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Why focus so much on the NWO instead of it's solutions ?

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posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 08:42 AM
Dear all ATSers,

I recently went on the website of ATS and I understand what it is at first, a conspiracy theory website. What saddens me though is that I think we lost in part the real goal of this website and what it should really be when we only look at facts of how the key people in power over the physical reality try to push the global agenda.

In my honest opinion, focusing only on how much the New World Order is being implemented is really detrimental to our mental health in the way that we might loose all hope to avoid it.

Let's say you want to have a good day, but you focus only on how sad and unfair life can be (because it is truly not, it is only a matter of perception), well, whenever you have a good intent, your day will be bad because of what your focus is.

With this kind of thinking I am affirming solemnly that real key to end tyranny is in part ( I can not pretend to have absolute truth but I think it is in part there of course) in changing the way we tend to think/perceive events around us. When a problem arises someone has two choices if the situation is unavoidable : first he can complain about it and think about how sad it is and try solving the issue which will be solvable but a hard thing to do or he can see the situation as an opportunity for his own growth and a learning which might be of some use for himself or a relative in the future.

In resume ATSers, Big brother, the NWO and so on is just powerless if we do not accept it's possibility mentally because it will be out of the possible scenarios to happen in our life so the focus of it being implemented will simply be removed from our memory and there comes the best part, the solution to our very first imagined problem.


posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 08:57 AM
We will shut down the NWO, but the first step towards winning the battle is awakening a sufficient percentage of people to the 600lb elephant in the room that's threatening to crush us all.

After that, we can move into active resistance--nonviolent nonparticipation that will bring the NWO to a screeching halt.

Point is, this is a multi-stage process. The video Revolution: An Instruction Manual explains this in greater detail.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:18 AM
One first needs to see why a one world rule would be good - work through that using the imagination and talking - then propel into the future 10 years to show why it isn't a good thing. It's a process of thinking people need to go through. Everyone says it's bad but don't really explain why - or come up with other solutions. This is why it will continue forth - and it will at this point regardless of awareness - we are at the doorstep.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 10:19 AM

Everyone says it's bad but don't really explain why - or come up with other solutions. This is why it will continue forth - and it will at this point regardless of awareness - we are at the doorstep.

I think exactly the opposite actually, but you have the right to have your own opinion. All I wanted to say by doing this thread was to tell people we should focus on little things in our life to make us overall more happy so that with time the solution to end the NWO will come from the man/woman of the street in a natural accepted manner. That was the whole point of the thread.


posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 10:36 AM

One first needs to see why a one world rule would be good - work through that using the imagination and talking - then propel into the future 10 years to show why it isn't a good thing. ...

Right there is the issue:

When we travel as common people we are upset at the many checks, visa requirements, different currencies etc. We want a simple ONE WORLD where we all get along. TPTB however don't see it so from the P.O.V. of the common Joe. The dream to rule the world is as old as the 1st empires. There had always been one nut-case that wanted it all. However back then we had these guys called kings who ruled by divine powers and simply commanded it. And throughout time they worked it under one basic principle: The emperor keeps the people POOR or in need of want and the Priests keep them DUMB or uninformed.

The real NWO idea began with the industrial revolution and the advance of science. Naturally then rulers realized that they cant do it alone and need the proper specialists assembled under one unifying idea. So "Emperor A**hole III" could no longer just "Say so" and it was done, it needed a consortium of specialists. And naturally with the slave-holding becoming no longer an "IN" thing, why not enslave the masses with this little thing called "Money, credit and debt".

And then came the USA. With its emphasis on individualism and PRIVATE holding of property and wealth, the whole NWO became possible. Like in a poker game; the professional gambler cleans out the less smarter ones. So the world shifted from all owned by the king/state to all owned by the individual. And all overlooked the "common ground"; namely the community of man within its borders. And if someone pointed this out, we soon invented a derogatory term for it; SOCIALISM.

Now the best "Private Enterprise" one can study is for sure the MAFIA. And there is the NWO problem! Are we heading for a true ONE WORLD FAMILY in which all have their fair share or are we heading for a ONE WORLD MAFIA?

I personally like to quote A. Smith with the excerpt from his book: "The Wealth Of Nations" in which he states that a butcher does not slaughter the pig to feed people but to sell the meat for profit.

What most people don't care to see is that most common people, professionals in their own right as butchers, carpenters and most trades, have learned that trade for the main reasons that they LIKE the work. And foremost they do work their trades with PRIDE! Besides being paid for their respective work, they also take pride in their work and for them being recommended to others by satisfied costumers is as important as the actual pay.

Now one might say that killing livestock for a living is not for the faint hearted and one must be some "Serial killer in the closet" to call it a "Job". But the pride of the butcher is not the "KILL" but what he does with the meat afterwards! The prime cuts aside, the real skill begins with the right seasoned hams and sausages and pate` and so forth. And this SKILL will make his business grow.

Yet capitalism as we know it today has changed all this. We turn every profession that used to be a "family business" into a giant corporation. And all these corporations began with one guy who had a good idea and then monopolized on it. See MC. Donald for example. Not only is it a corporate giant that is in more than 100+ countries, they also dictate the food procurement down to the factory farms. And the true individual who could make better hamburgers now works at MC. D. and flips them instead of OWNING and operating his own little place.

There is a damn big difference between having a PRIVATE business and each for his own, than being dictated by Private CORPORATIONS. As so often pointed out here that the "Federal Reserve" is not "Federal" at all but a "Private" enterprise.

The balance between your and mine privacy as well private business and the obligation to the community of man is absent. That's why certain things should be "Nationalized"; as for example the natural resources of a country. The oil and other profits should not go to multinational corporations but the actual profits should go to the people of the nation! Meaning to be invested back into better roads and bridges and other infrastructure.

So the very idea of being a "FREE PERSON" shaping my OWN destiny has been high-jacked by multinational corporations. And this is what we commonly know as the NWO.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

There is people out there who are trying to cause a shift in the way we live. If they start to progress in achieving this usually they end up in accidents, suicide, or end up missing.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:33 PM


One first needs to see why a one world rule would be good - work through that using the imagination and talking - then propel into the future 10 years to show why it isn't a good thing. ...

Right there is the issue:

When we travel as common people we are upset at the many checks, visa requirements, different currencies etc. We want a simple ONE WORLD where we all get along. TPTB however don't see it so from the P.O.V. of the common Joe. The dream to rule the world is as old as the 1st empires. There had always been one nut-case that wanted it all. However back then we had these guys called kings who ruled by divine powers and simply commanded it. And throughout time they worked it under one basic principle: The emperor keeps the people POOR or in need of want and the Priests keep them DUMB or uninformed.

The real NWO idea began with the industrial revolution and the advance of science. Naturally then rulers realized that they cant do it alone and need the proper specialists assembled under one unifying idea. So "Emperor A**hole III" could no longer just "Say so" and it was done, it needed a consortium of specialists. And naturally with the slave-holding becoming no longer an "IN" thing, why not enslave the masses with this little thing called "Money, credit and debt".

And then came the USA. With its emphasis on individualism and PRIVATE holding of property and wealth, the whole NWO became possible. Like in a poker game; the professional gambler cleans out the less smarter ones. So the world shifted from all owned by the king/state to all owned by the individual. And all overlooked the "common ground"; namely the community of man within its borders. And if someone pointed this out, we soon invented a derogatory term for it; SOCIALISM.

Now the best "Private Enterprise" one can study is for sure the MAFIA. And there is the NWO problem! Are we heading for a true ONE WORLD FAMILY in which all have their fair share or are we heading for a ONE WORLD MAFIA?

I personally like to quote A. Smith with the excerpt from his book: "The Wealth Of Nations" in which he states that a butcher does not slaughter the pig to feed people but to sell the meat for profit.

What most people don't care to see is that most common people, professionals in their own right as butchers, carpenters and most trades, have learned that trade for the main reasons that they LIKE the work. And foremost they do work their trades with PRIDE! Besides being paid for their respective work, they also take pride in their work and for them being recommended to others by satisfied costumers is as important as the actual pay.

Now one might say that killing livestock for a living is not for the faint hearted and one must be some "Serial killer in the closet" to call it a "Job". But the pride of the butcher is not the "KILL" but what he does with the meat afterwards! The prime cuts aside, the real skill begins with the right seasoned hams and sausages and pate` and so forth. And this SKILL will make his business grow.

Yet capitalism as we know it today has changed all this. We turn every profession that used to be a "family business" into a giant corporation. And all these corporations began with one guy who had a good idea and then monopolized on it. See MC. Donald for example. Not only is it a corporate giant that is in more than 100+ countries, they also dictate the food procurement down to the factory farms. And the true individual who could make better hamburgers now works at MC. D. and flips them instead of OWNING and operating his own little place.

There is a damn big difference between having a PRIVATE business and each for his own, than being dictated by Private CORPORATIONS. As so often pointed out here that the "Federal Reserve" is not "Federal" at all but a "Private" enterprise.

The balance between your and mine privacy as well private business and the obligation to the community of man is absent. That's why certain things should be "Nationalized"; as for example the natural resources of a country. The oil and other profits should not go to multinational corporations but the actual profits should go to the people of the nation! Meaning to be invested back into better roads and bridges and other infrastructure.

So the very idea of being a "FREE PERSON" shaping my OWN destiny has been high-jacked by multinational corporations. And this is what we commonly know as the NWO.

Great and valuable information actually, but what about I wrote first when I authored the thread ? What is the solution to all the issues you just mentioned ?

Once the issues are recognized, the ground work is done, there has to be some more work to be done in order to find solutions. I am waiting for yours if you have any or wish to contribute more to the thread in any ways.


posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:36 PM

reply to post by thruthseek3r

There is people out there who are trying to cause a shift in the way we live. If they start to progress in achieving this usually they end up in accidents, suicide, or end up missing.

This is part of the issue actually, covert operations to make it appear as an accident. The funny thing is I am actually already being watched by planes regularly, black choppers, I saw many of them too, I just wave to them as I know God, the prime being who created you, me our souls and even the wicked spirituals powers which think they own the planet/universe has already won the war.

What I would enjoy to read from you would be a way to counter those so called accidents, suicide or false missing. Exposing them ? A truth about it ? What do you suggest actually ?


posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 02:36 PM


Great and valuable information actually, but what about I wrote first when I authored the thread ? What is the solution to all the issues you just mentioned ?

Once the issues are recognized, the ground work is done, there has to be some more work to be done in order to find solutions. I am waiting for yours if you have any or wish to contribute more to the thread in any ways.


Well the way to go about it is to be aware of the issue. Not drown it out with slogans and with calling it "Socialism" when we talk about the community of man. Also and foremost use one's own boycott. I personally can count on one hand how often I ate at Mc. D. for example, - ONLY when absolutely stuck. I often interview people, mostly students for my projects. And very often when they ask for an appointment, - to meet in the middle of both our locations - they suggest a nearby "Chain" because its close to the subway. I instead INSIST that we meet at the same location - (XYZ-square) BUT at the mom and pop coffee shop right besides the Chain-shop. "Vote" with your money! If we would begin with this we could begin a basic and again on violent movement and again empower people back into their rightful pvt. ownership.
The only "Coffee Chain" that i do go to is our Canadian "Tim Horton" - (IF I have no choice) - because of their support of summer camps for disadvantaged children.
if we begin to vote and support with our daily "pennies" it will add up.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

You know what. With the direction the world is headed & the seemingly dire state that the world is transitioning to, I would say that yeah, I would rather put my faith in a united world order of the elite powers who are willing to work together to find solutions to problems that single countries cannot solve. Let alone individual people.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:55 AM

reply to post by thruthseek3r

You know what. With the direction the world is headed & the seemingly dire state that the world is transitioning to, I would say that yeah, I would rather put my faith in a united world order of the elite powers who are willing to work together to find solutions to problems that single countries cannot solve. Let alone individual people.

This very kind of thinking is the kind of thinking which could make the NWO totalitarian state happen. The reality is that the so called "elites" (which are just people like you and me, social status means nothing really) do not have the interest of the people at heart actually. We have seen this countless times through history, the many empires which rose and fell as time went by.

I must admit that I strongly disagree with your thinking, but still you have the right to do as such.


posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 08:56 AM



Great and valuable information actually, but what about I wrote first when I authored the thread ? What is the solution to all the issues you just mentioned ?

Once the issues are recognized, the ground work is done, there has to be some more work to be done in order to find solutions. I am waiting for yours if you have any or wish to contribute more to the thread in any ways.


Well the way to go about it is to be aware of the issue. Not drown it out with slogans and with calling it "Socialism" when we talk about the community of man. Also and foremost use one's own boycott. I personally can count on one hand how often I ate at Mc. D. for example, - ONLY when absolutely stuck. I often interview people, mostly students for my projects. And very often when they ask for an appointment, - to meet in the middle of both our locations - they suggest a nearby "Chain" because its close to the subway. I instead INSIST that we meet at the same location - (XYZ-square) BUT at the mom and pop coffee shop right besides the Chain-shop. "Vote" with your money! If we would begin with this we could begin a basic and again on violent movement and again empower people back into their rightful pvt. ownership.
The only "Coffee Chain" that i do go to is our Canadian "Tim Horton" - (IF I have no choice) - because of their support of summer camps for disadvantaged children.
if we begin to vote and support with our daily "pennies" it will add up.

I like the idea of going to a local restaurant instead of a big chain like Tim Horton, McDonald and so on. The idea of boycott is not a bad one and I might adhere to it more than I did in the past.

I thank you for your input.


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