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Rabies found in two skunks in AR and the disease is spreading in dogs in area

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posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 12:22 PM
Just like so many other diseases right now, rabies is spreading. First time a case of rabies was reported in Pulaski County Arkansas in 30 years. Two skunks were found to have rabies and they were one day apart and within one mile of each other. This has officials alarmed and they said that throughout the area of Arkansas there are more cases of rabies in dogs than in 25 years and they don't know what's causing the disease to spread like this.

One rabid skunk in the area is concerning, two in two days is raising some red flags.

"Rabies seems to be moving in areas that haven't had it before," said Dr. Weinstein. "We don't really know what's behind the increase."

Last year there were three times the normal amount of rabies cases reported in the state. Officials have no idea what causing the surge but they are urging all pet owners to vaccinate all animals including livestock.

Rabid skunks found in Pulaski County

I've seen other stories about a large increase in rabies in other areas to. I posted a news story a few months back about rabid foxes attacking people and dogs in Stanhope, NJ. That case had every one perplexed as they found 6 foxes with rabies in the same part of town. They were attacking people in a park.

Not the first time I've shared my theory on what's going on with bacteria and virus outbreaks, so here it is again.

Dangerous Gas theory in relation to drug-resistant bacteria and mutating viruses

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

It's scary. Common diseases that can have such a huge impact if ignored.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

they don't know what's causing the disease to spread like this.

Global warming and human sin. It's obvious and I recall seeing a poll about it last month.


edit on 16/2/14 by soficrow because: sp

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

Rez! Long time, no see. I would say that I am on the methane bandwagon myself. It needs more study and exposure though in my opinion. But how it effects bacteria? I have no clue.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 01:28 PM

reply to post by Rezlooper

Rez! Long time, no see. I would say that I am on the methane bandwagon myself. It needs more study and exposure though in my opinion. But how it effects bacteria? I have no clue.

Here it is in a nutshell

There are various types of microbes that eat methane. They live deep underground and they live 30,000 feet into the air. Basically, they are everywhere and they feed off methane hydrates.

The theory goes something like this. The more methane increases it becomes a feeding frenzy for the microbes. What happens when these microbes have more than enough to eat? They multiply. As methane release increases, there is naturally going to be a rapid increase in the microbes that feed.

Through the evolution of bacteria over millions of years you can expect that other species of bacteria can also experience growth. As one species of bacteria rapidly increases, others will follow. I propose in this theory that as the microbes continuously feed on the increased methane hydrates, other bacteria are following the lead, thus, literally thousands of species of bacteria and viruses are experiencing phenomenal growth all over the planet.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

Ok...that's a bit creepy though I did know some of it, not that much though.

Thanks to you and SofiCrow for giving me the heebie-jeebies.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 01:52 PM
Happens all over the place only to quickly subside. in my county we had an outbreak 3-4 years ago. Pretty much nothing since then.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 02:52 PM

reply to post by Rezlooper

Ok...that's a bit creepy though I did know some of it, not that much though.

Thanks to you and SofiCrow for giving me the heebie-jeebies.

It's called horizontal transfer. When one bacterial species explodes in growth, others are sure to follow. What's especially creepy about it is that bacteria are growing stronger and becoming more drug-resistant, like CRE and gonorrhea. If this were to happen and our antibiotics became useless, simple infections could kill or result in loss of limbs, etc. The thing is, big pharma isn't going to try to make any newer or more effective anti-biotics because there isn't any money in it right now. The money is in treating the big illnesses like cancer. Here is a new s article about there being no new antibiotics in the pipeline

Expert warns antibiotic resistance could be apocalyptic

Here's a couple of news article about drug-resistance CRE and gonorrhea, and these are only two out of many. Reports over the last couple of winters said that drugs are struggling against whooping cough and pneumonia as well.

USA Today story about deadly 'super bug' CRE

Drug-resistant gonorrhea has come to North America

It says that in 80% of cases, all known drugs are ineffective. Scary for those promiscuous folks out there. It might give you pause on that next one night stand.

edit on 27-2-2014 by Rezlooper because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 04:06 PM
Is this spread by sexual contact? Is that what your telling me, dogs are having carnal knowledge of skunks? This is just too sick for even me to contemplate!

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

Lucky for me the only thing promiscuous about me is my personality. That acts quite well as a sexual deterrent.

I haven't had a one night stand since the eighties.

Sometimes I wonder it me? *Sniffs breathe and under arms*

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 04:29 PM

Is this spread by sexual contact? Is that what your telling me, dogs are having carnal knowledge of skunks? This is just too sick for even me to contemplate!

I was referring to human spread gonorrhea with those comments, not the rabies.

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