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Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:15 PM
Try following the news in eastern Europe. They started to question how duel-citizens to Israel can get elected and carry out policies detrimental to their country. How they can sell parts of one country's land to Israeli interests for pittances, or how they can be free to travel to Israel en mass when terror or economic troubles are high and carry out secret meetings. When these people ask them what they are up to the jews cry and scream about the holocaust, demand funding for yet some more memorials, then proceed to pass more laws that make questioning their motives illegal. They also make visiting to museums mandatory for all children as they are easiest to brainwash.

They use the holocaust and the guilt it institutes to carry out these agendas. If the holocaust is soo damn important to them maybe they should start building memorials around the world in honor of the allies that died just so they can have

And what did they do for this year's remembrance? Abe Foxman of the ADL demanded even more laws be passed to criminalize questioning jews and the holocaust. He said his polls show anti-semitism is rising and they need to be able to censor the internet.

Look, I'm not saying we shouldn't learn from history so as we don't repeat it. I'm saying having one point in history crammed down your throat repeatedly and used as leverage to achieve your goals is wrong. And then passing laws to criminalize the act of questioning any of it doesn't make it look more kosher to everyone else.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:55 PM
Considering I was not alive at the time, I am not too sure what it is exactly I am required to remember.

Is it:

1. The unnecessary murder of a large number of people by a political ideology gone mad?


2. Operation Paperclip?

The Nazis best and brightest brains when it came to murder-death-kill seemed to have been given a new life in the good ol US of A in exchange for their wonderful ideas.

RIP to the innocents......

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:06 PM


The Nazis best and brightest brains when it came to murder-death-kill seemed to have been given a new life in the good ol US of A in exchange for their wonderful ideas.

RIP to the innocents......


Anyone that thinks the Nazi death cult is a thing of the past is a fool!!

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by olaru12

Its a sad fact that Nazism is becoming more prevalent and once again rears its ugly head. Neo-Nazism seems to gaining quite the following in Russia these days of all places and other ex eastern bloc nations. Even in Greece the cradle of democracy Nazism seem to be gaining a foothold

I think Sublimecraft hit the nail on the head regarding Operation Paperclip, seems to me that the price America paid for winning the space race/cold war was to be infiltrated by the very people they thought they were fighting against. They should have called it Operation Trojan Horse!

Just goes to show that history repeats itself or we stupidly allow "Them" to repeat it! Neo-Nazism Operation Paperclip
edit on 27-1-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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