reply to post by duesprimusvictorimmortali
First of all, let me clear things up, the things and techniques I practice have nothing to do with any religious beliefs, second, this practices do
not have anything to do with imaginary beliefs, such as gods, devils, angels, fairies, aliens or anything of the sort, third, this practices reject
dogma in any shape form or size.
Our mind is a product of its times, and the induced behaviors of our society, families and personal experiences shape and define the boundaries of our
actions, and beliefs, our consciousness on the other hand, could be defined as the the software that allows said interactions to take place,
consciousness is being aware that we "are" something different than other beings, some states of awareness can be described in their interactions as
intuition, or vibes , and sometimes as insights about places and people, the thing is that our everyday life is filled by interactions that take away
all of our attention, our jobs and entertainment, our personal machines and the like take away all of our attention.
the basis for altering our states of mind rely on being smart spenders of the few energy we have, when I refer to energy I mean the thing that allows
us to be alert and operational during our waking hours, sometimes we have more and feel well rested, sharp and usually in better moods, sometimes we
have less, and accomplish very little during the day, and feel rather down in the dumps and usually postpone activities that we usually do.
Being in physical in shape, loosing the vices, ignoring bad company, and in general taking care of our bodies help out as well, and are key in
beginning to understand the process of developing a strong will.
Because getting into the altered states is easy, the hard part is maintaining it for significant periods of time, long enough to be actually useful
for something other than the anecdotal value.
part of the secret is loosing the superfluous, cleaning up our minds and bodies, and in general changing our lives to be more efficient, so we can
have a surplus of energy to attempt other things, for example, when asking for a job, 99 outta 100, people are going to give the job to the one that
looks cleaner and more qualified, instead of the ones that look messy and unprofessional, or going somewhere and being given service first in
restaurants, or as simple as you not being the one mugged in a back alley, of course if one takes unnecessary risks, things are bound to happen, but
then again judging an unnecessary risk also takes a surplus of energy...
Everyday life changes, things become clearer, you get less depressed, and generally fare better in over all terms.
The techniques are easy, our wills like muscles can be trained and strengthened, the hard parts are taking the first steps, and rearranging our lives
to allow that extra to become a part of our realities, that little bit alters our perceptions, and suddenly we become much more than the sum of our