posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 05:56 PM
This is my second entry; this poem is about ATS and it's short and sweet. Although I could go on and on and on, as I have been known to do.
Flit, Flutter or Wander (Feb2014)
Above Top Secret has sub-forums galore; choose one or all, but beware
If you need protection from the skeptics that abound
Flit into Skunk Works where the mods hang around and may pound
If imagination is really more important than knowledge
Then flutter over to Philosophy and Metaphysics to drop over the edge
If frivolity and levity is the order for your day
Then wander into Post a Funny Pic-Part II where laughter is the way
The serious and curious folk have their pick of topics
Just click ‘Top’ or ‘New’ or ‘Recent’ to dazzle your optics
As for the creative people looking for an outlet that’s near
Join the fray of friendly competitions, without fear.
(Non-writer status)