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Down the rabbit hole.

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posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 07:04 AM
Hi everybody,

I've been visiting this site since my very early teens, always with a curious attitude towards what people have to say in regards to events that are not portrayed properly in the media. My curiosity started with the events of 9/11, however being so young you don't fully realise you have a voice at that age, you feel very menial in contrast to revelations that governments could attack their own infrastructures, big wealthy banking families quite possibly rule the world, extraterrestrials could potentially have fiddled with our DNA etc etc.

It was this free thinking that very much induced me into a reclusive bubble for the rest of my teenage years in fear of my friends and family mocking my interests on such topics, more importantly however i felt i understood the importance that not everybody in the world was as free thinking as i would hope them to be - there was this alarming vast majority of peers that were more interested in getting drunk on a weekend and watching TV programs such as Jeremy Kyle and Geordie Shore. This realisation really tested my patience in humanity, so much to a point that i felt i could only comfortably communicate with other like-minded people.

If it wasn't for stumbling across ATS and seeing such a busy hive of minds questioning everything, i would have felt very alone with my thoughts growing up, so thank you. I feel like i owe this website something, hence why i am joining with the intention of contributing my perspective where it counts.

A little about me now - I am 23, i have recently graduated with a degree in Graphic Design, i've moved out of my parents house and got full time employment within the sign writing and vehicle graphics industry. In my spare time i like to draw my own tattoos and then have somebody else scratch them into me, watch films, surf these forums and smoke the fine herb responsibly and constructively.

If i could have one truth shown to be before i departed this life it would be the truth of extraterrestrial life, i'd honestly give my left testicle to be abducted.

Hope that was something along the lines of what is expected in a new members introduction, i really look forward to having the chance to debate and discuss things with each and every one of you!

Kind Regards.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 07:13 AM
Hey welcome, nice intro by the way.

A mod will come soon a and give you the place guidelines but if your interest is 911 forums mostly you should know you need a wats of 1 before bein able to post, also you need 20 comments before being able to open a new topic.

Enjoy ATS have your first flag from me

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Merces

Nice intro Merces !!

my friends and family mocking my interests on such topics

I know. Now when I get the "sooooo....still spending time on A....T....S.....???" with an abrasive smile, I no longer respond.

I just go "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh....beh.....beh....." in my mind, smile back and walk away.

Welcome to ATS !!

Have fun & enjoy !

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 07:46 AM
Thanks guys, Indigent - 9/11 still remains a current interest for me however it was what opened up all the doors to everything else going on in the world, really i love dabbling in as much as i can from Hitler's 'Die Glocke' to Tesla's works on free energy! Thank you for the flag

I feel your pain too SonoftheSun, hah, let's just hope they too one day endure an inquisitive mind which changes how they view the whole world, it seems you can only really appreciate somebody thinking outside of the box when you too have had an opportunity to do so, i could agree with those that try to poke fun at you - some peoples thoughts on here are absolutely bizarre don't get me wrong! however i respect each and every effort to execute a 'what if' scenario, people need to embrace this way of thinking instead of ridiculing those that attempt to.

May i also apologise in advance if i ever rustle anybodies feathers up the wrong way, i'm only just stepping into the ATS playground so to speak and it may take a while for me to get a general feel of how to engage with certain members

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Merces

Welcome to ATS Merces it sounds like you'll fine addition to the site.
I hear you in respect to Jeremy Kyle
, why people watch it is beyond me but each to their own I suppose.
Enjoy your stay

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Merces

Hi Merces, nice to meet you! So you design your own tattoos - that's great, maybe I'll pester you to do one for me!
Welcome, hope to see you again!

B x

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by beansidhe

Yes! any excuse for me to draw is welcome. Is there an appropriate place for me to upload a picture of the ones i do have? you might have more of an idea of my style of illustration then.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by gortex

Thank you Gortex, each to their own indeed, it is just a painful reality that people are willing to tune into those types of programs! Maybe it makes people feel better about their own lives
it's okay with me in that respect i guess!

Great quote in your signature.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Merces

Ooh! Cool!
There's an art forum on BTS (Below Top Secret) and you also might like to check out the avatar creations thread on BTS - they're always happy to meet fellow artists!

See you soon then!

B x

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 08:31 AM
From your intro I believe a Welcome Home is in order! You sound exactly like most of us here. Oh and there are a few bullies on this playground,but you sound like you will be fine.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Merces

If you go down the rabbit hole far enough you come out on the other side. Welcome, and hopefully you won't miss the ads, or at least less ads, than when you looked at the site. Share with us things you know that you think we would enjoy knowing, and ask any questions and hopefully people here may have the answers. Enjoy!

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:22 AM

Hello and Watch Your Step Down the Rabbit Hole!

You'll find around 100 forums here, covering everything from Ancient Civilizations to Breaking News to Political Events and much more. All are welcome and everyone can contribute equally, so please come right in and make yourself at home!

For now, you are only able to post to existing threads or, if you need help, send private messages to Staff as well as the Complaint and Suggestion form. Once you've contributed some posts to threads around the site, you'll be able to make your own threads for others to enjoy.

There are also a few threads you'll want to look over as soon as you get the chance. They are important and helpful too!

Terms and Conditions / Reaffirming ATS Policies

Using the Features of ATS / Avatar Upload Instructions

Starting a New Thread ?... Look Here First.

Frequently Asked Questions Of All Kinds!

More tips, tricks and help can be found in the Freshmen's Forum or Board Business & Questions forum.

Above All, Enjoy Yourself!

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Merces

Warm Welcome to the ATS Family. Very nice intro, paragraphs and all. I look forward to your input in the forums...


posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:11 AM
Thanks guys and girls, and for the guidance Wrabbit - i've had a good read over the T&C's (No honestly i did!) the F.A.Q & already managed to crack avatars.

I do remember a time when there hardly were any ads yes
although at the time i was using a desktop pc which was already rife with viruses and pop-ups, so today's ads have nothing on the annoyance i used to regularly endure!

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Merces

lol.. I'm glad you've already had a good read over everything. I think the most valuable link I give in my standard welcome is the FAQs link. It covers such a wide range of things for folks, it ought to hit on most things which a new person to posting may wonder about.

It's nice to have a new addition to the discussions!

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Merces

Nice intro.
Hope you enjoy your stay.
Have a welcome bacon cake.. Yumyum

Have a great day!

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Merces


If only more young people would be so thoughtfull as you were when you discovered ATS. Maybe the ATS board of directors will consider a nationwide advertisement which will carry the message of hope for mankind. Would it not be wonderful if ATS will become a subject in school for eightgraders? ATS will make the innocent aware of new posibillities, an other Earth, the only truth.

This site will encourage people free-thinking, to be creative, to investigate, how to open your mind without your brain falling out, proper use of the english language, how to debate and how to respectfully interact with a national and international audiance ...just to name a few vantages which will contribute in becoming an illuminated citizen in the long awaited new world order.

Uhmm...err...I think I over did it somewhat.. Now don't be scared, this is just the begining.

Anyways... welcome

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by natalia

Oh My God! A Bacon Cake! You are a genius! I always thought that Lewis Caroll was just snubbed by some great girl and gave the "queen of hearts" a bad name. You rock!

And Welcome to the family! As a new person too, I will tell you, it seems intimidating, but that is just challenging you to think harder. Debate is not personal. The people here are very kind and helpful to an extreme. You are in good company.

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