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'GMO products cause cancer and obesity' - food safety expert (in Russia)

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posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 07:57 PM
Nikolay Fyodorov is the head guy at the Ministry of Agriculture in Russia.

He says Nyet to GMO food because they all cause cancer from the production technology not being perfect.

Maybe so, or maybe he's sending *bribe me* signals to the "Lobbyists" ?

Russia is firm: no genetically modified organisms in food production, the head of Russia’s Ministry of Agriculture Nikolay Fyodorov stated at the All-Russian Meeting of Agrarians. GMO-foods controversies between scientists, ecologists and producers have a long history. Russia, which is now going organic, has faced these problems just recently.

The battle is being waged by two camps: while scientists lack arguments and evidence that GMO is harmful, huge and powerful production corporation have resources and political links. Scientists say they will need another couple of decades for a comprehensive research, but some threats are obvious already now, says Biology Professor and international expert on eco and food safety Dr. Irina Ermakova:

"These organisms are all dangerous because the very technology of their production is far from being perfect ­– it features pathogenic bacteria and viruses. When scientists tested the aftermath of GMO-produce on animals, they were horrified with the results – cancer and obesity. So the best things would be to ban such foods at all, as European countries do".

'GMO products cause cancer and obesity' - food safety expert

Related story;

Genetic mutated plants kill people

Lots of other links in the articles.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 08:38 PM
In my own opinion I don't trust GMO foods. However the price of these foods have me addicted to buying them. Pure non Modified organic goods are costly, but if science can finally prove itself wrong then I can easily make the switch.

I think it is more about the genetic makeup of each individual as a whole that contributes to the numbers they keep producing. Or maybe it is just that their methods all have a "control" that has no variances.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 08:42 PM

Nikolay Fyodorov is the head guy at the Ministry of Agriculture in Russia.
He says Nyet to GMO food because they all cause cancer from the production technology not being perfect.
Not in the article you linked he doesn't.

The quote is not from him. It's from some "expert on eco and food safety". This one:

Her statement is also inaccurate.

"These organisms are all dangerous because the very technology of their production is far from being perfect ­– it features pathogenic bacteria and viruses. When scientists tested the aftermath of GMO-produce on animals, they were horrified with the results – cancer and obesity. So the best things would be to ban such foods at all, as European countries do".

She sounds quite foolish. There are no reliable studies which show obesity or cancer as a result of GM technology. Would like to tell us which European countries ban food from GM crops?

edit on 2/15/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Phage

The GMO debate is secondary this time.

I say the Russian politicians may not give a hoot or holler if it's safe or not.

I want to know if any payoffs are being *Solicited*.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

I want to know if any payoffs are being *Solicited*.

That's what this thread is about? Why is it in Fragile Earth?
Payoffs, maybe. Or simply political pressure rather than science.
Both have been known to occur.

edit on 2/15/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Well if you remember, France already claimed through their research that GMO caused cancer, but their research was quickly dismissed

We won't know the long term affects, if there are any, of GMO's for quite some time

Then it will be like everything else......
Once we have consumed the products for 20-30 years, that's when they'll come out and say 'After much study, we deem these foods unsafe for consumption and they may lead to cancer' blah, blah blah......
Then they'll alter our foods once again to make them safer *sigh*

Just leave Mother Nature alone, please!!

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by snarky412

Well if you remember, France already claimed through their research that GMO caused cancer, but their research was quickly dismissed
No. France claimed no such thing.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 10:52 PM

reply to post by snarky412

Well if you remember, France already claimed through their research that GMO caused cancer, but their research was quickly dismissed
No. France claimed no such thing.

Fr someone so hell bent on information quoted in ops, who exactly quoted what, where in the reference such was quoted, etc., I'm very surprised to see you post such a statement without a link to reference your statement. It was presented matter of factly, so surely you can provide one.

Anyway, cancer is on the rise, and many factors could play a role. Could gmos be contributing? Sure, I don't discount the possibility. One study might say yes, one may say no. Either way, they are being questioned. If studies come back and say they cause cancer, there is someone paying plenty of cash to keep quiet. If studies come back and say they are safe, then there will always be someone out there trying to disprove that.

We will never have the full story of almost everything, so my motto is go with your gut because information is always always always skewed.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Phage

No. France claimed no such thing.

With all due respect, here is just one article on it
But like I said, many rejected the claims

Sept. 21,2012
Study says genetically modified corn causes tumors, but other scientists skeptical about research

(CBS News) A French study that supposedly shows that mice who ate genetically modified corn sprayed with weed killer were more likely to develop tumors, organ damage and die early is becoming a polarizing debate among researchers.

Also in the same article:

According to the USDA Economic Research Service, as of 2011, 76 to 96 percent of corn crops had some sort of genetic modification, depending on which state they were grown.

The study involved 200 albino Sprague-Dawley rats - 100 hundred females, 100 males. The rats where then divided into groups of 10.

In their experiment, tumors seemed to be late-developing, large mammary tumors, and the affected rats suffered from severe liver and kidney damage. The tumors did not metastasize or spread to other body parts, but were so large they blocked organ function in the rats.

French scientists question safety of GM corn

I know, it's not confirmed nor denied, scientists are still unsure
Those that claim it's harmful will be shunned & mocked


ETA: Phage, this is where the scientist's claims were disregarded:
Dec. 2, 2013

Opponents of genetically modified foods just lost a major scientific datapoint for their position after a journal retracted a French study linking altered corn to tumors in rats.

Genetically Modified Corn Didn't Cause Rat Cancer

Since GMO's are a powerful money making business, I doubt the truth, if there is any about possible causing cancer, will ever be known to the public
At least not any time soon

edit on 15-2-2014 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by fictitious

It was presented matter of factly, so surely you can provide one.
You want me to provide a source showing that France did not make a claim? What an odd request. "Here is proof that France did not say this."
It seems it would make more sense to provide a source showing that France did make such a claim.

We will never have the full story of almost everything, so my motto is go with your gut because information is always always always skewed.
My gut tells me that there is nothing inherently dangerous about GM foods.

edit on 2/15/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 11:04 PM

reply to post by fictitious

It was presented matter of factly, so surely you can provide one.
You want me to provide a source showing that France did not make a claim? What an odd request. "Here is proof that France did not say this."
It seems it would make more sense to provide a source showing that France did make such a claim.

We will never have the full story of almost everything, so my motto is go with your gut because information is always always always skewed.
My gut tells me that there is nothing inherently dangerous about GM foods.

edit on 2/15/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

I only asked because you tend to provide links and call others out for theirs.

I'm glad your gut tells you something. I appreciate all opinions. I'm sure you lead a healthy enough lifestyle and have eaten both organic and gmo foods to draw the conclusion that both foods make you feel the same after consumption. I'd rather hear about someone's personal opinion than "facts" based in someone else's research. It makes things more interesting - to me at least. Nothing beats personal experience, especially in matters such as these.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by snarky412

So then France did not claim it. A scientist in France did. Got it.
A scientist, by the way, who is a bit notorious for putting out less than quality work. A example previous to the 2012 fiasco.

The GMO Panel notes that several of its fundamental statistical criticisms (EFSA, 2007a,b) of the authors' earlier study (Seralini et al., 2007) of maize MON863 are also applicable to the new paper by de Vendômois et al. In the GMO Panel's extensive evaluation of Seralini et al. (2007), reasons for the apparent excess of significant differences found for MON863 (8%) were given and it was shown that this raised no safety concerns.

The GMO Panel considers that de Vendômois et al.: (1) make erroneous statements concerning the use of reference varieties to provide estimates of variability that allow equivalence testing to place statistically significant results into biological context as advocated by EFSA (2008, 2009a); (2) do not use the available information concerning normal background variability between animals fed with different diets, to place observed differences into biological context; (3) do not present results using their False Discovery Rate methodology in a meaningful way; (4) give no evidence to relate well known gender differences in response to diet to claims of effects due to the respective GMOs; (5) estimate statistical power based on inappropriate analyses and magnitudes of difference.

In the absence of any indications that the observed differences in test parameters are indicative of adverse effects, the GMO Panel does not consider that the publication by Séralini et al. (2007) raises new issues which are toxicologically relevant.


Phage, this is where the scientist's claims were disregarded:
Rejected is not the same as disregarded. Seralini's experimental methods were closely looked at and found to be less than rigorous. He doesn't run very good experiments. The experiments he runs cannot show what he says they show.

edit on 2/15/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by Phage

Italy: The four regions Tuscany, Molise, Lazio and Marche and
around 25 provinces, cities and communes banned GE crops,
including Rome, Milan, Turin, Brescia and Genoa.

Austria: Bans on three GE maize (Novartis, Monsanto and AgrEvo),
the Federal Institute for Less-Favoured and Mountainous Areas is
pressing for GM free legislation and published a study on GE-free
zones, initiatives in the States of Vorarlberg and Salzburg to ban GE

France: ban of PGS and AgrEvo HR rapeseed

Germany: Ban of Novartis Bt maize. The initiative "No GE on
communal land" of BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany) launched
activities in several German communities to discuss and vote on the
GE-free resolutions. Application are launched in: Bad Vilbel,
Blauenstein, Lahr, Konstanz, Hannover, Hamburg. Application are
accepted in: M¸nchen, Reutlingen, Freidrichsdorf, Blomberg, Seligenstadt,
Niddatal, Maintal, Riedstadt, Adendorf, Schwebheim, Pinneberg,
Schwabach, Langenhagen, Wyhe, Burgdorf, Neetze, District Traunstein.
Several protestant regional church organisations: banned GE crops from
their land: Hannover, Hessen und Nassau, Sachsen, Protestantic Church
of Westfalen, Protestantic Church in Berlin-Brandenburg, Church Province
of Sachsen.

Luxembourg: Ban of Novartis Bt maize.

Portugal: Ban of Novartis Bt maize.

Greece: Ban of AgrEvo HR rapeseed, moratorium of GE crop trials.

Spain: The Basque Government went for a five year blanket
moratorium for GMOs. The Basque Government claims full powers
for agricultural policy and thus that they can provisionally ban GMOs
if they so wish. The three provinces of Castilla-La Mancha and Baleares
banned GE food, AndalucÌa declared a five year moratorium on GE
crop trials and GE food.

UK: The Church of England has refused permission for GE crop trials
on 60,000 hectares of its land, dozens of local authorities supply GE
free school lunches, the House of Commons banned GE foods for its
catering. The vote of the Welsh Assembly to keep Wales GE free was
counteracted by the ministry of Agriculture approving a GE maize variety.
The Island of Jersey banned GE crops.


Switzerland: Although a center of GE science and industry, only two
trials with GE potatoes in 1991/92 have been performed until now.

Norway: Banned the import of several GE crops and products which
contain antibiotic resistance genes.

Australia: The State of Tasmania banned GE rapeseed as weed,
Western Australia has banned commercial GE planting. Australian
States are given the right to declare themselves GE free. Some
communities (e.g. Bondi/Sydney, West Wimmera Shire) declared
themselves GE free.

New Zealand: Some local bodies in Auckland and Wellington have
declared themselves GM free. Trials with GE salmon have been blocked
by the government.

Thailand: Banned imports of 40 GE crops for commercial planting,
but not for research purposes.

Philippines: The community of Valencia called for a five-year
moratoria on GE food and GE crop trials and commercialization.
The Philippine president announced a moratorium on GE crop

Saudi Arabia: Banned food that are made from GMOs and declared not
to import GE wheat.

Egypt: Declared not to import GE wheat.

Algeria: Banned the import, distribution, commercialisation and
of GE plants except for research purposes.

Brazil: Planting GE seeds is prohibited by federal law in Brazil
for the time being, the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso
do Sul have declared their intentions to remain GM-free, 18 States
called upon the Central government to block commercial GE crop

Paraguay: The Ministry of Agriculture plans to ban GE crops from
commercial planting.

USA: Various bills calling for moratoria on GE food (Vermont), bans
of GE wheat (North Dakota, Montana) have been filed within the last
year. Several municipalities declared moratoria on GE food
(Burlington/Vermont), bans of GE crops (City of Boulder/Colorado),
or urged the federal government to ban GE food (City and County of
San Francisco/California). Many attempts to adopt such bills or
resolutions failed in the past.


posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by JohnInFL

In your list I see that Saudi Arabia and a community in the Philippines have apparently banned GM foods. Neither are in Europe. Not allowing the growing of GM crops is not the same as banning GM foods.

Interesting that Egypt has declared not to import GE wheat since there is none available on the market.

edit on 2/15/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Phage

Rejected is not the same as disregarded.

Actually the word used in a article was 'discredited' study, but I think we get the gist of it, no need for a word game, we're on the same page

In the discredited study, the rats were fed NK103 maize that had been developed by Monsanto (MON) to be resistant to its Roundup herbicide.......

Much respect~

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