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originally posted by: samstone11
Has anyone ever had a positive SP? Is that possible?
originally posted by: NotAsleep
They are demons. Sleep Paralysis is their way of making you immobile so they can inhabit you. Think I am kidding? Next time an SP episode occurs call on the name of Christ. The episode will stop almost immediately.
True witches call on demons to do their bidding and witches know you are most vulnerable when at rest.
Sometimes simply researching the occult can open doors to these episodes because you are giving your free will over to these demonic pests by investigating their secrets.
I have suffered SP for almost 15 years and it didn't start until I got tangled up in a couple who was heavily into the occult, but hid behind a mask of Christianity. Wolves in sheeps clothing they were, for sure.
My episodes stopped almost entirely once I blocked those people from my life, but I had a spiritual battle on my hands for a time afterward.
My resurgence of the SP began again when I started researching more on Esoteric type things.
When I call out to Jesus Christ while they are happening it goes away quickly. I even saw blobs of rainbows as I was awakening from it to a conscious state. I knew the rainbows were of Christ.
I have had them sit on my chest, walk around the foot of my bed. I have lied there forcing myself to scream yet my husband, who was next to me, never shuddered out of his sleep to the sound of my voice.
SP is spiritual, no doubt. Some have documented it can lead to OBE's/Astral Projection. All of which I would rather avoid.
But, seriously call on Christ during the time it happens. Even if you are Atheist or of another faith, the Lord still hears you.
Watch what happens. In all things pray. Pray, Pray, Pray. God is good. Amen.