posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Author H. L. Quist “Coup d'état with this new
Administration” - Above Politics 72
Returning guest H. L. (Buster) Quist, talks about the Obama Administration being more in bed with big business that it ever was and how George Soros
and his Open Society Institute are behind this change in direction for President Obama.
Buster highlights why President Obama has changed his mind on the missile defence system in Eastern Europe and how GE and Walmart have benefitted from
Russian business.
The New World Order is discussed and how if the global economy does not pick up, there could be a new global currency with a central bank based in
Basel, Switzerland.
And why has China give the IMF a $50 billion loan?
length: 39:43
size: 13963k
status: live (at time of posting)