posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:16 PM
Originally posted by jibeho
Strange and certainly a US or Canadian based production.
I love the picture of Obama in the background. Uncanny!
That was Malcolm X in the picture in the background. Most certainly an American production, based on accent, colloquialisms, and the way he
over-pronounced what few arabic words he used.
The opening song, kids singing the Shahada, was kinda catchy, don't you think? (La ihaha illa allah" - "there is no god but allah"; "wa Mohammed
rasul allah" - "and Mohammed is the prophet of allah" etc...) recited when one becomes a muslim, and periodically thereafter to reinforce it in the
Even though it was an American production, the character was stolen from the Palestinians, who had a children's show a couple of years ago featuring
Farfour (A.K.A. "Mickey Shaheed" - "Micky Martyr") the purpose of which was to indoctrinate Palestinian kiddies into the proper mode of thought to
become a good little martyr.
I never heard if Disney ever grew a pair and tried to prosecute for trademark infringement.
Fouled up world we live in, ain't it?