posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 05:03 AM
Hi Everyone
I decided to re-join after losing my old account due to an old hotmail account no longer in use. I originally joined ATS a long time ago but my
Fluoride intake has got the better of me, was before 2008 I guess.
Anyway looking forward to creating my first topic under the new me Inverted pyramid.
I need help from fellow members in writing a sort of template. To wake up family members, friends and so on.
Last night I decided it was time to email my Mum, I live in China now and she's back in England. To try and explain the whole situation that planet
Earth is in regarding the NWO.
Many times over the years I have been laughed at for even mentioning the words Illuminati or New World Order etc due to the brain washing. So I think
going with organised crime, a mafia at the highest level who own/control banking and so on.
I think it would be great if we could come up with a clear, concise 'wake up' letter that can be used by anyone who can then tweak it to fit their own
Hope someone can help.
edit on 2014 by invertedpyramid because: spelling miss steaks