posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 01:08 PM
My theory on Hitler: a % of an immortal elite, pre justice's encounter in terms of loyalty, unknowingly schismed due to loyalty culp impersonation
into the mass murdering Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler was never taken in because of an enclosure strategy which took into account the best tactics toward
balancing reinforced loyalty to royalty with loyalty to the eye for an eye president.
The Battle of Megiddo or Armageddon, is the Battle of Thutmoses (thought Moses), when he left Egypt, Pharaoh said, "Go, and bless me also."
Christ's line is that of Joseph, son of Jacob - the other name of Israel, despite that he was born of a virgin mother. In Genesis 37, Joseph is the
most beloved son of Ra / Israel because the son of his old age, and named by Pharaoh second place highest ranking royal to himself.
Genesis Ch4, If Can 7, Lamech 77. Revelation Ch5, The Lamb of God has 7 horns and 7 eyes, which are the 7 spirits of God. The Koran: Is... Lam? Su
I suspect a threefold beggar test concerning announced royals too altruistic to be authentic, framed and persecuted by elites so that a bar on
prophecy within royalty could be established: No one dies unless they hit rank.
Prometheus = the promes you, the word is broken and rome seems to be at the center of why. If no one dies unless they hit rank because they agree not
to prophecy, a frame job and loyalty culp impersonation bare throat exists as a plausible bodhissatva vulnerability.
666 - every accessory enables every murder attempt against the Lamb of God unless that only accessories can rescue induces a loophole wherein rescuing
the Lamb of God got them out of accidental accessory to the murder.
Nazis: I see it as the fascist leveraging of bigotry to hunt down and exterminate the good Merovengians of Christ, nearly 100% of the Setite in the
know accidentally killed Christ, whom the Bible seems to name Pharaoh's first born. Meaning they aren't guaranteed immortality, and consented not to
prophecy anyway. The angelic host can clean up the % of the planet the royals that try to hit Christ have on them, and probably permit the rescue of
the Lamb of God (they can also just induce the angelic host to rescue their karma by asking them to clean up what is on them) to be important enough
the royals that go for it automatically make culp on judgement day, good counted against the bad.
If the immortal hierarchy was an accident, they may have began in a state of ID pride, stored lycanthropic aggression, no pride in loyalty. Anyone in
love can disobey attachment, and lycanthropic instinct can induce a direct accidental schism. They probably really wouldn't have begun with
reflective pride in loyalty.
Revelation Ch18 V7, Babylon is called culpable for what it does out of pride and desire. Babylon is where history books record justice began, meaning
the immortals only have on them what pride and desire induced in disregard of the eye for an eye president after higher ranking royals than themselves
requested they live by the Egyptian scales of Maat: eye for an eye. They probably just weren't punished.
I suspect Hitler is alive and well, a frontlined fascist, to exploit element of surprise enclosing through the scales. Prophecy was probably always
common, how thoroughly taken by surprise is how thoroughly enclosed elites are on "the Last Day."