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Childhood playmate of kim Jong Un tells his story

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by dlbott

Glad I make you laugh, you misunderstood my post, I was replying to the post that said he was going to complain less because we dont have it as bad as theyn do in N Korea. So you think we should just shut up and take what ever the government wants to dish out and deal with it?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Dianec

This place sounds a lot like what hell would be like.

Take a look at young girls and child prostitution in the US and Washington DC especially.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 04:53 PM

reply to post by TruthLover557

There have been 3 escapees who were prisoners and at least one guard who have spoken. In my opinion this is more than enough yet we stand by and watch. We waited too long with Germany and waited to long with S. Africa but this takes the cake. I guess because it will make China mad no one wants to deal with it. It is indeed sad.

Many reasons one having to do with nukes.
So you think testimony of several people who have every reason to hate their own government should be enough to start a war which will slaughter untold numbers of innocents.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by TruthLover557

China and South Korea included, because the people are poor, uneducated, isolated, and emaciated.

Where do you get such ideas? Yes the education system is not private as nothing is but they are educated!

Yes they have to wear uniforms, they do even in Mexico and So America. The people are involved heavily in sports and they serve in the military...doubt they starve the military!

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 06:03 PM


I don't think less complaining is good either , if we complain less the government gets worse and its a matter of time before we will be looking back and thinking....I remember when we use to be able to complain freely

You really make me laugh. What can't you say. Ted nugent just called the president a subhuman mongrel and nothing happened to him. He was whipped and beaten in the streets like those women in Russia. Give me a frackin break.

Pathetic... I get so sick of people living in this country complaining. For real, go live in Russia. When you really have something to complain about don't come back. We don't want whiny snivelers here anymore.

Get real. Go live somewhere else for real. Instead of whining, run for office, sign petition, go March, form third independent party, truly independent that makes the other two work together. Do something, have you done anything or do you just like to whine about your country.


The Bot

Wow.... truly astounding ignorance.

So people should just be content as long as they aren't the worse nation on Earth? NK is worse, so we're OK? That type of thing?

How about this. How about I don't care what's going on in the rest of the world. I am a human and I deserve freedom and self determination period.

My freedom is not dependent on how free other people in the world are. I'm not going to stop complaining simply because some have it worse.

If a woman is in an abusive relationship, her man beats the snot out of her every day, BUT he doesn't rape her, and he doesn't beat the kids, she should be happy and stop complaining, right? Because at least her kids are safe and she isn't getting raped? Some guys rape their wifes and beat their kids, she is lucky because she only gets beaten? That's the reality of what you preach.

Freedom and liberty are not relative. You think if people shut up, the government is going to stop their lust for control and power? What planet do you live on, seriously, because it can't be Earth, thinks work differently here.

How do you think an idea spreads? Seriously? Do you think one guy has a good idea, runs for president, and then fixes the world? Is that what you think happens?

No, that's not what happens. People SPREAD ideas. You call it complaining. Whatever. You know how the USA started? A bunch of drunk guys, sitting around in a bar, COMPLAINING about the current state of affairs.

You don't just get an idea and become president. You talk with other people. You share your ideas, you work them, you find flaws in your ideas, you build a mantra of life with those around you.

Not you apparently. You support sitting down and shutting up. You don't seem to understand most change in the world started from people sitting around complaining. Without enough people complaining, NOTHING gets done. Are you just unaware of that, or what?

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Where do you get such ideas? Yes the education system is not private as nothing is but they are educated!

Yes they have to wear uniforms, they do even in Mexico and So America. The people are involved heavily in sports and they serve in the military...doubt they starve the military!

I get such ideas from the documentaries I've seen produced by people who risked their lives to film undercover in North Korea and the reports I've read concerning conditions in North Korea. The museums in North Korea put forth a version of mankind's history on earth that is entirely fabricated. Because the population is shut off in isolation, no one is able to pursue real-world knowledge. And the people's emaciated condition is evident in the fact that the north's population is on average three inches shorter than South Korea's population.

I don't think a debate over private vs. public education or uniform requirements is relevant to a discussion concerning answers to the human rights violations in North Korea. But that's just me.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by aboutface

Think about it. Any childhood playmate of Kim Jung-Un would have been very carefully selected, and it defies logic to think that he would essentially come out and cast any kind of shadow on the dictator, and thus seal his own fate. I call this article pure propaganda.

This isn't just some article. Mr. Kenji Fujimoto published a detailed account of his experience in a book and has been interviewed numerous times by others. His relationship with Kim Jong-Il lasted over a decade and was complicated with many ups and downs. All of this is well documented and not pure propaganda.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by nighthawk1954

The point is not complaining the point is too keep that behavior out of our country.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 09:37 PM

Pathetic... I get so sick of people living in this country complaining. For real, go live in Russia. When you really have something to complain about don't come back.

I'm sick and tired of people complaining that there are too many people complaining. For real, go live in North Korea where nobody can complain....and don't come back. Meanwhile, stop visiting and reading ATS posts. That might help.

Just sayin...

edit on 25-2-2014 by Kurius because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:00 PM

Think about it. Any childhood playmate of Kim Jung-Un would have been very carefully selected, and it defies logic to think that he would essentially come out and cast any kind of shadow on the dictator, and thus seal his own fate. I call this article pure propaganda.

You got propaganda out of that article? It read to me like Kim Jong Un is a complete psychopath who has been sheltered from reality for his entire life... not much different from a Roman emperor really. We all know how people like Caligula turned out.

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:33 PM


I don't think less complaining is good either , if we complain less the government gets worse and its a matter of time before we will be looking back and thinking....I remember when we use to be able to complain freely

You really make me laugh. What can't you say. Ted nugent just called the president a subhuman mongrel and nothing happened to him. He was whipped and beaten in the streets like those women in Russia. Give me a frackin break.

Pathetic... I get so sick of people living in this country complaining. For real, go live in Russia. When you really have something to complain about don't come back. We don't want whiny snivelers here anymore.

Get real. Go live somewhere else for real. Instead of whining, run for office, sign petition, go March, form third independent party, truly independent that makes the other two work together. Do something, have you done anything or do you just like to whine about your country.


The Bot

So you are saying that because others have it worse, we should remain silent as we watch our standard drop? We shouldn't keep our government on it's heels and practice self preservation? If I see our liberties and quality of life eroding, I don't think I should wait until they are gone. At that point it's to late. If my government is going down the wrong path, I think I should speak up and prevent it. I'm not cool with devolution. If you want your country to be the best, your standard can't be set at the worst.

The "it could be worse" point of view feels too apathetic to me. It has no foundation or standards. With our distracted uninformed citizens, your stance of political aloofness will almost guarantee that we slip until we can finally get no worse.

Honestly your view has no place in politics. If any politicians are looking at our problems and saying "we'll we ain't the worst", they should get out of office. That way of thinking is toxic to progress. We should defiantly keep on the people we put in power.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 02:55 AM

Why do people always go for the Germans who went to war for 5 yrs yet forget the world wide killing done by the Brits before WW2 and after with its colonies, I don't get it?

NK needs no intervention because of 4 people, that's beyond absurd, until we can get access into NK we wll just end up with Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.

Probably because of the same reason that they go for the Germans yet forget about a thing called Operation Paperclip, or its projects like MK Ultra and Project Monarch, Project Bluebird, to name a few. And probably because of the same reason they turn a blind eye to the abuse, humiliation and sacrifice that has occurred under these programs and projects, yet be so outraged when its in another country.

Selective memories can create a completely different version of 'history'.

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