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List of Countries Currently in Turmoil

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posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 12:09 AM

reply to post by HanzHenry

What did Henry Ford say about this. I ask because I know back then as crooked as we thought they were - politicians were nowhere near as bad as they are today. If he foresaw something I'd be interested to know what it was.

" It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system,
for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Henry Ford

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by Dianec

Hello Dianec,
I am inclined to agree.
With the growing awareness of the population that MSM is merely a tool for the various players vying for control of the masses, social media is playing a much larger part in educating the local population as well as those outside of the borders as to the facts. I certainly do not rule out misinformation from SM, but at least it is something "we" can use to get the word out.
You know things are getting to close to the truth when censorship of social media like Twitter, FaceBook, Etc start to come into play.

Damn.....I'm sounding more and more like a true ATSer every day!

Cheers from here,

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by HanzHenry

I think we are finding out now.

I've gained quite an edeucation on ATS on how the monetary system works - and it's clear it is all designed as a game. Perhaps when Ford said that - if people would have listened then - if only.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Aftrmidnyt

Yes - the media is a tool and it works well. Just like with North Korea and the letter drafted by the UN on human rights abuses. Suddenly showing an interest? Whats in it for them because they have known about this for eons - why now? Sad part is - most people are just finding out. They count on that.

Now - if the media were used to educate - we would advance rapidly as people would see through the charade. That is happening to some extent with these upheavels, but until people engage with the media - ask questions and think critically - they will continue to manipulate. One cant be manipulated as easily when talking about it - attempting to understand by conversing.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 08:55 AM

Ever since the Arab Spring, the number of countries in turmoil around the globe has been increasing. So in an effort to try and keep up on all the demonstrations, protests, and on going wars I have started the following list.

The first ten are the most well known at the moment and the last half dozen are conflicts in Africa. I have included the main reasons for unrest in parenthesis. This is far from a complete list, so any help in updating, adding to, or correcting this list is appreciated. Much thanks in advance ATS.

List of Countries Currently in Turmoil

Syria (Oust Bashar al-Assad, civil war)
Ukraine (Russia vs EU affiliations, anti-government)
Thailand (anti-government, oust Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra)
Venezuela (economic problems, shortages, protected freedom of speech)
Egypt (anti-government, oust President Mubarak)
Turkey (anti-government, oust Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan)
Spain (austerity, anti-protest law, abortion law)
Greece (austerity, assorted strikes and protests)
Cyprus (austerity, bailouts)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (anti-government, factory closures, anti-privatization)
Mexico (militas forming against drug cartels)

Central African Republic (civil war)
Democratic Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups)
Mali (war against tuareg and islamist militants)
Nigeria (war against islamist militants)
Somalia (war against islamist militants)
Sudan (war against rebel groups) & South Sudan (civil war)

P.S. My apologies if this has been addressed recently as I didn't use the search function.

This kind fo stuff keeps spreading every year.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 09:06 AM
I'm going to put forth a few countries to possibly add to the list and share some links.

The Israel and Palestine conflict.

This flares up along the borders once in a while and I was reluctant to put it on the list because it seems like business as usual in Israel since it's occupation. It is common knowledge and goes without saying, but let's not put this one on the list.

Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Another one that goes without saying as this is fallout from U.S. occupation of Afghanistan. I'm not sure about including this one on the list.


Ships in the ocean around Yemen stay clear of the area because of the pirates who began their activities as a protest (if I remember correctly). Al-Qaeda is currently the cause of conflict there apparently. There was pro-reform demonstrations in 2011 that seem to have been resolved in 2012 when" Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi inaugurated as president after uncontested elections." I don't think this one should be on the list unless more violent occurs.


There have been ongoing conflicts in northern India with Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir. Seems like another one that is business as usual. Don't think it should make the list.

Apparently Burma (Myanmar) has a long standing ethnic rebellion along the border with China. That should probably go on the list.

Here are some useful links. I like the conflict map, it has a lot of information.

edit on 21-2-2014 by MichiganSwampBuck because: typo

edit on 21-2-2014 by MichiganSwampBuck because: another typo

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 03:34 PM
The U.S.A. is and has been on the brink of Civil War II or some other conflict of a similar flavor for some time now. To say otherwise is ignorance. I'm quite irritated with several things right now that warrant my attention, so I am going to keep the reasons why brief and down to one or two words that you are fully capable of searching on google.
-Edward Snowden
-Bradley Manning
-Occupy movement
-Fast & Furious
-Banker Suicides
-War on Terror

The simple fact this government has made it damn near impossible to peacefully protest means that violent revolution is just around the corner.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Davian

I don't know - I see a lot of apathy all around me. People won't care on a scale large enough until it hits their pocket books IMO - or if rights get stripped away too quickly. The government knows this.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 06:48 PM

reply to post by MichiganSwampBuck

I will work on adding. At this point it looks like you have a comprehensive list.

I wouldn't discount Libya uprising again. They are celebrating Qaddafi's ousting yet still are not happy at a sluggish economy and feel the power hungry in there now won't be for long - as they have done it once they can do it again.

I think you covered Nigeria and all of central Africa. I guess the Nigerian economy crashed today.

TextLAGOS – Nigeria’s naira currency crashed and the fixed income and bond markets closed on news that President Goodluck Jonathan has suspended the Central Bank governor who disclosed billions of petrodollars are missing from the coffers of Africa’s biggest oil producer. Financial analysts say the naira plummeted from 163 to 169 to the U.S. dollar when Jonathan’s statement became public. The Central Bank’s fixed income and bond market stopped trading. The stock exchange remained open. Analyst Bismarck Rewane warned of “a very difficult time” for the naira and Nigerian financial market in the near-term.

I can see this turning into the UN just taking over - and the US bidding for a place in that leading position. Then - we will see it get worse as proposals are made for a new world order. People are asking for a better form of government. They need to be educated on what that should look like. I would say get busy quick in educating, because the people will get what they ask for. It is definitely the right atmosphere for it.

I agree with you dianec. All this fighting could gravely cause the new world order. I sincerely doubt that all this fighting will end in shaking hands and peace. I can't see that happening unfortunately...

But hopefully it does. But for those who want this world to end and for those that want peace - I am on both ends with pro's and con opinions on both sides.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by RevelationsDivad

If you think about it a one world order is unfolding with ideals leading the way. The US - human rights = should be universal (and it should IMO). People are taking it upon themselves to not live in dictatorships, and to have a say with regard to who is managing the economy, supplies, laws, etc.. This is good but it also leads the way to more of the same - on a larger scale.

Is killing wrong - yes. So is greed and stealing. If everyone could stop doing these things and just live and let live we might be ok. But it isn't going to happen. So I can see why some want to give up. Those who want peace - they can find it within to an extent. We're social beings, and therefore are affected by each other so to have complete peace would take a good deal of cooperation. What this protesting will achieve is small in the scheme of things - due to human nature. It's good to feel something and keep things in check though - because without some struggle against each other's will - things would be much worse.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 08:38 PM
Thank You for the links MSB.
Some interesting information there.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 10:01 PM
I think that the list should be limited to countries that are having large destructive and lethally violent protests, armed rebellions or civil war. Obviously genocide, like ethnic or religious "cleansing", gets a country on the list.

This is the type of turmoil I was thinking of so Occupy and other more or less peaceful demonstrations in the States don't cut it IMO. I'm sure that the U.S. is not immune to violent protest or armed rebellion, but that isn't happening yet.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 10:06 PM

Thank You for the links MSB.
Some interesting information there.

Your welcome Aftrmidnyt. I really like the conflict map, it could help when you want to travel or move to another country. All those links provide a lot of information, but I like the maps, charts, and graphics.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by MichiganSwampBuck

Thanks for the thread link, I will be back when i read through that and other information

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 09:02 AM
Based on the criteria I put forth in my last post . . .

. . . the list should be limited to countries that are having large destructive and lethally violent protests, armed rebellions or civil war. Obviously genocide, like ethnic or religious "cleansing", gets a country on the list.

I am considering removing Mexico because these militias are meant to protect the citizens from the drug cartels and is not a protest, rebellion, civil war or genocide. They do go for the corrupt government officials when they are involved in protecting the cartels for drug money bribes though. There is all the cartel violence to consider, but that is cartel infighting for the most part I think, but turmoil none-the-less. Perhaps I should look more deeply into the less publicized conflicts of the counties on the list.

Any comments? I'd like to see this list get more feedback over the weekend. Thanks in advance.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 04:34 PM
With all the new conflicts going on, I thought it was about time I did an update.

Here is the list from earlier in the year with a little editing.

Syria (Oust Bashar al-Assad, civil war)
Ukraine (Russia vs EU affiliations, anti-government)
Thailand (anti-government, oust Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra)
Venezuela (economic problems, shortages, protected freedom of speech)
Egypt (anti-government, oust President Mubarak)
Turkey (anti-government, oust Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan)
Spain (austerity, anti-protest law, abortion law)
Greece (austerity, assorted strikes and protests)
Cyprus (austerity, bailouts)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (anti-government, factory closures, anti-privatization)
Mexico (militas forming against drug cartels)
Burma (Myanmar)
Central African Republic (civil war)
Democratic Republic of Congo (war against rebel groups)
Mali (war against Tuareg and Islamist militants)
Nigeria (war against Islamist militants, Boko Haram)
Somalia (war against Islamist militants)
Sudan (war against rebel groups) & South Sudan (civil war)
Israel and Palestine

Now we can add

Iraq (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)

And here are three more from Wars in Progress

Nigeria – In the north, a violent Islamist group has instigated repeated violence such as bombings, and government attacks in response. Sad day when the Islamist terrorists blew up the UN building in 2011. Now they are killing women polio vaccine workers. The fighting occasionally spills over into neighboring Cameroon.

D.R. Congo – Beefed-up peacekeepers suppressed one armed group in the violent east of the country, and in 2104 were trying to coax another to disarm. Sporadic but really nasty fighting continues to erupt in certain eastern locations.

South Sudan – After a long north-south war, the south voted for independence, achieved in 2011. But South Sudan itself slipped into a bloody civil war (along ethnic lines) that reportedly has killed tens of thousands. A shaky cease-fire has been in effect since May 2014.

Anyone think I need to remove any of these?

I wonder how many countries have to be fighting before it becomes a "world war"?

Think I'll be looking into that next.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Believe it or not Thailand is more peaceful than it has been for several years. There was a poll several weeks ago that want the Junta General to run for president. He was at 39% ACCORDING TO THE POLL and if anything his popularity has grown..

He has initiated investigations into all sorts of corruption and so far no one has been to big to jail. The only large scale violence in the country is down south where the religion of peace keeps killing people and blowing stuff up.

YALA: -- A car bomb explosion rocked busy Betong district of Yala province in broad daylight, killing at least two and wounding many others on Friday.

I was told or read (?) Something like 7,000 dead in last 12 years and no telling how many thousands injured . The bombs are getting bigger... so far, no amount of talk and singing the Thai version of "We are the World" has stopped the bombs and bullets. Insurgents want a break away province where they can rule themselves with their own laws and no doubt be set up closer.... so the whole process of bombs and bullets can start anew. Many other countries are facing the same thing if not today then in an approaching future where the religion of peace has a foot hold..

The border between Thailand and Malaysia is the entry and exit point for the insurgents.. Never seems to be a problem with bombs and bullets from Cambodia or Laos for they are Buddhist (if you discount the occasional land grab at an established international border).

Attacks were also carried out earlier in Pattani and Narathiwat. The latter was allegedly the work of insurgents, but motives for the Pattani attack were not known ( could have been anything that got the guy killed). The attacks included the gunning down of a villager at around 2am yesterday in Pattani and a roadside bomb in Narathiwat that killed one member of an Army paramilitary ranger team on foot patrol and wounded three others. 40+ years ago they were call communist ... same M>O> bullets and bombs for anyone who does not believe the way they do. Thailand is like Mexico as far as citizens not having weapons.. Yet the bad guys seem to always be armed.. As do the rich people or their body guards.

In 2006, insurgents simultaneously bombed 22 banks in Yala in five districts including six in Betong.

Bombs, bullets, and Muslims seem to go together in many parts of the world.

Thailand has always been super tolerant of other religions.. They might have bit off more than they can chew with this current crop of......insurgents..... or it will just continue with no end in sight.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 06:51 PM
Thanks for the new info in your post 727Sky.

I looked over the list and saw I forgot Afghanistan in that list.

So that is 24 countries currently in turmoil.

posted on Jul, 27 2014 @ 08:33 PM
Make that 25, I also forgot about Libya's civil war still flaring up.

I looked into the number of countries that were directly involved in the fighting during the second world war.

74 sovereign countries in 1938 with 61 countries directly involved in WW2
61 countries out of 74 = around 82%

Current undisputed sovereign countries 190. 82% of 190 = around 156

There are currently 190 recognized countries in the world today, so to reach the proportions during the peak of the second world war, 156 countries would have to be at war today.

Not all the 25 countries on my turmoil list are at technically at war, some are having bloody protests, small skirmishes and battles. However, I would think that having the same total countries at war as WW2 (61) would be enough to call it another world war. If you look at it that way then 25 out of 61 makes it 41% of the way to being called WW3.

ETA: I'm not calling 61 the magic number, I think it would probably be somewhere between 40 and 50.

edit on 27-7-2014 by MichiganSwampBuck because: added extra comment

edit on 27-7-2014 by MichiganSwampBuck because: typo

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