could someone please explain to me what the meaning of the tarot cards at the end of the music video signify?
Ok, I switched computers so I can actually see the video. He's using a Rider Waite deck. In the three-card spread you have the 6 of Wands on the
left, the 4 of Wands in the middle, and the 7 of Pentacles on the right... and then drops the 8 of Pentacles as the fourth card before it fades away.
Later, he lays down the Magician card (number one in the Major Arcana). Then he lays down the Hierophant above the first four. She then gives him
the Chariot (number seven in the Major Arcana). I don't think any of these were read as reversals and I have no idea what spread they were using (or
perhaps it was free-form).
The cards in a spread are so contextual that it is difficult to assign meaning with cards outside of the intended reading but I can give you a brief
rundown on what I would guess based on the positions of a similar spread I would use.
The first three may be past/present/future or, if it were a daily type of reading, it may be a problem/solution. If it's a past/present/future then I
would say that the person being read had a period in the past where he came out into the limelight and accepted public acclaim. His current state
would be one of celebration (or having a reason to), and the future is one of reaping your rewards and calling for patience in waiting for your
"seeds" to grow and flourish.
The fourth card laid down (8 of Pentacles) is a commercial type of card (pentacles are often about careers) and is asking him to brush up on his
commercial skills (in this case, maybe music) and to really spend time honing your talents.
The Magician dropped as if it were the significator and, if so, it's a very positive card to get. It says that he has command over the four elements
and that applies to a person's life in different ways but it generally means you have the "full package"; you have passion, health, emotional
strength, and the smarts to pull off your plans. Like I said, this card is very contextual.
The last card, The Chariot, is also very dependent on where and why it was pulled. It can represent a means of getting from point A to point B in
your goals or, if reversed, it could mean to expect car troubles. If it represents a person, sometimes it means that person is your path to success
(or maybe they have a used car for you!). On rare occasions, I've interpreted this to mean that the client needs to be careful while driving.
Hope that helps. Without hearing what the spread was about, it's nearly impossible to tell exactly what they meant but that's one example of how I
would read those in similar spreads.
ps - edit - I totally forgot the Hierophant! I'm not sure what it was supposed to represent in the spread but it normally has authoritarian/religious
connotations to it. If it represents a person, it could be a judge or a preacher or somebody in his life that represents authority (depending on the
position, this could be good or bad). If it's not a person, it could mean he has legal issues coming up or that he's currently dealing with (again,
could be good or bad). If this is couple with the 2 of Cups, for example, it always means marriage but if it's paired with The Tower, it would
probably mean he's going to go bankrupt or get sued or something. I hope that makes sense. The Hierophant is one of the trickier ones to assign
meaning to.
edit on 5-2-2014 by Cuervo because: forgot a card