I throw this idea out there for posing and general debate.
So much has changed, even in my lifetime, that it's very hard to sort it all out and come to some conclusion.
The only life experience that I can use as a weak analogy would be considering divorce. A time of confusion, uncertainty-both in what's going on
currently and what the future holds- and fear for my daughter and her family....what their future holds.
If I could, I'd turn back the clock and fix our more obvious mistakes. I can't. No one can.
Many have concluded that neither political party is capable of finding solutions that the other side can abide-I reject the premise that "others" are
responsible as it seems to me to be a cope-out of our own culpability-and the growing Tea party/Libertarian views are also incapable of any more than
a brief check in the downslide...at best.IMO.
If the federal gov't is no longer functional and being highly unlikely to be fixed, is not least damaging course of action to just toss the concept of
a federal gov't into the trash bin?
Yes, there are downsides to this, yet, even in my life the number of nations has, what, doubled? It seems to be the world trend.
What of the Constitution without the Union-and it's cancer(?), the federal gov't? How about some number of states that are so inclined forming a
smaller union...retaking "their vows".Edit: I refer to the Constitution. Those not so inclined can go their own route, individually or forming their
own new nation.
After all, this nation is based on an idea, not a location.
There is an almost mind-warping love by many of this nation. What it stands for. Is love not also blind? Or at least myopic?
Having said that, I hope you can convince me I'm wrong...it won't be easy.
edit on 23-2-2014 by nwtrucker because: clarification