranical rule under Clinton and I see it under Bush. No difference. WACO, RUBY RIDGE, OKC, 9-11... I call it where I see it.

I will bitch more at you latr

I look forward to it.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by cavscout
You and a few others spent an entire page sucking each others d!cks

You're from Louisiana? Wow man, I figured a southerner would have more manners than that. I don't know what floats your boat, but if you think a comment like this is going to add some sense of credibility through condescension, you are mistaken. The first page of this post was spent discussing why when the body counts come in, the neocons scatter like cockroaches and hide behind war mongering rhetoric. What are we doing about it? Well, we are sharing information and discussing the problem. What are you doing about it, and how is accusing fellow memebrs of "sucking each others d!cks" a better approach to the problem? Sounds to me like you are in the midst of a double standard, or double jointed one.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by cavscout
You and a few others spent an entire page sucking each others d!cks

You're from Louisiana? Wow man, I figured a southerner would have more manners than that. I don't know what floats your boat, but if you think a comment like this is going to add some sense of credibility through condescension, you are mistaken. The first page of this post was spent discussing why when the body counts come in, the neocons scatter like cockroaches and hide behind war mongering rhetoric. What are we doing about it? Well, we are sharing information and discussing the problem. What are you doing about it, and how is accusing fellow memebrs of "sucking each others d!cks" a better approach to the problem? Sounds to me like you are in the midst of a double standard, or double jointed one.


Cogent analysis, indeed.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 12:34 PM
Great thread, I thought everybody had forgotten about this stuff lately.

It seems the programmes already done some good, I actually seen a full page on it and what it was about in a tabloid (
) today. Yes, a tabloid! Though they did have to put a bit in at the bottom explaining what a neo-con was...

I'll definitely be watching it, and for those in the US I'd imagine the BBC will eventually play it on BBC America (or a least try to, succeeding will probably be a different matter) though a few e-mails to the BBC requesting it be shown wouldn't do any harm.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
You're from Louisiana? Wow man, I figured a southerner would have more manners than that. I don't know what floats your boat, but if you think a comment like this is going to add some sense of credibility through condescension, you are mistaken.

I am not from Louisiana, I am stationed here at Ft. Polk, but you are right. I have no excuse for the things I typed, except to say that I was up all night dealing with some issues. I need to stay away from ATS when I am in that mood, I didn�t mean to make an enemy (or 5).

I am sorry.

What are you doing about it,

As much as I possibly can. I have to live with the fact that I contributed to Big Brother's new perpetual war first hand, while at the same time trying make as many people as I can understand the truth about it. I talk to everyone I know about it, my family and friends just laugh when they see me coming, they know what I'm going to talk about. I am active in the local Libertarian Party, I help raise awareness through my Motorcycle Club, ect., ect.

Anyways, sorry about all that.

[edit on 18-10-2004 by cavscout]

[edit on 20-10-2004 by cavscout]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:40 PM
As the parent of this thread, you're forgiven Cavscout. I know how stressful the military can be. And btw, thank you for your service.

Thanks for your comments.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:51 PM
Kid, interesting stuff, who are you voting for? Sorry if you've already made that clear and I missed it.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:07 PM
This time around I will be doing the (previously) unthinkable. KERRY.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:25 PM
Where would Kerry fit into something like this?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 04:35 PM
You mean in BigBrotherUSA? He is definitely a part of the establishment and was not my first choice. He has done good things. Legislatively, He worked to pass a balanced budget (with Republicans), worked with McCain to normalize relations with Vietnam and investigated drugs and terror money (before it was an "issue"). He took his findings relating to BCCI (BAnk of International Commerce and Credit) - known for its ties to the world's terror masters and drug kingpins - to the proper authorities and they got BCCI banks in 7 countries shut down and run out of bidness. BushCo. has been involved with BCCI as well as Osama et al. So, I don't think they're quite on the same team, for what its worth. Hope that helps.


posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:32 PM
This programme is on BBC 2 tonight


The Power of Nightmares

Should we be worried about the threat from organised terrorism or is it simply a phantom menace being used to stop society from falling apart?

In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.

The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.

In a new series, the Power of Nightmares explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion.

It is a myth that has spread unquestioned through politics, the security services and the international media.


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