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Rich hating welfare claimants

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:29 AM
It all depends on the person, I guess. Some people are just plain greedy and want money for nothing (and their chicks for free, to quote Dire Straits). But seriously, I've worked and been on my own for 32 years now. It's not always been easy, they're have been times where I was really hard up. But I've never taken any kind of assistance, welfare or otherwise. Family and friends have offered to help at the times when it was tough, but I refused, I wanted to 'make it' on my own. I guess I got that from my father who lived his life without ever taking anything, even when times were tough. On the other hand, I see people in my own community who are in better shape physically and decided to go on disability instead of even looking for a job. I know jobs aren't easy to come by nowadays but some have not even attempted to look, but decided instead for a free ride because they know how to play the system. As Margaret Thatcher said (not verbatim) 'Socialism works until you run out of other people's money'.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:36 AM
If you work harder and longer you should get a reward. A lot of people that get assistance either can't find jobs or they have some disabilities that restrict their ability to do some kind of jobs.

My solution is to bring back factory jobs so these people can work. A factory can supply work to some people who are not really smart. These people can also work most times on cleaning jobs at schools and in stores. They aren't needed for internet sales, the brick and mortar stores can supply a few people with work that have minor problems. Of course, since they cannot do all the jobs they should get paid a little less than the person who can and will do all the different kinds of work.

Only about ten percent of people on Assistance are looking for a permanent free ride. I have known some people like this in the past. Giving these people a job does not make them better, they seem to make everyone elses work harder and disrupt the jobsite. In Michigan, there isn't many anymore collecting full benefits. There may be a subsidy like food stamps and housing in a complex.

These people who don't pay much for the rent in these complexes don't want to go work at a full time job or their rent will go up. The major problem with this is they usually have a real nice apartment for cheap around here, they may pay fifty bucks a month for the apartment with electricity and heat included. This would be a six hundred dollar apartment around here, yet the government subsidizes over a grand to the developer for the apartment. Now, the developers of these places used government funding to build them and get more money for their rent than in the private sector, and they do not even pay property taxes some times, deemed non=profit even though the developer gets a huge salary and return on his matching contribution. Some of these programs are legit while others are not. I only know about how a few work here, and one is bad and two are acceptable, investing in creating more apartments for seniors and the needy with the profits. These assisted housing facilities aren't bad as long as someone is keeping an eye on their expenditures. These people in these apartments do not need new carpeting if they trashed the old carpeting, wait till they move out. Make them take care of their places, don't be giving them new cabinets because they destroyed the old ones.

We create the ones who do not work because we give them everything on a platter. This is supposed to be an assistance program, not a program to support them. I know quite a few people who get assistance, and only ten to twenty percent of them abuse it...these people do not even understand they are abusing it though, they think they are doing what everyone else is...even many of the ones who get assistance usually don't like these kind of people. But they are afraid if they open a can of worms that it can effect them so they back these deceivers. A slip slide situation.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:37 AM

reply to post by LUXUS

But you were perfectly happy to take the peoples hard earned Tax money to pay your mortgage when it suited you?.. Pot-Kettle anyone..

Am you forgetting the part where I am letting him stay in my house whilst I am paying mortgage, gas, water rates, electricity and council tax...maybe you sympathise with his mindset because yours is similar!
edit on 25-2-2014 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:38 AM
As AllDay pointed out there are scammers and greedy across the entire spectrum of socioeconomic cohorts. Sure, there are welfare toads who scam the system and don't work. There are middle class people who scam disability laws to not have to work when they are entirely able to do so. And you have the wealthy who hide their income and money in numbered offshore accounts in order to scam the tax system. You have wealthy people through their companies taking huge federal subsidies while paying no tax. If you want to get a truly eye-opening insight into the thinking of the elite I suggest the biography, 'Rockefellers'. One of my favorite quotes (although there are SO many), "Only the wealthy should have money. We're the only ones who know how to use it".

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by ColeYounger

Reminds me of a cpl years back, working in Vallejo, Ca on a remodel of the SSA building. A young person, early 20's, sagging pants, cap on sideways, was trying to get inside the construction fence. He asks, " is this how you get in?" I asked him if he was looking for a job. His response? "No man, never will, just trying to get me some G A(government assistance)". Never will? .. Sad

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:48 AM

reply to post by LUXUS

Do you really believe that the show you watched was representative and not just sensationalist TV?

From what I have witnessed and where I live, yes!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by LUXUS

Who said i "sympathise with his mindset" He either pays the rent of he GTFO.... YOU chose to take advantage of the benefits system to pay YOUR way and it backfired.... suck it up Soldier.

Next time see if you can get someone who's employed to pay your mortgage for you...Make sure he pays two weeks in advance though. Fool me once and all that.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 07:51 AM

reply to post by ColeYounger

I never said anything about letting the guy live there rent free or providing meals...

Some people like to have a go at people on welfare, but on the other hand he was quite prepared to benefit most from the welfare system because it suited him...dont you see the irony of it.?

No what I see is a poor mind at work, I could have (and should have) rented privet to avoid the trash!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:02 AM

reply to post by LUXUS

I see you didn't mention the rich who get their accountants to find ways for these people to avoid paying their fair share of taxation.
The rich abuse the system just as much as the poor do.

Please don't lecture us on "it's all the fault of the poor"

edit on 25-2-2014 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

What I find funny is people on welfare who dont work complaining about tax...they dont pay any do they?
edit on 25-2-2014 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:05 AM


reply to post by LUXUS

I see you didn't mention the rich who get their accountants to find ways for these people to avoid paying their fair share of taxation.
The rich abuse the system just as much as the poor do.

Please don't lecture us on "it's all the fault of the poor"

edit on 25-2-2014 by alldaylong because: (no reason given)

What I find funny is people on welfare who dont work complaining about tax...they dont pay any do they?
edit on 25-2-2014 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

Eh, yeah they do...on everything they buy.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by my1percent

I thought welfare in aus was much harder to get? if it wasn't you would find all these types attracted to your country like flys to dog mess!!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:10 AM

I was watching a chat show a few weeks ago and....

and you fell for it!

They put shows like that on especialy for the unthinking sheeple.

Turn it off and the problem will vanish before your eyes!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by LUXUS

Here's a good artice on welfare.....

"The fundamental problem of capitalism is that it is structured, in its very operation, to make it impossible for millions, even billions, to be free in any meaningful sense." - Geoff Mann

This issue gets at the heart of capialism. Capitalism cannot provide full employment. A 5 to 15 percent national unemployment rate is "ideal", as anything lower leads to recessions and aggressive inflation. And it is in the upper and middle classes best interest to have a segment of the labour force perpetually out of work. For the upper classes, this leads to lower wages having to be paid, the ability to use the threat of unemployment to keep workers in line, and an excess pool of skilled labourers to choose from. And for the middle and lower classes, unemployment offers some stability to their dollar and keeps the prices of goods within their reach.

Given that capitalism cannot provide full employment, and that there are always more people than available jobs, it seems strange that many aggressively demonize the unemployed, especially when, in some dubious ways, unemployment is "in everyone else's best interest".

Even more bizarre is the constant slandering of government welfare. Historically, welfare has always been the price capitalists pay to avoid revolution. Giving money to 8 or so percent of your population placates them, keeps them from getting agitated and militant. Welfare thus has a complex political purpose within modern society. These policies appeal to the masses, plaster over the inefficiencies of laissez-faire capitalism, and also help create divisions within the working class ("look at those lazy parasites!"). Ironically, the middle class has its own respectable social programs, in the form of social security, pensions, unemployment insurance, health care and so on, but the hypocrisy here is rarely grasped. And of course no sector of society is more dependent on "the nanny state" than transnational corporations, which manipulate governments/taxpayers into absorbing the unprofitable parts of the production process and which require states to guarantee markets.

More than this, welfare is used as a tool to keep alternatives to capitalism at bay. When the American communist party was formed in 1919, it and other leftist groups were like a thorn in capitalism's side. When the New Deal came in the 1930s, it was, though bashed by the petite-bourgeoisie, supported by huge banks, corporations, and financial and insurance companies (Chase National Bank, Procter and Gamble, Grace National Bank, Leeds and Northrup, Goldman Sachs etc). Better to give the poor some handouts than watch them start asking questions. Historian Barton J. Bernstein would say "The liberal reforms of the New Deal did not transform the American system; they conserved and protected American corporate capitalism, occasionally by absorbing parts of threatening programs." Historian William E. Leuchtenburg would say similar reforms served but to "contain and placate radical labour groups".

Today, welfare programs are being aggressively shut down or scaled back. They are, many argue, unsustainable and "responsible for debt". Some are outright called "Ponzi schemes", everyone ignoring the fact that capitalism itself is a Ponzi scheme that is inherently unsustainable and must exponentially increase aggregate debt; any system which runs on interest-issued currency will always owe more cash than there is cash available, thereby necessitating poverty and massive inequality.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:20 AM

It all depends on the person, I guess. Some people are just plain greedy and want money for nothing (and their chicks for free, to quote Dire Straits). But seriously, I've worked and been on my own for 32 years now. It's not always been easy, they're have been times where I was really hard up. But I've never taken any kind of assistance, welfare or otherwise. Family and friends have offered to help at the times when it was tough, but I refused, I wanted to 'make it' on my own. I guess I got that from my father who lived his life without ever taking anything, even when times were tough. On the other hand, I see people in my own community who are in better shape physically and decided to go on disability instead of even looking for a job. I know jobs aren't easy to come by nowadays but some have not even attempted to look, but decided instead for a free ride because they know how to play the system. As Margaret Thatcher said (not verbatim) 'Socialism works until you run out of other people's money'.

What is an even more bazaar is that many of those who live their whole live off welfare inwardly know it is wrong and become very "spiritual" people. Like the guy who lived in my house and refused to pay rent was a devout christian but their prayers are directed more towards "please god I need this plasma tv, please send me this" they even use their god as a welfare agent lol

please god this person refused to give me this, please strike him down

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by alldaylong

Well put sir!!, I see nobodys got a come back over that!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:21 AM
My solution (the best I could come up with, I know it has holes), is to have 'welfare only (read food stamps) only grocery stores. To save tax payer monies that are supporting this issue, for the money to go farther, these stores would only sell inexpensive, non-name brand items only and no junk food. One of the hidden but obvious costs are medical. It is a known fact that most food purchased via foodstamps are processed, sugary, and fattening. Cutting down on obesity and diabetes would also cut the costs associated with the welfare system. These foodstamp only stores would offer healthier alternatives only.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

Unfortunately your idea would not work in many cases, they would turn up the first day to their new job late, deliberately walk around with a discussing attitude which would cause the boss to sack them then they return to playing the victim card. I know these people very well, my sister is a doctor and they come into her all the time asking for a letter to excuse them from work on medical grounds.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:28 AM

reply to post by rickymouse

Unf my sister is a doctor and they come into her all the time asking for a letter to excuse them from work on medical grounds.

And who else are they supposed to go too for a sick line...The Ice cream Van..?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by Soloprotocol

Do you understand that there must be more workers than available jobs in this system? If these 'parasites' worked, you wouldnt (and aggregate prices go out of everyone's reach). Dont scapegoat people. Learn how the system is designed to exploit.

Edit- didnt mean to reply to you Soloprotocol. Sorry.
edit on 25-2-2014 by EC666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:35 AM

reply to post by Soloprotocol

Do you understand that there must be more workers than available jobs in this system? If these 'parasites' worked, you wouldnt (and aggregate prices go out of everyone's reach). Dont scapegoat people. Learn how the system is designed to exploit.

Edit- didnt mean to reply to you Soloprotocol. Sorry.
edit on 25-2-2014 by EC666 because: (no reason given)

I think you have me confused with someone else here.... Hmmmm

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