posted on May, 26 2003 @ 04:59 PM
Well, I currently live in Suffolk, and have lived in the area for most of my life. Can't say I�ve ever felt that much of an uncanny atmosphere
walking around here over the years, well, no worse than anywhere else really. (Often feels more eerie in Essex! hehehe) I quite often have to drive
though Borley, a supposedly haunted place � never noticed a thing.
Though I�ve never personally encountered anything strange, a house which my family rented for a few months was definitely eerie. Nothing ever happened
to me there, it just never felt right! It�s the only house I�ve ever lived in where I was afraid to be left alone � not something I�m usually bothered
with. It wasn�t even that old, probably early Victorian.
The house I currently live in is often remarked by guests to look spooky (it's quite an old house which has warped slightly over the years!) yet I,
or anyone else I know have felt anything weird here...