posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by IBelieveInAliens
I've just read this entire post again twice and there's no aggression here. You asked what people thought and they told you what they thought. Maybe
you need to get off your defensive horse?
The reason people respond to pics this way is that they see so many obvious fakes submitted here and it debases what ATS is all about. To highlight
why there might be a perceived negative response to your post is that it is plainly evident that the objects you're querying are obviously identical,
and it's plainly evident that they don't follow the same horizon point of the background photo. In other words, it doesn't seem as though you've
looked at this 'strange' photo very hard at all.
So people rightly ask, if you're posting the photo and you haven't really looked at it that hard, why should we be asked to look into it and try to
explain it with any serious analysis? And if you did notice these things, then you probably should have mentioned your suspicions in the OP. After
all, that's exactly what you're asking everyone else to do.
No need to be sensitive. No blood, no foul. You asked for thoughts, and that's exactly what people posted...