I have taught young people for 17 years in the U.S. and abroad. Everyday these kids fill me with hope for the future. I teach history during the day
and Improv Acting & Comedy after school. I do a little acting on the side and I try use those experiences I've had to benefit my students. Sometimes
the greatest learning comes from moments of true collaboration.
I shared a vision of a group of boys who found a magically romantic way to ask their girl friends to Prom and the students in my club just
astounded me with their dedication and creativity. We were able to get permission from the band, The Shins, to use their awesome song "Sleeping
Lessons" to help me fulfill this fantastic teachable moment. The video is called the Rites of Spring and I would like to share it with all of you at
ATS who have given me so much to think about over the years.
I hope that this warms you heart and takes you back to the days of your first great romantic adventure. Happy Valentine's Day!
Here is the link in case I don't quite everything right on my first post (please forgive): www.youtube.com...
edit on 14-2-2014 by Doomsbury because: I had to learn how to put in the youtube ID properly. Thank you ATS
Thanks for the warm welcome. Don't worry, I'll join the "Doom Patrol" soon. One of my trademark lessons is the "Monday Morning Moment of Doom"
where we talk about how the world is going to end this week... and never does
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Thanks BoneZ, I've been looking through the links that you sent me. There's a lot of helpful stuff in here. I'm glad to be part of the community.
Hope you enjoyed our little video