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I don't think it was neccasay to erase my latest topic.............

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posted on May, 22 2003 @ 10:13 PM
This just shows that there is a cover-up. Otherwise there would be nothing to hide. Sorry William but that was not right. There is no reason that topic shouldn't be seen.

Kill Jes-sup

The Jes-sup Clan

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 10:19 PM
Look... I'm going to say this one more time, and one more time only.

Get past your obsession with this idea of yours that mysterious forces are out to get ATS.

There is no cover-up beyond a very strong desire to put these topics past us, and to rest.

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 10:24 PM
I only fully trust one person on this board that they are not working for the government. I do trust other people on this board, but not 100%. The government uses propaganda and what better way then to use it on the conspiracy theorists.

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 10:26 PM
What is so bad about asking???

Shouldn't we know???

Did not those Jes-sup people threaten people's lives???

You can't deny that.

That is the truth and you know it.

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 10:34 PM
Come on dude. Get real. This is an internet forum. You can't base a belief on something that has happened on the net. People can tell you anything you want to hear on a forum. And on a conspiracy forum? It's absolutely impossible for you to verify a theory here.
You can't believe in it because you have no proof whatsoever that it's true. Everything can be faked on the net.

Jeez dude. Seeing is believing.

[Edited on 23-5-2003 by Leveller]

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 10:48 PM
AV another poster wondered why the thread wasn't deleted. So someone did.

It looks like we are in a no win situation

There is nothing happening on ATS out of the ordinary apart from a few wacko posters.

When we tell people this that all is OK, and calm down the response is "You are covering it up".

How can we win? Show you cosmic? Invite you to our house (hiding all the satanic symbolism under the bed)

At the end of the day you have to decide for yourself - "Is it life as normal on ATS or is it being sucked into some sick satanic cult". If you decide life is as normal and you are just over-reacting, then settle down and lets stop these silly threads.

If you decide that we have all gone over to the dark side then do something contructive about it, shouting in the house is not the answer, either move on or live with it.

All I can say is get back on your meds AV, you are becommng a broken record

There is nothing else I can do to show you that the problem is all in your own fertile imagination.

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue
Did not those Jes-sup people threaten people's lives???

There's a difference between an "ankle biter" making threats and a credible threat.

Those twinkies couldn't find the CIA headquarters with a road map and a GPS unit. He's just a hoaxer -- most likely a teenager who isn't quite old enough to drive.

The amount of damage or harm he can do to something is limited.

He doesn't have the skills to find any of us unless we're posting our name and address on Internet.

He's a clown.

He's a shadow.

He's a hoax.

He's a liar.

Why are you spooking over something so silly?

posted on May, 22 2003 @ 11:05 PM
Did not those Jes-sup people threaten people's lives??? Posted by Abraham Virtue

I have had my life threatened by far more credible and capable people than that. I am still here.

If this individual were to be foolish enough to act on such a threat, well, it would not turn out well for him, and I'll leave it at that.

Im not loosing sleep over it.

AV, go to bed, you'll think different on it in the morning.

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 03:21 AM
Dragon, you must not know me very well. I will feel the same, but yeah I will not be the same.

From now on, my voice is contaminated by the cruel deeds of passivity and ignorance. I see the chains and the shadows on the wall. I hear nothing but screams at me, and the echos ring hard in my head, driving my mind mad. The light is in your eyes, but you see nothing but darkness. When are you going to see the light???

Realize that this is the Platonic Cave.

This is the prison of your mind.











posted on May, 23 2003 @ 03:30 AM
A-V, I got some news for you. You're relatively new here. You haven't known William since he's been here. I have. You don't know what those of us discuss out of the public. I do.
I'm telling you, if you had a freaking clue, one iota of the truth, you'd feel like one huge blithering moron right about now.

Knock it the fleck off! There is no darned conspiracy within the conspiracy site. William is no farkin' conspiracy! Nutbags come and nutters go, and some are like a bad case of constipation, it might take a little extra time. But there is no conspiracy.

You, on the other hand, are beginning to appear to be a disrupter. One who is trying to derail any possible look at the real direction.

I'm beginning to think you are one of them!

You are working for the NWO people!

Somebody needs to do something about you, call the feds, maybe!!!

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 03:34 AM
Incase anyone missed it, there was a lot of tongue in cheek there. Don';t fret, I'm not calling A-V a threat or anything. Point is, if one were to misread him due to ignorance, they could say he is a threat or a conspiracy participant. Just as He is trying to say William is holding back.

I saw William come here, I saw FM come and go and come and go and come and go.....
William is a trusted and well respected member here, FM is a troll that came and can't stand the fact that he is not as William is.

There's your conspiracy. You've gooten it from someone who's watched them come here and become what they are here.

Now, GET OVER IT and quit making yourself appear to be stupid as Hell to those of us who know better!!!

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
A-V, I got some news for you. You're relatively new here. You haven't known William since he's been here. I have. You don't know what those of us discuss out of the public. I do.
I'm telling you, if you had a freaking clue, one iota of the truth, you'd feel like one huge blithering moron right about now.

Knock it the fleck off! There is no darned conspiracy within the conspiracy site. William is no farkin' conspiracy! Nutbags come and nutters go, and some are like a bad case of constipation, it might take a little extra time. But there is no conspiracy.

You, on the other hand, are beginning to appear to be a disrupter. One who is trying to derail any possible look at the real direction.

I'm beginning to think you are one of them!

You are working for the NWO people!

Somebody needs to do something about you, call the feds, maybe!!!

Me, one of "Them"???

Oh yeah I am a NWO agent. That is it. You got me.

I am a globalist pig. Sue me.

Anyway, the point is I speak the truth and nothing but. I am only a menace because I ask questions about why??? About this and that. So I get punished for it and censored. Imagine that, here in America.

It is not like I am posting hate. All I am posting is awareness, and knowledge. Apparently those things are a threat to some people around here. What is the matter Thomas, did you lose your respect for awareness and knowledge???

Tell me, why is it that I am being a menace. How???

Cause of my words???

I would like to see how any of them are threatening or offensive. For I don't think that they are. I thought I explained my position clear. I speak what is known. All I say is what has been told, and seen by others. The truth is not my slave. The ignorant and weak minds are the only things being enslaved by fact. For fact can be truth and fact can be false. Which is where my point is.

Finding those truths is becoming a dangerous game here at ATS. Why is that Thomas???

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 03:47 AM
in 'bellas' thread..YOU are speaking in circles and not making a lick of sense to those 'unenlightened' ones such as myself-who see no conspiracy here, see no threat here, see no reason to get the pantys all in a wod over a 'FORUM'..

Now you seem to be the only one who IS infact speaking about some 'huge lie' on the board well..either you speak up and say what it is you 'think' you know..or drop it, because you are looking strange to me(sorry) I'm actually starting to worry about you AV~

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by magestica
in 'bellas' thread..YOU are speaking in circles and not making a lick of sense to those 'unenlightened' ones such as myself-who see no conspiracy here, see no threat here, see no reason to get the pantys all in a wod over a 'FORUM'..

Now you seem to be the only one who IS infact speaking about some 'huge lie' on the board well..either you speak up and say what it is you 'think' you know..or drop it, because you are looking strange to me(sorry) I'm actually starting to worry about you AV~

Many of you simply misunderstand me that is all. I preach. That is my way. The Preacher will always preach virtue, wisdom, knowledge, respect, and humanity. Since respect and humanity are included, I am forced to conform to the ideal of respect among men. I have nothing to hide and either should anyone else. All I am trying to tell people is to look further and keep looking, for knowledge is endless. Am I not talking about the Jes-sup clan, I am talking about Satan and his deceptive lies.

What lies??? The suppression of freedom and truth. The is no conspiracy aganist ATS, just aganist your minds. Satan is out to deceive you. Are you going to look his way???

You See???

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 04:09 AM
If william wont delete your answer...what in the world are you talking about?????????????????????????????Believer

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 04:14 AM
This world is being deceived. Not by America, not by Al-Quida, not by Enron. Not by the WTO, not by the NWO, not by the Bilderberg Group, not the Skull and Bones. Not the Templars not the Greys, not the Reptiles, not The Illuminati. but Satan

It is Satan who has us in this mind prison. This Planet is just another cell.

You See?

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 05:04 AM
The platonic cave states that all we see are but shadows of the truth, distortions of the true reality. It has nothing to do with ATS, or FM, or any so-called conspiracy here. There is no suppression of the turth. Period. Man, you been smolking the ganja a little to much lately. Once and a while is fine but if you over do it man, you'll think everyone is out to get you. Then your tongue will rot away, but that is beside the point.

Listen AV, you need to take a little break from Icke, and have some fun with life. There are no reptoids, there is no satanist conspiracy, there is no satan. Maybe there are some conspiracies to hide the truth but this isnt one of them. This is not the Matrix, you cannot dodge bullets, and William is not hiding anything.

FM is just a deluded little boy with a bad case of Megalomania. He thinks that he is better than the rest of us and when he is proved wrong he denies it and throws a hissy fit. He hated William because William was better than him, and would not let him get away with all that he wanted to. He couldnt believe that he could be banned and when William banned him he couldnt believe it and wanted to get back at him. William has shown utmost mercy in letting FM come back again and again, and the child just kept abusing his welcome. FM deserved everything he got, and there is no cover-up.


posted on May, 23 2003 @ 10:11 AM
You're correct, but there are satanist. But believe me, they're not about to take over the world, and there is much worst treath to humanity than thoses guys.

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by xaos
The platonic cave states that all we see are but shadows of the truth, distortions of the true reality. It has nothing to do with ATS, or FM, or any so-called conspiracy here. There is no suppression of the turth. Period. Man, you been smolking the ganja a little to much lately. Once and a while is fine but if you over do it man, you'll think everyone is out to get you. Then your tongue will rot away, but that is beside the point.

Listen AV, you need to take a little break from Icke, and have some fun with life. There are no reptoids, there is no satanist conspiracy, there is no satan. Maybe there are some conspiracies to hide the truth but this isnt one of them. This is not the Matrix, you cannot dodge bullets, and William is not hiding anything.

FM is just a deluded little boy with a bad case of Megalomania. He thinks that he is better than the rest of us and when he is proved wrong he denies it and throws a hissy fit. He hated William because William was better than him, and would not let him get away with all that he wanted to. He couldnt believe that he could be banned and when William banned him he couldnt believe it and wanted to get back at him. William has shown utmost mercy in letting FM come back again and again, and the child just kept abusing his welcome. FM deserved everything he got, and there is no cover-up.


You are right. There is no Platonic Cave, not at ATS. The Cave is the ignorance. The cave is the hate and pride. The cave is the world of denial. The cave is the belief that there is no evil and that there is no Satan. That is what "They" want you to believe, so that once you 'find' God, you can be deceived.

You See???

posted on May, 23 2003 @ 04:22 PM
AV, I don't understand why William deleted your post but maybe you should move on.

William doesn't seem like a bad guy and theirs a reason why hes earned the respect of the ATS members here. I really doubt that William is a conspirator.

AV just ask William to email you the post he erased to prove that their is nothing to hide. Its probably because FM wrote on it or something.

[Edited on 5/23/2003 by FoxStriker]

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