Antidepressant medication. Just a guess but most of the shooters are on them. Might be a connection.
How about....
The idea that this person was obviously depressed in the first place.
How about....
The idea that there is still an amazingly strong and odious social stigma associated with having "mental health problems" and perhaps he or his
parents didn't go to full lengths to get this person the help they needed?
How about....
There were adults in this persons life who knew something was wrong, and in the years that he planned this act, never stood up for him to get him the
help he needed?
How about....
The idea that we live in a world where things can get SO bad that this is how a young person decides to end it all?
And in my mind, the very thought that someone who self-immolated was "saved"....is sadistic as all hell. The pain from living with the scar tissue
after such burns is hellish from what I've read and been told. IMHO, if you see someone has set themselves on fire, let them die. Saving them
isn't going to help things.
Now, as for anti-depressants, I do think there can be a problem with them. They are often prescribed by your regular Doctor, and not a Psychiatrist.
When the regular Doctor hears that you are not responding as they'd hoped to the given dosage, they simply increase the dosage. SSRI's, such as
Paxil, when given in an outrageous dosage, can cause a "dissociative state", make you feel as if the world you are in is not real, and reportedly
make life feel like a video game, among other things.
Now, for public disclosure, I am on an SNRI, which is a more advanced offshoot of an SSRI, and I can honestly say that on the standard dosage, I feel
a benefit from this medication in my life.
However, over-dosage, can lead to problems.
If you truly want to start connecting dots..I think you need to look beyond the obvious one of anti-depressant usage, and instead, look at the
involvement of gov't agencies with psychiatric programs, or of individuals that are being manipulated while on such medications due to disorders,
certain gov't groups being aware of this, and involvement in efforts led by DARPA.
The Aurora County shooter in Colorado from the movie theater shooting. He was on a rather high dosage of Paxil. He was under Psychiatric care. His
father had CIA connections, and he himself was participating in a DARPA funded project at UDC while studying He suddenly stopped taking his meds.
This is NOT a good idea. It has known side effects. His psychiatrist knew that he was absent from several planned therapy sessions, and alerted
I think there was something more concerning afoot here than just the use of an SSRI.