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Sleep Paralysis?

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posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 08:17 PM
Ive had numerious sp, ever since i was in my early teens (I'm in my early 20's now),my most recent experience, about 2 weeks ago, I had woken up in the middle of the night in sp state, i was aware of my suroundings, like my tv being on,of course i couldn't move my body, but for some reason every time I get sp, i'm in total fear of whats there, i don't see anything, but i can feel something is there, and it really scares me, i try to force myself awake, after a few attempted fails, I finally force myself awake,After that i really didnt want to go back to sleep in fear it would happen again, wich a few times that has happened to me, i would come out of sp (after forcing my self out) i would fall back asleep and it would happen again >.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: starwae

Do you live in an apartment/tenement building with neighbors upstairs... directly above you???
If so... Beware!
Witches like to play "light as a feather... stiff as a board."

It happened to me...
I beat it by totally wagging my feet... til my body awakens.
In SP.... feet are free to roam.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: samstone11

I've had sleep paralysis episodes since I was about 13 or so (am now in my mid-40's) and they disturbed me at first until I told my mum about them and then they became sort of "fun" like an altered state of consciousness. The first experience happened when I was sleeping in our living room after watching late night TV. I was paralyzed and vibrations seemed to be running through my body - guess like electricity...Suddenly I was levitating in the middle of the room and spinning end over end and there was blue light coming from somewhere and I heard all sorts of things like TVs and radios all on at once & in different languages. That first one did freak me out until I had the talk with my mum.

Since then I've had many, many of the experiences but they weren't negative. I never had the "old hag" thing happen though - nothing evil, nothing choking me or squishing me. I hear a lot of things like conversations in other languages or such though...

After a while I figured out that I could almost feel one coming on before I fell asleep and I found that if I moved my eyes back and forth rapidly, I'd see static in swirling patterns and eventually I'd get the odd sounds and the waves of what felt like energy travelling up and down my body and then the adventure began. After I managed to wake up I'd feel very cold, almost shivering. A few times I realized what was happening and was able to get up and out but have never been too successful yet in getting very far before being pulled back. Not so long ago I had it happen and felt like I was floating but then I fell through the bed. Now THAT was not being solid and falling through more solid matter.

I don't know if my info helps but I figured I'd share my experiences with it. I know the physical reasons for the paralysis but the sensations are worth discussing since they're disturbing for a lot of people. I have always had sleeping problems - chronic insomnia, so that might be a factor too.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 08:39 AM
One of the most interesting experiences I've had was about five nights ago actually. I fell asleep in my room on my bed and woke up about eight hours later at around 3AM. The experience itself only lasted about ten minutes. When I woke up, I had the familiar feeling of total weakness and realized what was happening.

But the interesting part is that, once I realized I was safe and relaxed, I heard a voice. It was female, powerful, and commanding. It said "DO AS I SAY." and "YOU WILL DO AS I SAY." two times each, before she would say it to me, I would feel AMAZING. My entire body felt orgasmic for about an entire minute and then this disembodied voice would tell me to do what she was saying.

Each time this happened, I fought it; I really hate being told what to do. I said "NO." and "GO AWAY." multiple times, not out loud of course, but very loudly in my mind. I resisted in that way four times before I was either able to snap out of it, or the voice decided to give up. To be honest, at the time I was convinced it was some kind of demon or something, and I felt so stupid and disrespectful disobeying it. I toyed with the succubus idea, but I don't know if they swing both ways, in all seriousness. Now I don't know what SP really genuinely is, we seem to have a good understanding of the chemistry behind it, but I want to know if it has meaning. That question I don't think any of us can answer definitively.

Another, older, experience I had, I was in the same room and bed. But, at the beginning of the experience I heard quite a loud, serious, and strong male voice say something to the effect of "May God have mercy on her soul." Then, the usual paralysis. But this time, no total state of fear! I felt calm, and it was quite surreal and not unpleasant. Ever since that experience I have very rarely felt the feeling of dread associated with SP, though the experience in general happens a lot. A. Lot.

And apologies in advance if that was hard to follow, I haven't slept in a while haha. Thank you for reading!

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:30 PM
I've had sleep paralysis for a few years now. At first, it was super scary, especially since I had no idea what it was.

Then, I found out what it was, read about it and now I'm fine with it. When it happens, I'm hit with the irrational fear that comes with it, but I know that all I have to do is focus on trying to open and close my hands (this technique works the best for me, better than the toes one).

I do not believe that SP is supernatural at all, I'm very interested in dreams (lucid dreaming is amazing) and I read a lot about this stuff. But I do understand why it looks that way. When you wake up with a woman hovering over your feet and you can't move, can't speak and the woman seems and feels dangerous... yeah, hallucinations are never fun.

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: samstone11
Has anyone ever had a positive SP? Is that possible?

Sleep paralysis happens to me quite often. When it first started occurring it scared the heck out of me. I can recall lying in bed frozen, sure that something or someone was doing this to me. Screaming and the top is my lungs, but no words were coming out of my mouth.

Then I started having out of body experiences, all the time, and connected the dots. Sleep paralysis is related to OBE's.

So, even though it still feels a little off pudding, I take it as a positive as it's a cue to get out of my body.

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 02:22 AM
They are demons. Sleep Paralysis is their way of making you immobile so they can inhabit you. Think I am kidding? Next time an SP episode occurs call on the name of Christ. The episode will stop almost immediately.

True witches call on demons to do their bidding and witches know you are most vulnerable when at rest.

Sometimes simply researching the occult can open doors to these episodes because you are giving your free will over to these demonic pests by investigating their secrets.

I have suffered SP for almost 15 years and it didn't start until I got tangled up in a couple who was heavily into the occult, but hid behind a mask of Christianity. Wolves in sheeps clothing they were, for sure.

My episodes stopped almost entirely once I blocked those people from my life, but I had a spiritual battle on my hands for a time afterward.

My resurgence of the SP began again when I started researching more on Esoteric type things.
When I call out to Jesus Christ while they are happening it goes away quickly. I even saw blobs of rainbows as I was awakening from it to a conscious state. I knew the rainbows were of Christ.

I have had them sit on my chest, walk around the foot of my bed. I have lied there forcing myself to scream yet my husband, who was next to me, never shuddered out of his sleep to the sound of my voice.

SP is spiritual, no doubt. Some have documented it can lead to OBE's/Astral Projection. All of which I would rather avoid.

But, seriously call on Christ during the time it happens. Even if you are Atheist or of another faith, the Lord still hears you.
Watch what happens. In all things pray. Pray, Pray, Pray. God is good. Amen.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: NotAsleep
They are demons. Sleep Paralysis is their way of making you immobile so they can inhabit you. Think I am kidding? Next time an SP episode occurs call on the name of Christ. The episode will stop almost immediately.

True witches call on demons to do their bidding and witches know you are most vulnerable when at rest.

Sometimes simply researching the occult can open doors to these episodes because you are giving your free will over to these demonic pests by investigating their secrets.

I have suffered SP for almost 15 years and it didn't start until I got tangled up in a couple who was heavily into the occult, but hid behind a mask of Christianity. Wolves in sheeps clothing they were, for sure.

My episodes stopped almost entirely once I blocked those people from my life, but I had a spiritual battle on my hands for a time afterward.

My resurgence of the SP began again when I started researching more on Esoteric type things.
When I call out to Jesus Christ while they are happening it goes away quickly. I even saw blobs of rainbows as I was awakening from it to a conscious state. I knew the rainbows were of Christ.

I have had them sit on my chest, walk around the foot of my bed. I have lied there forcing myself to scream yet my husband, who was next to me, never shuddered out of his sleep to the sound of my voice.

SP is spiritual, no doubt. Some have documented it can lead to OBE's/Astral Projection. All of which I would rather avoid.

But, seriously call on Christ during the time it happens. Even if you are Atheist or of another faith, the Lord still hears you.
Watch what happens. In all things pray. Pray, Pray, Pray. God is good. Amen.

If someone really ever had any problems with SP, he would never say there are demons involved. The more encounters you have, the less supernatural it looks. After a year of regular SPs I began to understand them so well, I just got rid of them almost for good. Now I only have them from time to time when I am extremely tired and stressed, but I can get out of them much faster.

As a veteran I can assure everyone there is nothing paranormal about them, the more you have them, the more you connect the dots and realize it is all in your head.

Best example is you saying Jesus name while you have them. I could say it as many times I could and it would never do anything, but it worked for you because you believed it would work and the hallucinations that you made yourself adjusted to it. You are creating them, you have no control over them, but your subconscious has. And if you believe that those visions are demonic, then they will react like they were, because it is in your head only.

So I can't and won't believe you had SPs for so many years, because you would take much less to realize what it really is and how to make it go away. You seem to have no idea.

Only a year worth of experience and I could explain any doubt that someone could direct in my way. It is not demonic in any way. Brain projects your worst fears, for believers they are demons, for people that are interested in ETs brain projects aliens, and we have obductions... Kids that have SP, and never saw alien movies or demon pictures see big spiders.

On a side note, just to clear something out - what happens in your hallucination has no real reflection on what is really happening outside of your body. For example, on many occasions when I had SP, people saw it. Despite me not being able to talk in my visions I was actually mumbling something loud. When I felt burning, my body temperature was normal.

posted on Aug, 8 2014 @ 04:28 AM
Sleep paralysis is fun, dont know why people make a big deal of it.
Its a "DREAM", in dreams YOU CAN ConTROL them however you DESIRE!
Your IMAGINATION can ROAM FREE AS a bird, you can even transform
into a bird and fly a away. You can have that EVIL shadow person lift
you out of your body while its paralyzed. You can do anything while
under sleep paralysis, problem that lies here is learning
HOW TO CONTROL it and gaining control over emotions.

Its a great platform to lucid dream off of.
Or lucid dream within it.

If you are SCARED of being paralysis, your survival instincts
kick in, this is where your IMAGINATIOn takes over, part of your brain
thats active, this is where all the freaky shat happens.
its wonderful how the brain reacts under these conditions.
, once you come close to a NDE
your brain will protect you with EITHER a NICE "LUCID DReam"
of HEAVEN or a HELLISH DREAM. This has been tested
with scientifically as well with fighter pilots.
At times if you are unlucky, you'll experience NOTHING,
just like some COMA patients, fun isnt.....
This is why "REM" is active during these experiences
during lucid dreaming/sleep paralysis/NDE/.

I've TESTED Sleep paralysis 100s of times.
I get it at least 30+ times a month, just for lucid dreaming.
For me its simple to induce, since I finally got the hang of it.
Took me a LOT of time and practice with my SLEEP!
Easy to get rid of at will, I rather not, since I am not done with it.

Once you overcome your fears, its a piece cake.
BUT IF you suffer from stress/anxiety/depression, then
you will BE RAPED by your imagination, And I do mean literally.

I've read countless stories, and offered advice to people, and they
managed to overcome it and use it to their advantage.

I did mention this in another thread, people like to use sleep paralysis
for their agenda. Religion/fear/demons/ghosts/NEW age.
ITS A dream IDIOTS.. get over it, thanks to science.
I can summon demons/angels/ghosts at my command, does this make them REAL?
DUH NOOO...... I can even chop their heads off, I did that once to my shadow partner,
seeing if he would bleed, guess not

edit on 8-8-2014 by aerial because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: samstone11

I have never considered this topic before last night. Last night my son was sick. I slept on the couch outside his room.

I was in a dream that I knew was a dream. I was dreaming of myself in the place that I was really sleeping. It was a dream things got weird as dreams do. Then something that doesn't typically happen while sleeping happened.

There was a physical sensation that felt like maybe a special kind of dream was happening. Nothing visually special happened and that was odd. That observation seemed to be the turning point of the experience.

Suddenly the feeling became threatening and I found myself awake, frightened and unable to control my body on the way that you get tingling feelings when you cut off circulation but very different.

When I realized I was awake I calmed myself and waited for it to pass. My heart felt attacked. My mind remembered that during sleep the body has chemicals that naturally produce a paralysis that keeps us from acting out our dreams.

My heart and mind battle over this experience. Part of me feels violated, part of me thinks it was a normal experience if someone waking before the completion of an REM cycle.

I am typically a hard facts person. This experience rocked that perception. I'm always thinking it's just my vivid imagination and life is what you see is what you get.

This is troubling but the sleep paralysis thing is pretty convincing

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 08:44 PM
I know this is going to sound like religious fanaticism, but really, I'm telling you, that's real and they're demons. Just claim the blood of Jesus Christ and they'll have to leave (you can just think it).

posted on Oct, 15 2014 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: Emma3

Thank you Emma. In that moment it certainly felt that way. I think that's why I posted. It was so frightening. Then I read about sleep paralysis and thought ok here's an explanation. Unfortunately it didn't really change the emotional part of the experience. It wasn't just a paralyzed feeling. There was what felt like an angry outside force that actually jolted my body.

I don't understand why this would occur. I've never concerned myself with these things and I have always felt connected to God.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: samstone11

Hi OP, I am very experienced with anything to do with dreams and beyond. Will try to answer all your questions.

Night of sleep is not one straight line, there are certain patterns and sleep phases through which we pass every time we go to sleep. There are certain chemicals produced by our brain in different phases of sleep. One of those chemicals paralyze us when we sleep, when we wake up there is another chemical that makes us able to move again. And many more.

Sleep paralyses happens when something goes wrong in this pattern of sleep phases, we partially wake up and we cannot move. We all do fear the unknown, we want to move and we cannot move, of course when it first happens to you and you do not understand the nature of it, you are scared. The more you are trying to move, the scarier it gets. Your subconscious mind comes in play here, you biggest fear comes to life. You still did not wake up completely, so you are seeing fragments of your dreams in your waking life. Intention controls our dreams, for beginners it is hard to generate that pure intention needed for perfect dream control. Fear is a very strong tool to generate that intention. This is the reason why fear summons something creepy that easy and fast.
In short it is Paralyze + Hypnagogic Hallucination + Fear of Paralyze and later on + Fear of creepy things your scared imagination realized for you.
And one more thing, all those creepy stories you read about SP also come into play and add more fear and more scary expectations, thus, generating more intention

It takes time to get used to it, when you understand the process, you know that nothing is wrong, everything is fine. You also do understand that you are able to continue dreaming while you are awake. Do same what you would do in any lucid dream, make something nice. If your dream control is weak and you are not scared of your SP, you will most probably see nothing. If you are not scared of your SP and you have good dream control, you will be able to do anything you want, its pretty cool to see a mixture of waking life and dream objects.

You wont be having SP's forever, as far as I know, your brain is getting used to what you are doing and slowly working out a process that wont cause any errors/mistakes that might lead to a SP.

To sum it up, think of SP as something cool, don't be afraid of it. It does not happen that often, enjoy it.

posted on Jan, 25 2015 @ 06:43 AM
I think SP is very frightening.
It happens to me in very unregular patterns and I usually wake up being scared after 30 minutes after I last time had a look on my watch.

Somehow I only tend to have it on bad days and not when I feel overly excited

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