posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:29 PM
What if ego truly is pride? Pride makes you talk about yourself.
Pride makes you decide things going against the will of others.
Being proud is being rebellious.
What's more to pride than approving the feeling of guilt?
You should feel guilty about guilt, you should repent your guilt.
I think pride to be experiencing guilt as a life force, as a motivator to do more wrong, it seems a wicked stance towards guilt, to intentionally go
forth on a wrong idea about guilt. To find it good to wrong, and to find it wrong to do good. Twisted,.. wicked..
Ego is a set of wrong convictions. And egotistical people seek approval of others. They even try to make others the same as them. Yet, according to
some scripture, they pave their own road to a bad abide, to a place of Fire.
How deep does the rabbithole go? How clever is the deception? To find out to what degree you've been deceived, is to gain.. enlightenment?