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Painting the sky..(pics)

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posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer
im not ridiculing anyone here, im just pointing out in a sarcastic manner things that conspiracy theorists such as ourselves often overlook, or ignore. try and find a map detailing the air traffic lanes over your area, and take a second look at the sky.

That's a good idea. I'll start looking into that. Helpful posts are much more effective than those accompanied with sarcasm.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Bangin
Thanks for breaking that down for us. It's nice to hear from someone that has experience with aircraft.

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction
and here's my question...Just what do you think someone would be spraying all over the world, and why isn't it a big story?????

I haven't the slightest as to what they would be spraying. A big story? It seems to be quite a hot topic on the net. You can run a google search for more information.

I simply noticed irregularities in the sky this morning, took pictures, and I'm sharing them with the community. I'd like some answers, but the explanation 'this is normal' doesn't sit well with me...Perhaps that's because it is NOT normal. If this was a normal happening, then I wouldn't have made this post.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but science and expierience dictate that it is a normal phenomenon, just like clouds and rain. Aircraft make contrails...always have, always will....My aircraft makes contrails, and I'm not spraying a thing....

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
Many documented cases especially in Canada have provided fruitless in obtaining any information about what is going on. In the US, researchers ran into brick walls really fast in trying to get official' status on these craft.

Thanks for the informative post, THENEO.

I contacted several organizations this morning and nearly each of them choked on their own spit attempting to answer my questions. One guy put the phone down, took a look outside, and told me that they were far too low to be contrails??? Another guy responded rather quickly with "we're not being sprayed with chemicals". I didn't even address such a thing. I simply asked why there was so much activity in the sky.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:19 PM
Here's a web site that explains how contrails are formed in a better way than I'm able...sorry, I'm not a meteorologist...

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction
I'm sorry you feel that way, but science and expierience dictate that it is a normal phenomenon, just like clouds and rain. Aircraft make contrails...always have, always will....My aircraft makes contrails, and I'm not spraying a thing....

No need to apologize. We are all entitled to our own opinions.

I understand that aircraft make contrails; I'm certainly not disputing that. These trails are irregular and I want to know why.

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Bangin

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction
I'm sorry you feel that way, but science and expierience dictate that it is a normal phenomenon, just like clouds and rain. Aircraft make contrails...always have, always will....My aircraft makes contrails, and I'm not spraying a thing....

No need to apologize. We are all entitled to our own opinions.

I understand that aircraft make contrails; I'm certainly not disputing that. These trails are irregular and I want to know why.

Looking at your pictures, I see nothing unusual or remarkable about them. There are side by side contrails on the airways that criss cross our skys, and some are being dissapaited by winds, causing them to feather across the sky. The "rainbow" effect is caused by moisture just like any rainbow, but in this case, it is more likely miniscule ice crystals. I have often seen such a rainbow that seems to encircle the shadow of my airplane as we skim the tops of clouds at higher altitudes. It's bitter cold up there. Believe me, when you open the doors at 28,000 feet to do a HALO drop, it'll make your nipples stand at attention in a heart beat!!!

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:35 PM
These photos don't show the bulk of trails, but I'll be posting those later. The rainbow effect is unusual. Whether it's caused naturally or not, I've never witnessed them before today.

I've been at 12000 feet when I went skydiving a couple of years ago. I loved it!

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 02:56 PM
this time of year...those rainbows are nearly an everyday's winter

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 04:36 PM
I have not seen them before, so they're not that regular of an occurrence. As for winter, I don't see too many of those in Texas.

Here are the pics that I was referring to.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 08:38 AM
Tell me where you took the pictures, and I'll look at my sectional and tell you what airway you are directly under...

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction
Tell me where you took the pictures, and I'll look at my sectional and tell you what airway you are directly under...

That would be the same area that I've lived for 14 years, central Texas. Never seen them during the previous years, so I don't understand why they're showing up now. Again, it is not a normal occurrence in this area.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 09:28 AM
that is some heavy traffic....


posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 02:49 PM
Isn't the dallas texas airport one of the major hubs for international flights in the US? or something like that? that could explain the many contrails.

seeing a rainbow effect in clouds is new to you? i've seen that all the time. in normal clouds as well. it's just the water/ice particles refracting the light.

the majority of the aircraft we see up in the sky is comercial and not government owned. the government would have no control over what they do with there aircraft. they wouldn't be able to tell them to put some "chemtrail" device on there aircraft. plus the whole spraying chemicals into the air for whatever reason doesn't make sence to me. i cant say i've read much on the "chemtrail" stuff, but wouldn't it affect the government or who ever is doing this, just as much as everyone else? we all breath the same air.

anyway i just think they are just contrails.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by jra
Isn't the dallas texas airport one of the major hubs for international flights in the US? or something like that? that could explain the many contrails.

I'm about 4 driving hours away from Dallas. Secondly, if this area was 'hot' in regards to air traffic, then I'm sure I would see these more often.

Here's another thread, started by MKULTRA, with some info on chemtrails.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 03:25 PM
I get so bored at this site sometimes fighting with people that have an opinion on a subject but with absolutely no knowledge of what they talk about.

Thus: are you a disinfo spook?
are you just a kid pretending to be an adult?
are you just trying to get a rise out of somebody?
are you just plain defiant about everything you encounter?
what is your problem?

regarding this phenomena I have on numerous occasions seen the following:

A large jet aircraft, that is white with NO markings whatsoever do the following over at least a 4 year span over a large metropolitain area where I live:

enter our airspace at a great altitude,
fly across the city laying down a contrail,
shut off the spray while banking to turn,
turn on the spray while crossing over the city again,
then turn off the spray while banking again,
and repeat until spray is finished.

I have witnessed this done while the craft layed down a DEFINITE pattern of spraying and this often is coordinated by as many as 3 planes at once. Once the spraying is done, the planes shut off the contrails and begin flying south east to where the rumoured mothballed airstrips are in the US NorthEast which this operation comes out of.

All the time this happens, chartered airliners leave and enter Toronto International Airport (by far Canada's busiest airport), with minimal contrails.

Furthermore, planes flying a holding pattern looking for runway clearance coming in do two things: they fly much lower than the contrail planes and two they rarely produce contrails and even when they do they dissipate rapidly.

When jet aircraft fly over our airspace they often fly higher than the jets that spray and even at very high altitudes I can identify that they are in fact commerical carriers (with binoculars). In the case where contrails are formed by these planes (common due to high altitude), these contrails dissipate quickly.

Lastly, note with spraying planes, they emit a dirty and sometimes greyish blue smoke which I do not see from commercial jets. Also, it is not just a contrail being emmitted but from where, sprayers emit contrails from the back of the plane and there is often at least 3 plumes and as much as half a dozen. Few Commercial aircraft today have more than 4 turbines, and most newer jets have only two!

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 04:50 PM
I know just what you mean. I too have been watching for years.

I have seen them make short trails crossing each other to make it look like a small cloud.

They don't follow normal flight paths either and I have seen them spray parrallel lines while coming at each other at very close range at high speed. Something you don't see a passenger jet do.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 05:00 PM

thanks, you mentioned two more things that I missed.

the point is this whether one wishes to see evil in this or not:

this must be costing a fricking fortune and who is paying for it?

why are they doing it?

why does the government not admit to it?

If it is secret or military in nature then how are we to assume it is for our benefit?

why does the taxpayer not have a right to scrutinize the cost and need for this?

who is running this?

why has it been going on for so long, what can possibly be accomplished by repeatedly spraying?

what is the environmental impact of this?

how much fuel is being needlessly burned up?

how much pollution is being caused?

why are people becoming sick from this spraying?

it goes on and on....

why are pilots running risky maneouvers over major metropolitain areas?

are these planes safe, who inspects them?

are qualified pilots flying them?

who owns these planes?

on and on...

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
I get so bored at this site sometimes fighting with people that have an opinion on a subject but with absolutely no knowledge of what they talk about.

Thus: are you a disinfo spook?

My sentiments exactly! (Rarely do I completely agree with THENEO

The problem that I've observed with this discussion, is that people fail to understand that this is not a normal occurrence (here). If I lived underneath super active air lanes, then seeing dozens of trails in the sky may not be so unusual. I noticed a peculiarity, observed their behavior, and took pictures of the event.

I suppose it would appease a few if I said that I was delusional and somehow overlooked the other dozens of trails being made daily.
Well, not a chance. Why? Because they haven't been there.

"Deny Ignorance"

[Edited on 12/5/2003 by Bangin]


posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 10:48 PM

this is not a normal occurrence (here).

Duly noted. I should have paid more attention to that information you provided. I was just wanting to provide some alternative viewpoints for the discussion.

I agree that i should learn more about this subject. I only know the very basics of it. I shall remain "on the fence" on this subject, but i'll look into it more. I'm just skeptical about the idea of the Gov't trying to harm people by spraying things into the air, (it would affect them just as much as everyone else) there are more efficient ways of doing that i'd think. If it's for creating clouds and rain to help agriculture and other such things, then that would seem to make more sence.

again, i'm just offering my thoughts and opinions

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 11:01 PM
Just so that no-one thinks that I am talking out of my butt on this, I have lived under approach lines to a major airport for over 20 years. I have seen many planes in that time from every airline there is and every type of plane. Even choppers, private jets and the concorde as well as military planes too. It is highly unusual to see large planes flying back and forth across a city like these spraying operations. It is not uncommon for small planes like cessna's to randomly fly around but even then they have limited time at an altitude in crowded airspace before being sent packing.

If anyone doubts the power of chemtrails consider that my incredulity of seeing them is one of the things that drove me into the world of conspiracy in the first place. It became painfully obvious that something was not right' about this. When I started to hear stories about the authorities denying chemtrails then I knew there was something wrong for sure.

If you ever see the spraying or suspect it, take some time to watch it and see it through. I promise you that if it is spraying it will make you sick to your stomach if you watch them until it ends and you realize what is going on. Thinking of that substance falling down on your head and you breathing it and wondering what the hell it is and why are they doing it? I remember the effect it had on me and I have even stood on busy streets staring at the sky when dozens of people walked past and not even looking up. I have even stood there and pointed to the sky hoping someone would understand what I was pointing at. Not one did. Yeah I could yell or scream but then they would say that I was the problem. I don't need that.

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