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Infant Sex-change surgeries on the rise as 16-& 17- month old among

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posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 10:58 AM

On the subject of repetitive posts, this is the second time i've seen you post in a LGBT orientated thread using almost the same phrase of "Are you loading the bullets for someone else to fire the gun?"

What is it with you stalking these threads accusing people of posting threads purely to antagonise?

And each time I have said that was to the same person on all four of their LGBT themed threads yesterday. Had to ask more than once as the poster of the OP stopped discussing the topics once they had written the OP.

I'm not stalking any threads but i will defend other LGBT members against homophobia.

Funny thing about you asking about "Stalking" as you have just managed to leave a post on each topic that I have been following in the last ten minutes. Your not stalking me are you

edit on 10.2.2014 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 10:59 AM

My simple Philosophy on sex change operations is this ....

Mother nature doesn't make a mistake when assigning gender.

By this is Mother nature/God/what ever made you who you are, if you like the same sex, that is fine, but you should change what you are. This is what you are.

As far as doing this the 16 and 17 month olds is a crime on bot the parent and the doctor to do that. The baby hasn't even had a chance tp discover who they are and might be. It is wrong and immoral.

Does mother nature not make a mistake when babies are born with no arms or legs too?

DNA can go wrong, cell division can go wrong, mutations happen.

We're ALL female as a developing fetus, that's why males have nipples but don't produce breast milk. We change later to males or stay female depending on levels of uterine testosterone or progesterone winning out over one or the other.

It's a little more complex than that, but it's essentially the way it is.

Hermaphrodites are an example of a gender mistake nature sometimes plays...two genders in one, both sets of sex organs in one body.

So yeah...nature does make mistakes, lots of them.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by flammadraco

Heh...don't get your hopes up matey!

I also posted in science and tech, space anomalies and many others too...i'm pretty cosmopolitan in my interests.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 11:22 AM

reply to post by flammadraco

Heh...don't get your hopes up matey!

I also posted in science and tech, space anomalies and many others too...i'm pretty cosmopolitan in my interests.


And you burst my bubble, thought i had my very own stalker then

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