posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 09:22 AM
This is a pure and simple rant...I happened to flip on "The Today Show" and Natalie "Ditz" Morales, Al "Chubby Muppet" Roker, and Willy "Wonka" Geist
brought up the threat that Rep. Michael "Former FBI Agent" Grimm imposed on reporter Michael Sotto...and the 3 so called reporters/journalists laughed
about it!!! THEY FRIGGIN LAUGHED!!!! What the "F" is so funny about politicians threatening reporters or anyone of that matter who are seeking
answers from alleged corrupt politicians?? These 3 pimples should be FURIOUS that someone in their field, who is investigation serious allegations
involving a politician, was threatened with serious injury and death!!! If YOU or I threatened ANYONE, especially a politician, we'd be sitting in a
jail cell paying a lawyer 1000's of dollars to save our BUTTS!! And then "Chubby Muppet" Roker said "It's all good now because Grimm apologized and
they're gonna have lunch". NO it's not okay you DUMMY!!! Sotto should press charges against retired FBI Agent Grimm and defend our 1st Amendment
RIghts. Not only for ALL journalists and reporters, but for ALL AMERICANS!!
Man...I am DEEPLY disturbed that this threat by a fake tough guy on Capitol Hill has turned into a joke...THE JOKE IS..IF WE DON'T STAND UP AGAINST
THESE BULLIES IN WASHINGTON WE'LL ALL BE DEAD!!! NO IF'S, AND'S, or BUT'S. Stand up for yourselves and other's!!! Don't let the people we voted to
defend our life, liberties and pursuit of happiness think we are their slaves...THEY WORK FOR US!!!
I'll quote Gerald Celente.."Do you know what justice means to folks in Washington? JUST-US...only they can get away with breaking the laws of
Thank you for reading and letting me get this off my chest!! God Bless!!
edit on 30-1-2014 by FreedomKnight because: (no reason