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U-boat base in eastern Arctic

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:42 PM
In 1985 Soviet helicopter pilot Peter Statsyukom discovered a small complex of five underground Nazi bunkers in the Siberian Arctic. Apparently they were built into a large rocky outcrop and blasted out with explosives. These bunkers in the Lena River Delta sheltered 250 drums of fuel. Nearby was a 200m concrete wharf with rails from the wharf to the bunkers. Inside an accommodation bunker they also found Nazi era coins, German naval badges and buttons.

There had always been wartime tales amongst the indigenous Yakut people about mysterious men called chuchuna dressed in black spotted in the Bykovskaya Duct area between 1940-42.

Then in in 1963 the body of a German navy NCO was found in Neelova Gulf with the remnants of his uniform and rifle ammunition.

What is astonishing about the location is how far East it was on the same longitude as Hong Kong. During 1942 a joint operation by the German Navy (Kreigsmarine) and Luftwaffe saw Bv138 flying boats operating together in the Barents Sea. It is conceivable that these flying boats could have operated as far east as the Lena Delta, perhaps flying spies behind Soviet lines or even engaged in hops to Japanese territory.

According to some accounts when the intact wreck of a German Uboat, U-534 was raised in the Baltic by a wealthy private individual, amongst her soaked papers were orders at the end of WWII to sail to the Lena Delta.
edit on 25-2-2014 by sy.gunson because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:11 AM
Got my attention! Hope to hear some more on this subject

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 03:55 AM
I'm massively unconvinced. A quick internet search has revealed bugger all in the way of proof for this, other than a badly written theory written by a Russian who claims that the Admiral Scheer was in the Arctic in 1943. She wasn't, she was in the Baltic, attached to the Training Fleet after the humiliating failure of the Kriegsmarine at the Battle of the Barents Sea, after which Hitler ordered the mothballing of the German surface fleet.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 11:28 AM
20 flags given posted today .. No links .. Care to provide us with a little more ?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by sy.gunson

Interesting stuff.
The history continues to develop even now.
So many years later.


posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 12:19 PM
Am I missin something?

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by sy.gunson

It is a little funny this..
They called them "Chuchuna", you said?

That's what they call Bigfoot in Siberia..
Chuchuna link 1 (spanish)
Chuchuna link 2 (english)

edit on 2014-2-26 by tomten because: Added another link.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I'm massively unconvinced. A quick internet search has revealed bugger all in the way of proof for this, other than a badly written theory written by a Russian who claims that the Admiral Scheer was in the Arctic in 1943. She wasn't, she was in the Baltic, attached to the Training Fleet after the humiliating failure of the Kriegsmarine at the Battle of the Barents Sea, after which Hitler ordered the mothballing of the German surface fleet.

You are always massively unconvinced. Nothing new in that.

Since I have not mentioned Admiral Scheer and since I have not cited from the person you mention how is this drivel related?

Nazi Fuel drums & base found Neelova Gulf

Спустя много лет, будучи в редакции газеты «Советская Россия», от своего приятеля журналиста Николая Домбковского Вяткин услышал, что в устье Лены найдена секретная база немецких подводных лодок, хорошо оборудованная, с большим запасом топлива. И тогда стал ясен невероятно большой радиус действия нацистских субмарин, торпедировавших караваны союзников, следующих в Мурманск с вооружением и техникой.

Nazi Base Neelova Gulf

Секретные базы

Один из таких тайных опорных пунктов был создан в устье реки Лены еще в 30-х годах, но обнаружили его только в конце XX века. Первые признаки его существования появились в 1963 году, когда на берег Неелова залива волны выбросили бочку солярки с фашистской символикой.

В том же году в 20 километрах от Тикси среди камней горной осыпи были найдены останки унтер-офицера подводного флота Третьего рейха, на что указывали бляха подводника и полуистлевшая форма. После чего и возникло предположение, что он служил на замаскированной базе подводных лодок. Существование здесь секретной немецкой базы окончательно подтвердили документы, обнаруженные на подлодке U-534, поднятой на поверхность в 1993 году, в соответствии с которыми она побывала в дельте Лены незадолго до окончания войны.

А вскоре группа полярных вертолетчиков совершила аварийную посадку в дельте реки Лены. Здесь под скалой они случайно обнаружили склад, в котором хранились трехсотлитровые бочки для солярки и керосина. На них готическими буквами было выбито «krigsmarine», стояли свастика в кружочке с крылышками и дата - 1940. От склада рельсы вели к бетонированной причальной полосе. Возникло предположение, что опорный пункт в дельте реки Лены предназначался к тому же и для заправки немецких надводных кораблей, причал для которых располагался в большой расселине, полностью прикрывавшей его сверху.

Кроме базы в устьях Лены и Оби и аэродрома люфтваффе, располагавшегося на Новой Земле, на территории СССР во время войны существовало еще несколько баз и опорных пунктов. Самой засекреченной из них была база, построенная в укромной бухте Нерпичья на Колыме. В ней прятались танкеры и траулеры. В Заполярье на побережье Петсамо вблизи Печенги были обнаружены завод и грандиозное сооружение, состоявшее из подземных бункеров и галерей, уходивших в сторону Норвегии.

Позаботилось руководство германского подводного флота и о техническом обслуживании своих субмарин. В проливе Кембриджа, в скалах, расположенных в устье Оби, в огромном гроте был сооружен док для ремонта подводных лодок, действовавших в Карском море. С воздуха можно различить лишь трубы нескольких вентиляционных шахт, а сам грот не виден - вход в него на корабле осуществлялся лишь во время прилива. А передовые пункты или пункты-засады, в которых немецкие лодки поджидали конвои, располагались на мелководье Обской губы и Енисейского залива.

edit on 23-6-2014 by sy.gunson because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: sy.gunson

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I'm massively unconvinced. A quick internet search has revealed bugger all in the way of proof for this, other than a badly written theory written by a Russian who claims that the Admiral Scheer was in the Arctic in 1943. She wasn't, she was in the Baltic, attached to the Training Fleet after the humiliating failure of the Kriegsmarine at the Battle of the Barents Sea, after which Hitler ordered the mothballing of the German surface fleet.

You are always massively unconvinced. Nothing new in that.

Since I have not mentioned Admiral Scheer and since I have not cited from the person you mention how is this drivel related?

Well, I used something called the 'Internet' to search something called 'Google' for any historical references to Neelova Gulf, as you mentioned in your original post, which didn't contain a single cite (how astonishing). The only thing that I could find was this, which is the drivel that I was referring to.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: sy.gunson

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I'm massively unconvinced. A quick internet search has revealed bugger all in the way of proof for this, other than a badly written theory written by a Russian who claims that the Admiral Scheer was in the Arctic in 1943. She wasn't, she was in the Baltic, attached to the Training Fleet after the humiliating failure of the Kriegsmarine at the Battle of the Barents Sea, after which Hitler ordered the mothballing of the German surface fleet.

You are always massively unconvinced. Nothing new in that.

Since I have not mentioned Admiral Scheer and since I have not cited from the person you mention how is this drivel related?

Well, I used something called the 'Internet' to search something called 'Google' for any historical references to Neelova Gulf, as you mentioned in your original post, which didn't contain a single cite (how astonishing). The only thing that I could find was this, which is the drivel that I was referring to.

Well when you talk about only that which you wish to relate to then you are not addressing the information posted which is of no assitance. That was not what i refer to.

Since you are so good at leaping to your own conclusions why don't i sit back and let you tell the story since you obviously know all my sources?

It would not matter what sources I quote because you are not interested in the facts or the sources, just your own prejudiced views
edit on 23-6-2014 by sy.gunson because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: ThePeaceMaker
20 flags given posted today .. No links .. Care to provide us with a little more ?

Secret bases

One such secret strongholds was established at the mouth of the Lena River in the 30's, but found it only in the end of XX century. The first signs of its existence came in 1963, when the Gulf Coast Neelova waves cast a barrel of diesel fuel with Nazi symbols.

In the same year, about 20 kilometers from Tiksi mountain scree of stones were found the remains of a non-commissioned officer of the submarine fleet of the Third Reich, as indicated by plaque Submariner and poluistlevshiye form. After which it was assumed that he served on a submarine base in disguise. The existence of a secret German base here finally confirmed documents found on the submarine U-534, raised to the surface in 1993, under which she had been in the Lena Delta shortly before the war.

Soon a group of polar helicopter made an emergency landing in the delta of the Lena River. Here, under a rock, they accidentally discovered the warehouse, which contained trehsotlitrovye barrels of diesel and kerosene. Gothic letters on them was broken «krigsmarine», swastika stood in a circle with wings and the date - 1940. Rails from warehouse led to a concrete quay strip. It has been suggested that the reference point in the delta of the Lena River to the same intended for refueling and German surface ships dock which was located in the cleft of a large, completely concealing it from the top.

Apart from the base in the mouths of the Ob and Lena and airfield Luftwaffe, which was located on Novaya Zemlya in the Soviet Union during the war there were several bases and strongholds. Most of them were classified base built in a secluded bay Nerpichiya in Kolyma. It hid tankers and trawlers. In the Arctic on the coast near Pechenga Pechenga were discovered plant and grand structure, consisting of underground bunkers and galleries, leave aside Norway.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: sy.gunson

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: sy.gunson

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I'm massively unconvinced. A quick internet search has revealed bugger all in the way of proof for this, other than a badly written theory written by a Russian who claims that the Admiral Scheer was in the Arctic in 1943. She wasn't, she was in the Baltic, attached to the Training Fleet after the humiliating failure of the Kriegsmarine at the Battle of the Barents Sea, after which Hitler ordered the mothballing of the German surface fleet.

You are always massively unconvinced. Nothing new in that.

Since I have not mentioned Admiral Scheer and since I have not cited from the person you mention how is this drivel related?

Well, I used something called the 'Internet' to search something called 'Google' for any historical references to Neelova Gulf, as you mentioned in your original post, which didn't contain a single cite (how astonishing). The only thing that I could find was this, which is the drivel that I was referring to.

Well when you talk about only that which you wish to relate to then you are not addressing the information posted which is of no assitance. That was not what i refer to.

Since you are so good at leaping to your own conclusions why don't i sit back and let you tell the story since you obviously know all my sources?

It would not matter what sources I quote because you are not interested in the facts or the sources, just your own prejudiced views

Prejudiced am I? I thought that I was just asking for some facts. Do you have any?

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I'm massively unconvinced. A quick internet search has revealed bugger all in the way of proof for this, other than a badly written theory written by a Russian who claims that the Admiral Scheer was in the Arctic in 1943. She wasn't, she was in the Baltic, attached to the Training Fleet after the humiliating failure of the Kriegsmarine at the Battle of the Barents Sea, after which Hitler ordered the mothballing of the German surface fleet.

How amusing, on 25 August 1942 near the island of Belukha, the German cruiser Admiral Scheer stumbled across the Soviet Icebreaker Alexander Siberians and opened fire on her.

The icebreaker with 104 persons aboard sent the signal "SOS. Firing at us." Twelve men were fished from the water by Admiral Scheer of whom 11 returned to the soviet Union after the war. They were witness to the fact that Admiral Scheer went on to bombard the Arctic town of Dixon.

So I suppose you are telling us that it was a figment of their imagination that the Admiral Scheer sunk their vessel and took them into German captivity?

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: sy.gunson

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I'm massively unconvinced. A quick internet search has revealed bugger all in the way of proof for this, other than a badly written theory written by a Russian who claims that the Admiral Scheer was in the Arctic in 1943. She wasn't, she was in the Baltic, attached to the Training Fleet after the humiliating failure of the Kriegsmarine at the Battle of the Barents Sea, after which Hitler ordered the mothballing of the German surface fleet.

How amusing, on 25 August 1942 near the island of Belukha, the German cruiser Admiral Scheer stumbled across the Soviet Icebreaker Alexander Siberians and opened fire on her.

The icebreaker with 104 persons aboard sent the signal "SOS. Firing at us." Twelve men were fished from the water by Admiral Scheer of whom 11 returned to the soviet Union after the war. They were witness to the fact that Admiral Scheer went on to bombard the Arctic town of Dixon.

So I suppose you are telling us that it was a figment of their imagination that the Admiral Scheer sunk their vessel and took them into German captivity?

Erm, you're saying that that was in 1942. Fair enough. I said that the Scheer was in the Baltic in 1943, after being mothballed.

posted on Jul, 4 2014 @ 02:20 PM
There is no evidence of any base ever being found in the Lena delta. It's just a story. A fiction. The Germans did pull into Tiksi in the 1930's prior to going to war with Russia but did not stay in the area.

Because of the terrible icy conditions most of the year, the Germans operated solely in the Barents and Kara Sea and no farther East, aside from sending out recon planes. Their mission was to ambush shipping coming through the Vilkitsky Strait to hurt allied shipping attempting to aid Russia.

posted on Jul, 4 2014 @ 03:02 PM
About five years ago ran a story about a secret base near Tit-Ary down the Lena river.

Seems as though anything like a conventional submarine base would be easy to detect?

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 09:42 PM
This is a hoax. During the Second World War Lithuanians, Finns, Poles and Germans were deported to the nearby village of Bykovsky. There was a high mortality rate among the deportees in 1942 and 1943, and a graveyard was built on the seaside of the settlement. Over time a considerable part of the graveyard was washed into the sea and a majority of the graves were lost. IF a washed up body was found in 1963, this would have been the source.

Secondly OP and other propagators of this hoax mention fuel drums with swastikas on them. Most German fuel drums from the Second World War have no swastika markings, apart from some very rare Luftwaffe drums that bear the Luftwaffe logo which does have a swastika. The majority of them are marked with "Kraftstoff, 200L, Feuergefährlich, Wehrmacht/Kriegsmarine WW/Heer/Waffen-SS" without any swastika.

When U-534 was raised nothing unusual was found, no gold or other special cargo and no orders to sail towards the Lena delta. Then there is the case of the supposed 200m long concrete dock/wharf which there is not a single trace of... Need I go on?
edit on 2-9-2023 by Dewy123 because: (no reason given)

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