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Could the earthquake in South Carolina represent much more?

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posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 09:32 PM
By now, i'm sure many of you have already heard of the earthquake that hit South Carolina recently.
SC Earthquake
There are many sources debating on the magnitude of the earthquake whether it was 5.4, 4.4, 4.1, whatever, that's besides the point. What is significant about this event is the rarity of the strength of such an earthquake on the east coast. I have lived in atlanta for 10 years and just recently moved to Greenville and this was the first earthquake i've every experienced in my entire life. I am nearly 2 hours away from the epicenter and still felt it.

Okay, so what right? The issue I want to raise with this event is that ever since i've opened my eyes to this world, i've noticed that it is VERY symbolic. Every company logo means something, every emblem has a meaning, every hero carries a sign, every military has colors, every movie has hidden/deeper meanings. To say that these symbols don't have power is like saying what's the point of them in the first place? Let's put on a smiley face on everything and call it quits. So what does it mean when TWO water towers burst in this area of the earthquake? One happened on the 13th, before the earthquake, and another on the 14th because of the earthquake. The same road (washington rd), two different states(road stretches across the border).
Tower 1, Georgia Southern U
Tower 2, Near border of GA

"Oh i'm sure there is a logical explanation", yes, and what if that explanation is something trying to tell us something. The odds of two water towers bursting on the same road, 24 hours apart, on the border of two states, and one not even caused by earthquake damage is astronomical. What do water towers bursting symbolize then? This one is simple, our water just broke. My theory ATS, is we're about to give birth to something, and we have yet to find out what. Are we about to entering the "birth pains"?

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by WorthlessServant

This area is known for its type of earthquake. They've got a very specific style here. It's a sudden book and some shaking. I wouldn't be as worried about the ones in Edgefield as I am about one near Summerville / Charleston. We know very well that zone is capable of some major movement.

As far as being an indication of something to come, maybe, maybe not. It's hard to tell, most likely these are just your typical small earthquakes. I mean, being close to a few nuclear facilities, I certainly hope nothing bigger comes of this. I rather like living in a reasonably un-irradiated state!

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 10:46 PM
I can see where you get your thoughts on symboligy and i would like to add that the intensity of the ice storm being a precursor of the earth quake. While they could be completely coincidental it seems rather dramatic since the last major disaster was 25 years ago with Hugo. Not to over dramatize the storm and quake it just seems to be a precursor of things yet to come.

I grew up there near Summerville and will never forget the night Hugo hit and the devastation it left of my home town. That being said i hope its just the open mindedness that i have contracted by frequenting ATS over the last couple years.

Things are changing in our world at a dizzying speed. In nature, politics and society we have witnessed change that only nuts spoke about in the 90's Today its common knowledge.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by WorthlessServant

There is the New Madrid fault in the Eastern US. I wonder if it has anything to do with the this recent eq in S. Carolina...?
edit on 16-2-2014 by lostbook because: forgot link

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 11:21 PM
Military underground drilling more tunnels

NC military base is notorious for past experiments

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by lostbook

Thank you sir, but i know what that is lol. But the new madrid fault is on the other side of SC along the mississippi river.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 11:33 PM
Or JUST as shocking, it could be nothing special at all. Just like every other natural disaster that hits our population and causes chaos. I bet in a month or two you'll have forgotten that the earthquake even happened.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 11:35 PM
Oh yes, it absolutely means something. It means that you have now equated earthquakes with conspiracies in religions, and thrown in a couple of downed water towers, just for good measure.

Way to go!

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by WorthlessServant

Well, if there were some symbols I would expect to find them in the name of the towns, or some key word in a news article. I am not seeing any hidden meanings.. In general "they"... One would like a wider audience and a point to the dance. The Batman movie opening "Dark Knight Rises" involving the supposed shooter in Aurora, CO (Aurora = The Dawn) comes to mind. Obvious lucifer references. Lucis Fox... Haha..

Your references to birthing brought that to my mind.

But again I don't see any meanings here. As far as Earthquakes go I live in NC, and have for around 30 years. I have felt one earthquake. The one that was in Virginia. I was in Boone, NC. I thought I was imagining it at first, but everything was waving like I was on a boat. I can't believe how scary that can feel. I didn't feel this last one, but at the time I was in a loud movie theater.

Why would the Earthquake be related to water breaking? Are you saying that Nature itself is trying to give you clues on the birthing of some NWO or whatever? Or maybe you are saying it was a man made Earthquake?

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by KnightLight

Not the earthquake itself, but what happened before and after the earthquake. The symbols are the water towers, two in the same area that happened to both burst.

Ok guys, I understand that not everyone is religious and expects to equate any event with either: judgement, signs, the times, etc; I will respect that. But I will just mention this verse. Matthew 24:6-8 You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. 7“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. 8“But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains.

Let's be realistic, even if the God people don't believe in did exist, this is how he would speak to people; in signs and events. For those that pay attention they will hear, see and understand. But just like any person you talk to, if you're not giving them full attention you won't understand half of what they're saying.
edit on 17-2-2014 by WorthlessServant because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 11:04 AM
Well sir you have brought another catch phrase to ATS: Deny Idiots.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 11:36 AM

Well sir you have brought another catch phrase to ATS: Deny Idiots.

Your post is useless and didn't contribute to anything. Thanks anyway

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by WorthlessServant

Back in 1886 a 7.3 earthquake demolished or severely damaged around 90% of the buildings in Charleston, SC.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Elathan

Do you think we are on the brink of another one like 1886??
edit on 17-2-2014 by WorthlessServant because: Grammatical error

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by WorthlessServant

Thank you sir, but i know what that is lol. But the new madrid fault is on the other side of SC along the mississippi river.

Neither the New Madrid fault nor the Mississippi River border South Carolina.

The fact is that two water towers collapsing speak more to the issue of failing infrastructure in the US, rather than some other conspiracy...the idea we are allowing our infrastructure to go without adequate budgeting and attention is sad and disheartening.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:21 PM

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:57 PM

reply to post by WorthlessServant

Neither the New Madrid fault nor the Mississippi River border South Carolina.

I meant it figuratively. I spoke from my own relative location of Greenville, which is in between the mississippi and the earthquake epicenter. I should have clarified, but that wasn't the point.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Emerys

Gosh, if yellowstone blew up.. that sure would be a sight. Didn't they show that happening in the movie 2012? I hated the movie, but i can't help but notice that both today and in the movie we have sinkholes/cracks in the earth, and that yellowstone was acting up.

posted on Apr, 18 2014 @ 07:58 PM
There have been earthquakes in all 50 states, even in the state I live in, which is not at all known for getting earthquakes. There are fault lines big and small criss crossing all 50 states.

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