posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 10:00 PM
I don't understand. I haven't looked, but I'm sure the record of the Electoral College is available online, and the results should speak for
You do realize that we in the Constitution don't have a right, among all the rights they gave to us as individuals, to vote a President into office.
Our forefathers were very intuitive. The problem that our forefathers saw was that there are many people in a population too damned ignorant to vote
by any rational, sane, prudent standard.
Therefore, the electoral college.
And if you doubt that we have millions of utterly stupid, unaware, uninformed people in America, just look at the sheer number of idiots in New
Orleans who should have known that they lived below sea level, were warned to get out of town, told the hurricane was sure as hell coming, and warned
that the levies wouldn't hold. So the dumbasses, too damned stupid and sorry to get off their lazy asses - some drowned, and others had to be
rescued after a binge of looting.
Now, it's go Obama. Don't know why. Don't need to know why. Just gotta get the man in. Gimme something for doing nothing!
Stupidity is stupidity, and there's no helping it. Thank God our forefathers knew this and anticipated this.