posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 10:08 AM
Today is the day I fight for freedom. I have had enough. we have lost what made our country so great, our freedom. We need to take back our freedom,
and take back what belongs to the citizens, no matter what the cost. This is a plea to anyone who has enough courge to stand up to any and all
corruption by police, judges, law makers, and anyone eles on the american citizen payroll.
Lets get organized, I'm calling to all citizens, all colors, all beliefs, all ages, all political parties. Please! Let us put our differences aside
and unite! Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. We must spread the courge to stand up for the people who are fearful! Stand up to the bullies of our
nation! To take back our cities, states, then Washington D.C. I know it will be a long, difficult road, as many people cannot agree to disagree and
look at the bigger picture. I have to try, even if i fail, i'll at least know I wasn't one of the people who always just talked and never took
I have started a Facebook Page for brainstorming! Feel free to check it out! Its brand new so don't expect much!
Pm if you would like the link to the page as I don't want this to come off as an advertisement. Also, I encourage pessimistic and negative responses,
as I will use them as references to prepare responses that i will need to use when I stand upon my soap box of hope.(yes it will be a box with the
word "Hope" painted on it. Many people say its too late to change anything, but after I learned of my own city police Stepping on the rights of my
fellow American brothers and sisters, I just couldn't take not doing anything.
Also, for anyone outside the USA, I have not forgotten about you! But to bring change to global power is just to big of a fish for me to even try to
focus on.
edit on 17-2-2014 by Frexmil2 because: (no reason given)