reply to post by Rolci
In part 2 he talks about the evidence for mind over matter, and the "The secret", which leads you to believe you can imagine a gold mercedes and
"poof", it will appear.
He said the research suggests something does happen but you might get something like a virtual gold particle for a fraction of a second to appear.
This of course is not a reference to an actual experiment (he has already described the actual experimental results in some detail by that point),
rather it's a half-joking characterization that the size of the effects observed in experiment are very small, and indeed the experimental results do
show very small effects as he suggests. He mentions college sophomores with no special abilities are used as test subjects,who get an average of 32%
right on 4 answer multiple choice stuff which should yield 25% by random chance, but he admits 32% isn't that high though he thinks it's
statistically significant.
Then he says people who do claim to have special abilities score much higher, like 50-60%, but he doesn't show any experimental results to support
that claim, which frankly would be a lot more convincing than 32%.
I'd like to believe that something solid will come out of psi research someday, but these small effects are just so close to random chance that I
found myself disappointed he didn't support the 50-60% claim with actual data like he did the other 32% claims.
He also emphasized the mainstream doesn't seem convinced, but if he could support the 50-60% claim it would be a lot more convincing, because that's
a lot harder to confuse with 25% random chance than 32% is.
Perhaps the most disappointing thing to me is that they chose to present an an Electric Universe conference, when absolutely nothing in his
presentation has anything to do with electric universe. You can't prove a theory true but you can prove a lot of electric universe ideas are wrong,
like the idea that the sun is powered by electricity rather than nuclear fusion.
So if I was doing serious psi research like Radin is, the last thing I would want to contaminate my serious research with would be association with
ideas that have been scientifically proven wrong like an electric powered sun. But I suppose maybe he doesn't have a lot of legitimate venues to give
his talks in due to mainstream opposition, which is unfortunate.